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L T Caulfield Jan 2021
Never tell me that Man is without righteousness! When a brother gives away his treasured toy to help heal his weakened sister.
When a daughter lends her hand to help her brother.
When a Mother gives her very life to feed her children.
Never tell me the hour of Men is gone.
I’ve seen it and I cry with it.
Who dares say it? Who dares say we have lost? The gone and apathetic do. Come now and be found.
Join me and we will never be lost even in death  we will not taste of it.
evil will for it is their only food.
L T Caulfield Jan 2021
Oh my lovely Women, who are far to accommodating to me.
Without you we Men would be little.
Your eyes see the far, the little and all between.
We are blessed to have you.
I can’t wait for the day to rest peacefully with you.
Take my hand and sit with me it is all I’ll ever ask. I Love you
L T Caulfield Sep 2019
When did we forget how to be ourselves?
Maybe when we learnt of shoulds;
Or when their eyes became dull,
And tiredly mocked us
Because they were fearful of sticking
out themselves.
Creating a vicious circle
Of downcast eyes.
I like sore thumbs better than
Cowards who’ve lost their individuality.
I’ve lost some too thats why I stutter and reread
Instead of flowing.
I miss dancing by myself in crowds.
L T Caulfield Apr 2018
The taste of a berry
The chill of the night
Upon brooklyn's ferry,
Our faces shown with light.

Can you play the part?
Tasting, in life, a sweetness
Without focus on the ****.
Of your mind the world is a likeness.

In shy silence I sit
Without distraction, nor fit.
In silence with a white candle lit.
Calmness seems to enhance wit.

Symmetric lights in my head.
An abstract reaction
To the enormity of life
Which we see just a portion.

Don't contort out of fear.
Stretch yourself beloved dear.
Soon we'll reach out
Beyond what we know.
Beyond all boundaries
Of friend and of foe
Of bodies and space
Soon we'll speak truely
Without pretension
Falsities, and convention.
Soon we'll listen so well
We won't need to speak at all.
Don't worry
L T Caulfield Apr 2018
It rises up slowly
from the water breathing air
pristinely white
L T Caulfield Apr 2018
I've seen a cow
used against his will,

and plants packaged
as we willed.

Have we gone beyond
what we are

not what we've assumed
ourselves to be?

I've aged
and slumbered,
but now I am awake.

Looking to hard I've stumbled
only to re-stand again.
Reflecting upon the lake
I'm humbled.
Dont take these words for granted.
Although forgotten, not unknown.
An old knowledge
is held within and without me.
Unbeknownst and profound
it's where I found myself.
L T Caulfield Apr 2018
The hours, of the day, proceed so fast when you stay up the night before. As the light comes, it brings a calm insightfulness much different then when you first awaken from sleep. A pensive recognition that comes as if the previous day were a lifetime, and soon it is noon again. Time was forgotten untill I looked upon that wretched regimental clock, and while it keeps things in order I wish to be free from it. What if all our minds weren't so convinced of time as we know it? Like a trap it keeps me stuck. All around the house I see those numbers and they hold me down. How much more lovely would existance be without contrived and man made things? I want to be fresh like when God first made Adam. Maybe even before that when there was no day or night.
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