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THE SHEEP                                    baa baa!                          
                baa baa!
baa baa                                                       THE SHEEP
THE SHEEP                          baa baa !
baa baa !                       THE SHEEP
                           THE SHEEP                            

baa baa !

 Jan 2013 Zachary Devitt
Pen Lux
I need to be alone
so that I can feel this.
I have an ache to ache,
Do you get it?
Can you feel the pain that's building through my lack of feeling?
It's waiting to engulf me and it's tainting my judgement of time,
entertainment and beauty.

The independence I long for stretches me thin.
My lust for love has now been shown in the light
and I feel that I've realized I wanted nothing more
than to feel wanted, needed, and cared for.
That maybe love isn't what I was missing.

I know that I don't know
and that I'm learning more every day.
I just hope that these feelings of disgust dissipate
and through that which I overcome helps me to create.
it's quiet, but there's still a sound I can't hear
I've been listening for days
but it doesn't seem to come in clear

like the dust that dodges my hand in the air
I can't quite grasp it, but i know it's there

is this the sound of indifference--
will I ever know?
or is this dust from the days
I refuse to let go?

it's quiet, but I'm tuning up my ear
this silence unearths these dusty tears
I can't crack through it, or even let it be
I let the silence dismantle me
Proust turned to Hemingway as her feet dangled off the ledge, playing hide and seek with the setting sun

What shall we do tonight?
Wander the streets as vagabonds,
Cursing the bottle as it makes love to the tongue?

                        Or shall we be a reckless symphony?
                        Truest tones found only in short breaths,
                        Tainted with sinless pleasure?

One in the same as smoke curls the lip.
                        Shall we always be friends as this?

While you smell of ***, yes,
Or until I finish this paragraph.
Would you like me to read it to you?

                            Must you always speak in riddles?

If only to keep the thieves at bay,
For doctors know nothing of riddles.
                        You are no doctor, my friend,
                        For though I worship no idol,
                        Religion binds me to you.

As I am your god, you are my teacher,
For no one understands me quite like you.

                    Is that not what the alligator said to the turtle?

I think you’ve read the wrong version, my dear.
The alligator safely takes the turtle to shore,
And they grow old together in the humid afternoon sun.

        Your mind is filled with the optimism your privileges have allowed;
        Whereas the turtle never stood a chance.

Your doubt is lost on me,
But just as Proust has made me ironic,
Words will bring me back to you.

                            Shall I follow you, then, if you stray?

And ruin the cat’s game before its begun?
                        I heard the mouse goes blind in the end.

Then lets never find the hole in the decaying wall,
Until youth betrays our mind and perjury is revealed.

                        Is it truly perjury if we always knew it,
                           Both halves of the mind working tirelessly to keep it?
                        To reserve each word for tomorrow,
                        If only to keep eternity from death?

Must you always speak in riddles?

And he turned back to his book, as her thoughts lit the streetlights one by one.
There were days
I fell into a whirlwind
where sunlight glittered
then escaped.
I was proud  
to count each move made
as a gift.
Sometimes, underneath my eyes
I could see a kiss
deep inside an ocean
of a thousand stars
looking up
at my lips.

Often, I wished
to be still
inside my soul
find a shelter
where I could dance
just one more time,
to verses I wrote
just for you.
perhaps then,
I could fade hypnotically
into your thoughts,
find the sweetest truth.

For endless days now,
I have stared at empty paper
trying to remember
your voice
and capture how much I love you
inside a metaphor.
I found I only fell back
into a whirlwind
where sunlight glittered
then escaped
my heart
only loved you more.

Last night, underneath my eyes
I once again
saw a kiss
deep inside an ocean
of a thousand stars
filled with your face
and my own.
There, I danced
inside the stillness of my soul
within the shelter
of your arms,
found in your eyes,
my home.
Copyright ©2012 Neva Flores - Changefulstorm
A poem falls short; I'd like, instead
to draw a single line from me to you
and watch it curl into a word
so beautiful it's still unsaid –
or press paper to the window pane
so that the day might saturate
a note that brightly warms your hands,
spills birdsong from imagined trees
and buzzes like fat bumblebees,
but I am bound by language, love; I can't.
If I had an inch I'd give you a mile
If you were a frown I'd give you a thousand smiles
I'd give you the world if you asked
But all I want you to have is my heart

I'll write you a song if that's what you want
Then tear it all up if you don't
I'll show you my mind and give you my heart
Just promise you won't rip it apart

I want to know how you are
I want to know your heart and soul
Your voice is a work of art
I wish you could be mine to hold

I never could move on from your eyes
They'd haunt me wherever I go
Quitting isn't always so bad
When giving up on the impossible

Honestly I'd be crazy not to love you
Although the effect seems the same either way
I have dreams of spending forever with you
I wonder if you'd want to stay?
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