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Liv May 2020
Today I feel light
Today I feel paper thin
Very much like a skeleton
Very slowly
I’m disappearing,
My mind and
My body
All that’s left
Is a skeleton
Liv May 2019
I thought I knew what happiness was
But that was until I met you
I can finally see that the grass is greener
The sky is blue, all these flowers
They bloom just for you
You made my heart sore
My feelings rocket
You keep showing me more things
Pulling them right out of your pocket
You made me see, I have a purpose.
I’m finally happy
But that’s only because of you
I’m happy with you, please don’t leave:/
Liv May 2019
For you, life isn’t the easiest
It’s sure not a breeze
But that’s the thing about life
It’s always gonna be hard
You just have to believe
Believe in yourself
You have no limits
You have no boundaries
We have to be, what our parents couldn’t teach us.
I’m always going to have your back
Through anything
And everything
You might not have a lot
But you sure do have me
I love you ty, keep your head up babygirl
Liv Mar 2019
I want it all
I want every inch
I want every piece
Your body is all I need;
Give it to me, fast or slow
I’m following your pace
Only you...
Can take me to that place;
Where I finally feel at peace
I want all of you...
You make me feel like the only girl in the world
Liv Mar 2019
The day I met you; is a day I will never forget
The day I loved you; is a day I will never regret
The day I need you; is a day you’ll be around
I will always long for the sound of those three words coming out of your mouth
You make my mind spin like a game of rummy I cannot win
You’re my stength, and my sorrow
You’re the only reason I want to wake up tomorrow...
I love you so much, you mean the world to me. Please never leave
Liv Mar 2019
You gave her life
You brought her to this world
Then you told her you loved her
You held her, you cried with her
You helped her, you wanted her...
But then you left her...
And not just her, but everyone else to
We all needed you
Heaven couldn’t wait for you
So until we meet again, you are the one that got away
Rest In Peace my guardian angel. I love you forever
Liv Nov 2018
I dropped my heart on the floor
A girl picked it up and placed it into my hand;
She took me on adventures
She gave me advice
She listened to my problems
She helped with life.
I couldn’t thank her more each and every day
In every single way...
I want to say thankyou!
You were there when I need you, and you haven’t let me down.
I promise to always be by your side no matter what!
You’re my bestfriend
I wouldn’t trade you for the world. You’re all I need and want. Thankyou for always choosing me first. I love you
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