Enter IT, enthusiastic. Faces audience and looks at audience happily, and then speaks directly to audience.
IT: OK. You want to play?
OK - I’m IT.
I’ll be blind a while
and I'll count
and you go hide. OK?
IT closes eyes and places hands over eyes and counts.
IT: One..two...
Go hide!
I’m IT!
Oh, this is fun...
Aaandddd - Ten!
I’m IT and I’m coming!
IT takes hands off eyes, opens eyes and looks about. IT looks with enthusiasm.
IT: Oh...where are you?
I’m IT and I search
and I find you nowhere...
OK...I’ll search again...
I search over hills and in parks
I look behind bush and below benches
but you are nowhere to be found.
OK...I’ll search again...
IT looks about on stage, pretending to climb over a hill, or a tree, and so forth...looking...searching...
Enter THAT.
THAT observes IT searching, for some time - and then speaks.
THAT: What are you doing?
IT: Who, me?
THAT: Yes, you.
There’s no one else here.
So what are you doing?
IT *(coming close to THAT): I’m searching. I’m IT
and I’m at play, you see.
You know - hide and seek.
I’m looking.
THAT: I see. And your name?
IT: They call me Life.
IT: And your name?
THAT: They call me Death.
Life: I suppose we should embrace.
Death: Yes, we should. Come closer.
(Life moves forward, closer to Death, and they embrace.)
Death: That is nice and warm.
Life: That is ****** cold!
Death: Hug me hard
Till we are one.
Life: Like dissolving into each other?
Death: Yes - like two become one.
That sort of imagery, that manner of speech.
Those delightful cliches.
Life: Should we turn off the lights then?
Death: Yes, we should.
It’s no longer child’s play, is it?
Life: No. It’s no longer child’s play;
There’s another 4-letter word for play
One could use - but play will do.
Death: Yes. So let’s turn off the lights.
(Lights fade.)
Life: Maybe we should draw the curtains as well?
Death: Yes, we should. (Shouts) CURTAINS!
*(End. Stage is in complete darkness. Curtain.)
...an experiment in verse...a verse play...a bit of the Theater of the Absurd...some echoes of Samuel Beckett...a little of Dali in words...