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H McDonald May 2020
This poem does not exist.
At least, I didn't write it.
It's crouching in the closet,
frozen, humble, quiet.

Is there more you ask?
I honestly don't know.
Finishing the poem
would be mostly just for show.

To show I finished something,
that I made a work of art.
But I didn't write the poem.
It's still crouching in the dark.
H McDonald May 2020
There is so much that is not true.
Am I to be the judge?
I can barely lift my foot
From truth’s black slippery sludge.  

To take the risk of being wrong
Is something only done
For sake of single, Golden Truth,
a jewel so many shun.

But risk I will, and gladly so
And never hide behind
A claim to subjectivity
Insisting truth is MINE.  

“My truth,” you say. If truth may be,
Admitting no hypocrisy.
“My truth,” a murderous appetite
consuming both wrong and right,
til white is black, and dark is light.
H McDonald May 2020
The louder you yell, the less the truth
contained in words you speak.
Your furious face, all goad and base,
heaving up lies at your frenzied pace  
for people brave and free.  

Your bleeding tongue, grotesque, inane.
And somewhere in the drops,
tiny specks of shredded fact,
eaten, digested, circulated, spat
back at the black-toothed, awed, and cracked.

Groutless walls you build so high
with grimy bricks of fear.
But bricks or not, rash walls will rot, for  
Truth is simmered, sturdy, stout
It’s not the brick, it is the grout.
The sticking place of Truth survives
the bloodiest tongue screaming “hoax and lies”.
H McDonald May 2020
There is a cave inside my eye.
Hollow, damp, moss-grown.
Secrets echo in its depths
Against wet walls of stone.

Where ancient waves have smoothed the rock
And in the darkest deep
Sits a sage, a toothless crone
With cloistered tongue she yowls and moans
And through her immortal groans
I sometimes hear her speak.

There is a cave, that much is true
But the more I think it through,
I realize that my eye can’t see
Inside this cave inside of me.  
And though I strain with heart and mind
This cave will always leave me blind.
H McDonald May 2020
There is a cave inside my eye.  
Hollow, damp, moss-grown.
Secrets echo there against ancient
rock smoothed by centuries of waves.
And in the darkest deepness, a sage,
toothless crone, sits cloistered.

Why is it my eye cannot see
inside this cave inside of me?
H McDonald May 2020
If the dead should wake and breathe,
And scratch their way from underneath,
With bodies conscious, faces, lips
Unchanged still since death’s eclipse.  

Would the fear not quickly melt?
To see all those for whom we felt,
Such longing.  Perhaps in our grief  
the lifeless might give some relief?

So, one night, to curb grief’s fall,      
My Mother from the grave I’ll call.
Her dead smile faint, her dead skin pall
Her breath stench still of alcohol.

Would I let her in? Would it be her at all?
H McDonald May 2020
My bones know things my mind does not.
What secrets can they tell?
They know of birth, of growth, of death
Of cartilage and cell.

They know no end, no waste, no rot
My bones forever be
Fused and mingled with earth,
In immortality.  

Years from now, when others ask
And dig and ponder on the past,
I’ll be there, still, my bones revive
My bones sustain, my bones, alive.
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