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Axle Avatari May 2016
Some people
They come into our lives
Just as we
Need them the most
Someone to lift us up
Carry our hearts
They whisper
Sweet nothings
But either
They think they meant it
Or we believed their lies
And both
Who knows?
But still
For those
Moments in time
We are
Given wings
To soar above
The graveyard of lost loves

We give them the power
To make us happy
We need to be happy
Without them
Be that
As it may
We pour our hearts
Into them
Some of them
Mean it
Some of them
Are too broken
To know they cannot
And some are
Just leading us on
To the graveyard of lost loves

Every tombstone
Every pillar
Every mausoleum
A monument
A marker
A testament
To a broken heart
Broken trust
Broken bonds
Lost dreams
Lost hopes
Lost passions
This place where
If you listen
You can hear the wails
Of those who have died here
Carried by the wind
Of indifference
The ground is littered with their tears
Here, in the
Graveyard of lost loves
Axle Avatari May 2016

Oh baby,
Look what I've got,
Cold steel blue eyes.
They're burnin' hot,
Cold steel blue eyes.
Like fire an' ice.
But it's not too nice,
To have,
Cold steel blue eyes.

Help me,
Take the knife,
Out of the stare,
Of these,
Cold steel blue eyes.
Give my life,
For which to care.
In these,
Cold steel blue eyes.

Can you,
Stop these,
Cold steel blue eyes,
From seeing only,
Oh baby,
Take these,
Cold steel blue eyes,

Can you,
Make these,
Cold steel blue eyes,
See without harm?
Oh baby,
Can you,
Give these,
Cold steel blue eyes,
The calm,
In the eye,
Of the storm?

Can you,
Make these,
Cold steel blue eyes,
Warm again?
Oh baby,
Take the pain,
Out of these,
Cold steel blue eyes.

Help me,
See the light,
Through these,
Cold steel blue eyes.
Can you,
Make these,
Cold steel blue eyes,

Oh baby,
Look what I've got.
Cold steel blue eyes.
They're burnin' hot,
Cold steel blue eyes.
Like fire an' ice.

But it's not too nice,
To have,
Cold steel blue eyes,
No surprise,
To me.
I have,
Cold steel blue eyes,
You see.
Axle Avatari May 2016
Where would we be
Without our art?
Dying silently
Axle Avatari May 2016
My heart was
Addicted to you
You were my
Drug of choice
But my head told me
You were
An illusion
Not a real thing
I absently minded
Rub the scars
You left
On my heart
Feeling again
How much they hurt
How they got there
How you carved your words
The bark of my heart
Into the living part of me
I have to believe
You were
A phantom lover
To believe you were
Would hurt
So much more
My heart is addicted to you
I have to quit you
Wondering if
I ever will
Need a 12 step program
For lost loves
Admitting I have
No control over
Loving you
I can never have you again
It was too good
Not to hurt
Axle Avatari May 2016
Vultures of love
You soar high above
Looking for hearts
Wandering the desert
Where the only precipitation
Is a trail of tears
Left behind
You swoop in
Smelling the desperation
You give them hope
A mirage of love
Something in the distance
They can almost touch
They think they smell water
But it is only
The sweet carrion stench
That comes from your mouth
You feed them words
That mean nothing
Your promises
Are the early morning mist
That is burned away
By the light of a searing sun
The hope you give
Is a rock you chain them to
You are less than human
Less than vultures
Vultures only feed on things
Already dead
You resurrect your prey
To **** it again
You are like vampires
Who **** the life out
And create undead
Zombies of love
Your hearts are a black
As your desires
I feel sad
You are ******
Never to feel
True love
Axle Avatari May 2016
I want to be the first on your list
A day never missed
Morning noon and night
LED blinking light
Puts a smile upon my face
My heart starts begins to race
A simple text from you to me
Is all I need to see
It really is simple.
Why is it so hard? *Love*
Axle Avatari May 2016
I’m a mostly sunny guy
With some cloudy sky
Without the slightest hesitation
There’s a chance of precipitation
Walking between the raindrops

In the deepest part of the ocean
I bury my emotion
At the surface of my sea
Is the calmest flattest part of me
Walking between the raindrops

It’s a delicate dance to make
All my heart I have to break
And maybe it’s a mistake
All the tears I forsake
Walking between the raindrops
Titles that are not all in caps means the poem is not complete.
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