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 Dec 2015 Pikachu
I don't know what's real, life is so complicated.
One minute I'm happy, the next I'm sad.
Life seems so dark and we hide in the shadows of our past.
I wonder now if light even exist, as we slowly become a twist.
 Dec 2015 Pikachu
Christmas, a time for giving and a time for getting.
Christmas, where everyone gets together.
Christmas, where love gets spread.
Christmas, when Christ was born.
Merry Christmas to you all.
 Nov 2015 Pikachu
 Nov 2015 Pikachu
I'm fine
I'm doing ok
I'm not good but I'm doing better
The pain ceases
But it's still there
It slowly fades
Love is no more
But I'm still fighting
Life is to far away
But I try and hold on
I'm not gone
I'm still here
It's still hard
But I'll be fine
 Nov 2015 Pikachu
Watching the rain pour down my face
Watching the wind blow away the pain
Watching the sun shine right through me
Watching what's left of me get back up
Slowly but hurtfully I arise
Standing tall and grab my prize
Happiness fulls me and I'm up again
The sadness is gone
Forever alive
 Nov 2015 Pikachu
How do we shine without a light?
How do we smile without a reason?
How do we laugh without a joke?
How do we cry without the tears?
How do we talk without a mouth?
How do we see without our eyes?
I want to find my light
I want to find a reason
I want to find a joke
I want to cry until I'm happy
I want to speak my mind
I want to see what all the possibilities are for me to come
 Nov 2015 Pikachu
Tahirih Manoo
Mistrusful people
Who would regularly doubt your loyalty
End up alone,
Don't they?

Those who want only their way
And cannot give room for yours
End up alone,
Don't they?

Persons who push others away
Even though they want their love
End up alone,
Don't they?

What of those who may mistrust every now and again,
Who more than usually prefer their way
Who loves you dearly
But yet sometimes pushes you away
They don't end up alone,
Do they?
5:16 pm. Friday, 20th, November, 2015.
 Nov 2015 Pikachu
Isaac Peña
This one goes to the real poets.
To those who decide to carry the world on their own.
To those who carry hell in their head and a graveyard of lost love stories in their heart
To the brave ones who fight darkness with darkness.
Tho those who the only answer they seek from a god is if there's eternal life for their loved ones, because they know there's no space for them in that paradise.
To those who know that suffering is the most humane feeling there is.
To those who loved and hated the wrong person.
This goes to Lorca isolated, hiding in a closet in New York.
To Unamuno craving to believe in something impossible.
To Quiroga drinking the poison of his sorrow at a hospital.
To Becquer and Espino for dying so young.
To Neruda for cheating on himself so many times.
To Machados' lost spirit.
To Marquez and his melancholic ******.
To Poe's tormented soul and his raven.
To Shakespeare and his Juliet.
To Dante and his story of woe.
This goes for the only beings who can live with a hell inside of them, and still manage to write heavenly things for those in need to read.
This one's for us.
 Nov 2015 Pikachu
Dead lover
Being a girl,
Doesn't mean a three way hole,
Being a girl,
Means to be admired and respected as a whole..

Being a girl,
Doesn't mean that getting married is your goal,
Being a girl,
Means to be whatever your heart says to your soul..

Being a girl
Doesn't mean that (just) as a mother, wife or girlfriend is your role..
Being a girl,
Means that you need to prove yourself as a diamond in the mine of coal..

Being a girl,
Doesn't mean that entire your life you need to stay a tadpole..
Being a girl,
Means that you need to develop into a frog before getting ole..

Being a girl,
Doesn't mean that you are the negative of the dipole,
Being a girl,
Means that - you need to take your life's control..

Being a girl,
Doesn't mean to accept your worth to be ***** and *****,
Being a girl,
Means to accept your beauty, not just the duty,

Being a girl,
Doesn't mean that you can be a heroine just in the movie..
Being a girl,
Means that you can be a superhero in real life - you can be a ruby!
Learn to accept your beauty girls..

Being a girl Doesn't mean to be oppressed by the so called " society's rulers "
 Nov 2015 Pikachu
Tahirih Manoo
is reason alone to live

On a hot day.

I eat you. 11:56 pm

obviously delicious ice-cream, not ****** sandy , lame ice cream.

happy ice-cream day .
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