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 Nov 2013 Zach Gordon
What is beautiful?
The sound
The structure
The negative space in bouts of apathy
What is right?
What is meant?
We were learning the reward of struggle
Becoming alive in a dead summer
Jigsaw puzzles in an alcoholic slumber
A cramp in the middle of my palm
Rub me the right way to resolve the qualm
Im not so sure
Im not so pure
Where does ecstasy and reality meet?
We coalesced
I cried
"These hands were made for YOU!"
You held me tight
Is everything we spoke obsolete?
Too much rings true and it’s out of harmony
Am I in love or just being lazy?
I know what I really want
But is it right for me?
Who’s to say?
God, fill me in on this game.
 Nov 2013 Zach Gordon
Feelings stray in far off ways
Bursting through streams of rain
Talking about our fantasies of choruses and refrains
Sleep versus the sunrise in our eyes
Stop our tongues
Chins picked up by the hands of the wind
Winding down with turned up lips and our gazes of bliss
The pink of the tree blossoms saturated the night sky bright
Peach and ripe like our lives
Prime time
The leaves dancing piroughettes
And welcome once more divinitys sweet wavering hellos made by the winds adoring cries
wrote this on the fly round this time last year. still rings so true
 Oct 2013 Zach Gordon
Jake Spacey
im afraid to shave
im afraid to shower
im afraid to be clean
i guess im a coward
self worth/are you worthy of self
 Oct 2013 Zach Gordon
Jake Spacey
almost 21 and i don't have any fun
cause i don't have anyone
been this way since i was young
loneliness and *******' about it
 Oct 2013 Zach Gordon
Jake Spacey
he's terrified of her voice
that whips his eardrums like kashmir switches
and tickles his diaphragm until he convulses
in nervous laughter inside his head

the way it inquires broadly,
like an opera written in tornado sirens and megaphones
and the brightness of lighthouses,
for conversation he thought
had drowned long ago and only
reemerges as bubbles on the lake's surface

a boiling body popping deafeningly
with anxiety, and plumping
bravery pasta, which smells seductive,
which he loves...

he's just not hungry right now.
confidence and anxiety, her voice
to blow out the candle and mutter words of hope
used to beautiful ,signifying growth
but now all i want and all that i plead
Is that i wont remain
in time for another wish received.
 Sep 2013 Zach Gordon
I ask every man,
'Can you love me?'
They always say no
But then again,
I say it under my breath
And I only hear their answer
In the wind

How sad of me,
A tragic little girl
*Am I.
Amara Pendergraft 2013

I'm not here. But, where am I?
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