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Being in a crowded place,
makes me feel numb.
Because dispite being surrounded
by smiling faces,
happy people
and positive thoughts...
i am so alone.
i'd prefer to be in bed
Forgetting the world.
Because being surrounded by people
who seem to be so fine..
makes me fall apart.
Because truth is,
im not okay.
Im dying inside.
My mind is dead from suicide.
And i swear nothing kills you like your mind.
And time by time the sadness never fades away.
And the sun?we aren't friends.
He never wants to play.
But the moon,oh the moon.
We're best friends!
Never apart.
When I'm sad, he's there.
When I'm happy, he shows me reality.
And I'm sad again.
And somedays I'm okay with that,
Other days I just don't want to be here.
Sometimes i feel like im worlds away from everyone,like i simply just disappeared.
And no one notices,
They never do.
You made flowers
       grow in my lungs.

And although they

      are beautiful

I can't ******* breathe.

— The End —