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Zac Walter Sep 2018
Laid on a starbound white vessel of profound sspirit.
Dont pay attention to the horrors in the shadow, they can eat you alive if you let them.
They aren't folk heroes, They're faux heroes

Alien tremors like indigo ephemerals
The vibrations are not elastic but
Real creatures in the night
The sun isn't shining light, its sharing a shadow
Believe what you want, spiritual by passing at best
The skull eclipses have gone and went
The moon lets the blood, the dark
Has sent its blessings
Time to move on, shedding skin
Like cocooned butterflys or snakes at age
A new age of reality has begun on the 4th page
4 dimensions
Burn some sage, prepare for the transcendence
Sep 2018 · 527
Zac Walter Sep 2018
A conduit for snake eyes languidly grazing minds in open space. I want to give you a Machiavellian makeover: fill your head with dreams of self success at the detriment of progress. The process to use each person in succession.

The regression to our inner lizard mind
Remind me how to be human again
Im slipping on the cloud of self love
Forgetting the love around me
Let me come back to ground, my mind sound
In tune around the static electricity
May 2018 · 306
Zac Walter May 2018
Chaos of oceanic thunder
Loud, sharp static
Crashing to pull me asunder
Thrashing under the maelstrom
I find comfort in the tides
And open my gills
I'll swim with your pull
And coast with your push
I will rise again.
May 2018 · 341
Zac Walter May 2018
Timid to rap
To lap up the offers at your lap
Sinning at the alter
Trapped in faults, saunter around
Drugs polevault me, lapse
Into an aloof stupid goof
Sad I cant act my mindtrack
With tact, the passion enacted
Then retracted
Feel the lacks in my step
Lackidascial trap
Unable to unwrap myself
From the anxiety
Depression saps the present
Destroys my effervescent
I don't know how to cope
But wrapping myself in comatoast
Copastetic roasts, 6 drug cocktail
More most of the time until time I
Can't tell. More than a month gone by
and here I am still moving like a snail
in the emotional realm
You're a wildfire burning with salt
On a flattop grill, feel like a slab of
meat, butchered and killed
Want you to wrap your fingers around my neck until I can't feel my breath
Scratches on me but I can't feel
Drugs got me numb
Thinking they will heal
May 2018 · 283
Zac Walter May 2018
My biggest mistake
To stop writing while presenting
To draw not representing
Repressing music inundated
With the light softened by glow
Not here too often
Too often in another worldly flow
Too depressing
Not fully accepting
Hate in myself defining
Nothing I have is mine n
Nothing I have is mine
Dissection of thoughtlines
possession of self dying
I need my ego
And if I said I didn't I was lying
Ressurection of self riding
On two sphinx wings flying
Read these words whilst dying
Jan 2018 · 483
Dark Acid Sex
Zac Walter Jan 2018
Cloaked in black velvet and silver adorned skull peices. A halo of anxiety sits over my head. The intrusive pornographic thoughts rumble like holograms in front of my minds eye. Iris's and lillys. Dandelions and sunflowers. I want to stick my fingers in all the flowers and taste their pollen on my lips. Fantasia salivation elicted with cowbell bass drops. *** sells in seconds, lust in hours, love in years

Feeling  like a ****** journalist. Her, another with straight bangs. A septum and ****** peircing peirce me straight through the heart. Its vanity but its a start.
Let me wrap you in eagle feathers and wolf fur. Let me exercise your cowskull traumas, raging buffalo hormones into rebirth
Huff and blow moaned words into ear canals as I enter your eternal.
Infernal like the lusts of hell
Ethanol and bossom busts sell in seconds, Lost in hours with love to fear.
Gold halo of Anxiety paired with a silver skull clad in black velvet
Thrusts of the pelvic
Release whats held in
Redesigned pulpit seldom held words in
Align with me the divinity felt in
*** (in)finite feelings that last in transnce. Slowly peeling away strips of skin to permanance.
Feeling an earnest sense of wonderment. No time to wonder what it meant when impermance is permanent

Smoke cigarettes for the hurt when life has turned to **** but you heard it when i said i love you and you turned a bit. Looked in my eyes and i caught a glimpse of a future id like to witness. Didnt hear a word you said but i saw the world in your eyes instead. Tried to listen but my brain went dead
No words to say when you glow infared. Hotter than the spectrum
of sight. Glowing infared,
Youre hotter than spectrums of light so burn me like Arizona sunlight
Slap ***, hand shaped sunburn from a liquid honey night. *** on lap, lap up the *** like the last watersource, pour it on my face until gasps of air you hear. Taste your pollen near my lips nectarine fallen on your chest.

Feel the lasting affects
Of sexs' (in)finitely affixed fixation on transience. Glowing infared and ambient. Flowing energy in the pits of sacral chakras, returned to the crown and passed back down. Circulating intuitive lessons, divine bits of each other imbued in fission, fuse them into   living. Seperated by the gods as two seperate beings, unite mind, body, soul
Freeing all in estatic feeling.
Peeling all the tragic sealed in
Two seperate beings fleeing
Into impermanance
Towards a permanent form of seeing
666 eyes healing
Zac Walter Jan 2018
Love lined
In 4/4s and 3/5ths    
Off tone but sublimed
Hunch right to see ya'
Like the leaning tower of Pizza
inclined to take ya out for pizza
Looking like a mona lisa look a alike
But they got you mistook
You're your own woman
The best alive in my book
The best in my life understood me
Never took me for granted
Instead she planted a seed in me
Watch me grow, grant wishes infinitely
Sowed love but never sold love, give that away for free  
Grow above the traumas facing me
We can grow above the traumas
Plain to see we can grow above
Whats pained us to be human
Its not all slayer and doom in
This world. Theres beauty in humanity. In you and me.
I can see the beauty in you
Hope youll be able to see whats plain
to see
The divine beauty within your deeds
Jan 2018 · 346
Lag Time
Zac Walter Jan 2018
Come.. come lag with me
stuck in the never
Between death n immortality
in the lag time
A split fractal reality
Abyssal bag and a sack of
Dug deep into timelines
Paths of probability
Dug deep into forever
Chance and synchronicities    
come lag ... come lag with me
Be stuck in never forever
Lag with me
**** with me, tantric compatability
*** ....... with me
Fantasia lips salivating            
Pupils dialating
Come.. come lag with me    
Our hearts palpatating    
2 sets of 3 eyes elevating                        
Come   .... *** in unison
Lay in this bed with me
Share in ****** medicine, watch the time passin
come  ... come forever with me
Lag time is everlasting
Jan 2018 · 297
Zac Walter Jan 2018
Anti meta
Comcrete set up  
Setters of faulty
Metaphors for people
Who lift up lofty heads
But live up to sheeple
Templetes originated
from deathly dates
With themselves
us who help also need help    
Dark and light felt
Then dealt like oh well
Welp in the wealth of emotion
a potion of feathery pelts donned
Like ethreal dust held on songs
time pawned from before time
When life was long,
horizons  dawn  held in cymatics
of gongs, elastic and long light
Semantics derived of mind
Conciousness aligned like nature upon paper
The concious cant arrive at a savior. Plight of those lost in the layered  reality catered to totality
the  fader is  banality
Launches fate in fame and fatality
Jan 2018 · 306
Blade of Insecurity
Zac Walter Jan 2018
Such an insecure person
Only find security in illusions.
Fiend for everyones acceptance
Solace of escapism, its necessity ...

Double edged knife that cuts me and those closest the deepest.
Jan 2018 · 323
Art (w)Raps
Zac Walter Jan 2018
Procession of Recession
Regression of Profession
Art Erudition, An Elicition
Of all projection upon electation
Ethereal nation, Art re-reprensatation
Cubism in formation
Van Gogh in  elation
Picasso in sensation
I go in formation
A lasso in preperation
For all thats been hold
In permanent erasion
An erosion of obession
Lesson in raising whats been
Held in decision
But whats next
is held in preperation
whats next is held in preperation
An alteration of sensation
Elastic time reprimatation.
Jan 2018 · 263
Newz (from the sol)
Zac Walter Jan 2018
Shady eyes, Shady times
Im not sure if im fine
Got lies and lines laid out
Like what the **** Ima rewind time
Pay dont rise, paying fines
School only taught me to align
its lies, so i did lines railed out
like ima rewind time; **** this clout
Eighty nights, bubbly fine
Killin lines, killin my
Empty nights, bubbly like
Killin ryhmes, killin myself
Became fine in this blue life i laid out
But what the **** im in a drought
In the muck, bout to sell out
my soul to the devil, but im not ready now, its a buyers market
And i need a lot for my soul to darkin
Trying to get in my pocket? ... ya just sharkin
Try to harkin back to the old days
Might be a farce when forest fires alarm us of incoming disaster
Were caught in its larson
Stealing from the earth like they bought it
Maybe were brought in by those who've fought sin
By the lawful, justice but rarely applauded
By those who other dimensions have allotted us
Maybe were caught in an ascension
Too much for some men to mention
In these shady times. shady nights
Wth lies n lines laid out to hold minds in detention.
What the ****, time to rewind time
Go back to the new dimension
Dec 2017 · 244
WorldNMe NMaybeYou
Zac Walter Dec 2017
Heat so hot moisture drops evaporate
into moss on my carpeted skin
Grass is growing upon my kin
Renovating the concrete sins
Of earth, of mind, of within

Philosohpy written
Experiences amalgated within
Brassy copper and metalish tin
Held inside organic fins and phalanges
Am i robot with my logical mind or am i freelancing rational thought
Am i in time or racing a clock?
Arrange me again
into Grass growing and trees budding
in unison

Resonate with these concrete sins of my mind, of earth.. of within

Let this heat so hot and cold so cold
melt the water in my soul
and rebuild it again in crystalline snowflakes drapped around my fragile skin.

Am i mossy snow? A sanguine man hinged upon the earth and humanities heavenly birth.
I hurt when I see hurt so
Try to exert a positive worth to all that is seen, felt and heard.

Listen like how the Earth permeates past its concrete sins
Im going to to try to levatate past whats holding minds within.
Dec 2017 · 362
Aquarian Spiders
Zac Walter Dec 2017
Youre a Laquacious gregarious
Persona with a heart of vulnerability
Loving is your best ability
Set up barriers in reality
Cause the spiders are aquarius
Rise with hearts ferrying us
Love made new, shadows fearing us
Shadows daring us to make mistakes
But truth cant repent, no evil is carrying us. This is love not lust.
Dec 2017 · 337
New (not finished)
Zac Walter Dec 2017
Is your 50s swing off, did you fall 70 years into the future. Are you a grandma or not. Will you bathe me with scrubs and brushes, will i belittle our nephews for having what i had not?

Are you wearing your mental illness like a fashionable cowl? Something to adorn your mind and protect your back from the owls, snakes and wolves on prowl. Oh Grandma, am i just red riding hood falling into your wolf trap?

Are you a fellow or a gal? Are you a pen pal that i can one day use as a pillow when im hollow? Sillohuete to
coddle Am I too deep to run through the gallows with? I swear im not a sith, im just a grey, with frayed ends singing deoendency oh codependeny laid like a necessity in front of me but will i grasp? or everlast within soulesence?
Nov 2017 · 252
Zac Walter Nov 2017
Wrapped in an enigma
Passing stigmas like rigors
Barriers to climb that i figured
Would be easier but they return

Actions that will trigger
Anxieties and fast thoughts
Time to learn how to burn
The past and start over anew
Cleanse the soul of bitters
And be true and honest
The paradigm shift of self is upon
All of us. Who will we be
Manifest and see the future
Traumas will bleed but sutures
Can mend upon our thoughts
Something the self has taught
Again and again, time to begin again.
The  good can win when we recognize the shadows. A path a few follow
Step with caution and be humble
Words of cause mumbled and jumbled
Follow the good and evil, fumble with the balance. Trust in your talents then fall and crumble. Flow like a bumblebee, Sting like a hornet.
Oct 2017 · 258
Drunk love
Zac Walter Oct 2017
Reprimanded cityscapes
Land fated in concrete slates
Date with disaster
A trait of nuerosis. Faster and complusive
Make moves on asphalt, elusive
Straight abusive of late
Centuries to make lenses of fate
Baited humanity
Takes debates of philosophies, psychologies to heart
Makes them fate
Mythologies and anthologies
Satiate the reasin we procreate
To recreate humanity in gods vision as we see today
Irregularities and tragic parodys parry us back to where we began. A ferry from the lqnd of eden. An apple eaten
Adam and Eve forbidden, corrosive and up for biddin'
poison inlayed in veins
You aint kiddin when you say youll eat my brain.
Sin and evil slain, i run back and forth in place between the yin and yang

You aint lyin when you say your insane. I love it baby
its just change not sense
In inflamed with your scent
Smell it everywhere i go
Youre millions to cents
Like a fairy lullaby or maybe Khoas
You shake, maybe we could lay in intamacy for infinity
A love song this became
Cadence inlayed in the movement of streets that seperate us. In sheets that penetrate us.
Imperative lust, imperfect trust
Who are you? a cusp between picses and aries? do you carry all that i felt and shared. Take care but hear in my lair, defeated lain upon slated heroes shared upon plated zeroes
Old ideas pirroueted like leos on a dance stage. Im a leo on this stage but you lay in my bed not sure if all i felt and shared is truly cared for.
Oct 2017 · 358
Gene Joseph
Zac Walter Oct 2017
Wrapped together
Pieces of me in enamel
Embalmed in enamour

Right and left brain sampled
Pieces of me scrambled
Personalities i see in myself
Pampoured and enamoured

Trust in whats felt.
But love is hampered
In personalities i see in myself
A tragic hell pondered
A beautiful future floundered

Hold true to a certain candor
What i show in public is
prospective grandeur
A slight slander
To those who think they know what i meant.
Its really just provocative pander.
Cause im really hellbent
On destroying your grammar of self

And mine. restore my health. this world is asinine. But at least i found her. But im sounder without her.
Jul 2017 · 201
Zac Walter Jul 2017
Slows like bubbles burst silently in air
Irisdescent floating densities
Quickness of a bubble wrap popping
Jul 2017 · 215
Zac Walter Jul 2017
Here's my passowrd;

Dialect of the language of love
Spiritually digital connection

Ignoring is games played
Or maybe they have food in their mouths
Or talking to their mother

Or they say were they aren't.

Pouring rain in a dry street
Cresote turning and airing
Color blooms but always dies and goes back to grey dustclouds fluming in the distance while the sun is blocked
by a glowing resisteance of dust and agricultural waste and rust
Jul 2017 · 229
Zac Walter Jul 2017
Lungs feel heavy when I dance
Sedate myself for the interview
A beer and a Xanax
Uncalm but patient is true
For I am contradictions
Yin and yang imbued
In body mind and soul actions
I can feel torn to a few
Small pieces, all colors
All a puzzle to glue
Back together
Oh mother , oh father
I am just both pieces of you
Jul 2017 · 357
Zac Walter Jul 2017
Inhale Exhale
I die along the way
Take a pill, it'll all be okay
Refill my cup
Reheal my heart
It used to be in pain
Only place is up... From here
I thought I was insane
But it's just a part of life
And the silly games she plays
Sometimes I lie awake
With drugs in my system
Thinking about the next day
I'm not sure if I even listen
Society seems to be missin
Something it needs to say
Trying to find the right words
I'll lie awake, searching for the meaning of this place. This earth
I inhabit, this place that gave birth to us
Still stuck in philosophical queries that must explain our values and trusts
Our virtues that must be hurried into action,
A time of peace,
token to those such
known to be a disciples or much more

Gods and Goddesses inhabit the world around us, that ground us to the core.
Concrete streets and light rails fill us with more than we ever needed
Just heavenly beats and hiking trails
But not everyone can understand what I'm seeing so what being is to being me is a different trip than our believing in God
Or another facade dedicated to something old.
I think humanity will fold unless we be who we are.
One life told over a Millenia
Once sold but now sowed into the Earth in rest or life
In death or revived

Its time for us to get along
Stop bombing each other
Talk it out and be one
Like we have always done
But on a world scale that
agrees and prevails to expand
Us into a world
in our world
We didn't realize we could cure and heal
Jul 2017 · 343
Curse of Coin
Zac Walter Jul 2017
Fuel my destuctive habits
Moneys advantage
Makes you feel like an addict
Jun 2017 · 370
Zac Walter Jun 2017
Sleep eludes
My cold resides
Addiction imbued
Chemicals inside

Casomorphines from cheese
Healing honey from bees
Etizolam from chemists
Coke from friend visits
Jun 2017 · 410
Zac Walter Jun 2017
Unforunate Friday glooms
My job fell through
And my homes a mess...

A person I love in tragedy
Its not mine but it's empathy

Feelin like today I'll fall asleep
When the sun comes up
Stay up all night drink with me
3 days later daylights up
Still with a half full cup
Don't if the sun fell South
Off the earth or we slept through

The coke. The life. The weekend.
Today on Sunday, it's ending
Or just beginning. Soak in time. Its so slowly leaking, so waste a few years you won't be missin. One by one we will be singing happiness.
Jun 2017 · 317
Zac Walter Jun 2017
Raptured like a cocoon
Exploding black butterfly ooze
Cluttered with skyboxes in the room
Feels like I'm on ice, about to crack through

My body lies dormant in anxious
Wait for a sudden burst of fate
Fears swallow, rob me of language
Ice water runs through my veins
With ethanol, caffiene, nicotine and morphine and sometimes something else to sedate
Nov 2016 · 338
Zac Walter Nov 2016
Im sick and healing
negative energy receding
the past feeling in me
has reappeared.

---------------------------------------------------------------­-------------------------- Clean slate, anxious of fate, relishing inner turmoil and debate.
Yet to myself loyal.

Negative energy projected on me. Imprinted to be part of my psyche. The energy is faulty, can not control my souls heartbeat. Time moved hindered in fear of defeat, now It moves with a swift recede and back again like the ocean beneath my feet. Melting into sand, it washes out but I keep in the same position, on my own ground. Not into your negative imprint ocean; A sea that see's my defeat, poised to pull my feet
from beneath me.
Couple of Poems.
Nov 2016 · 624
President 2016
Zac Walter Nov 2016
My friend wears a head dress  
Hijab fabric soft and delicate

She took it off in distress
Odd fabricate cracks in us

Societal systems, suicidal schisms

Golden rules thrown out  
Hate loud and cussed in shouts      

Or short quiet words said a foot away at a gaspump
threats made okay because you voted for trump

Across an angry mob, lauds praise for Clinton
Turned over cop cars, fires from the ignition
Spread over the masses in blue party indignation
Say they're free from blame, they lost the election

Treat others like less then pennies
Cause their political party is yours enemies
Or cause their skin isn't one of these ... White, White or White

The action is abhorrent, flagrant. None of this is alright

War hate blend brewing its familiar fragrance
Prideful with an aroma of allegiance
Oct 2016 · 1.4k
Zac Walter Oct 2016
Im doing pretty good. Want to create more.

Also it ends up being positive feedback loop. The mental distress caused by creating too much creates more mental distress. Guess Ill just play videogames and relax and take a couple drugs.

Sometimes the drugs do make me constipated though which *****. Feel like I havent pooped in days.
Oct 2016 · 214
Zac Walter Oct 2016
I cant take care of anything
Not even myself

I ******* hate this all.
Im gonna grow fat and ugly and miserable and lonely. Im gonna die just like my fish, without anyone to help.
Oct 2016 · 221
Zac Walter Oct 2016
Warped words
twist tongues

short burst
minds numb

seven hours
consumer rule

control power
thought central
Zac Walter Oct 2016
Feeling so numb
Isnide an empty skull
Thoughts drum
Body shucked and hulled
Just the inside, a soul
Remains to cull
Processing as a whole
The inner realm in full
Is not always so fun
Sep 2016 · 268
Zac Walter Sep 2016
Faint smell of waste. Rotting garbage, feces and human body order. The room reeked of an intolerable stench. Cracked eggshells, molding lettuce, slices of beefsteak tomatoes, month old used coffee grounds, and a pair of peed on gym socks among countless other smelly disgusting things like cat ****.
"Close the ******* garbage can"
' it stinks as much as your guilty conscious'
My hand flung forward with indecision, still closed into a fist. What was I striking? I couldn't see and didn't want hurt myself like so many times before. Schizophrenic, pleaded with with myself. Time slowed to make room to for chaotic thoughts. Slow motions, knuckles seeped into a black goo. Other hand flat, slapped at the abyss. The darkness grabbed me by both hands and dragged me into myself.
A full moon and a tender loving voice. Blackness.
A brewing fire floating above a swimming pool like the eye of a pyramid where deities danced. Everybody I saw under its light gazed towards the idealization of eternal salvation. I stared at the pool, fire, pyramid and its constituents. Blackness.
A maze of hallways. Red-brown brick, vinyl, some glass looking down at the pool where children baptized themselves while parents drank the poison of cultural self-identification.
'At least they know who and where they are'
I took a right, then a left then two more rights down a endless spiral. Blackness.
In angry reconstitution, my mind-state formed lists of things to be furious about. These lists of things were all in plain sight.
'An obvious case of nearsightedness'
The whole room had changed from how i once remembered. The bed was moved as well as the bed stand. Clothes scattered and materialistic shrine of self destroyed. The aura of the room had gone from blue to green. I pledged with violent resolution to solve my issues. Until I smelt the room poisoned with pheromones unlike mine. Until I dropped to my knees and felt somebody i loved and despised. Her smile greeted me while, simultaneously, my heart erupted like an early morning thunder shower. I always loved those type of showers.
... This isnt finished yet. Just a beginning of a short story. Also copyrighted btw.
Sep 2016 · 768
Zac Walter Sep 2016
dragging around a corpse
what's the purpose
to be like a porpoise
a blowhole to exhale
a mammal that failed to walk on land
a sponge to learn through osmosis
to be like coral
colorful and floral
with no morals but to be selfish and keep myself safe
to protect this landlocked corpse with no guidance, no purpose
but to use my blowhole orifice
cause im just a porpoise

No sleep and im losing my mind
cause of this court case. Who let a dolphin in the courtroom
The Judge is a Lion Seal and he is jealous Im not endangered
the signatures are fudged and mister whale is angered
cause us mammals failed to walk on land
and the witnesses failed to take the stand
failed to say what was planned, bribed and now the orca is in the can.
Imprisioned by Seaworld for being a better porpoise with purpose
leaving us a trail of corpses floating along
Aug 2016 · 205
Zac Walter Aug 2016
If you come to this place you are welcome. Here you will find the freaks, the nuts, the outsiders - and they aren’t just kids. All ages of weirdos are here. All of these people engaged in what looks like meaningless chaos but in this chaos these people lose themselves...
All of these people are engaged through the bands, and the bands have a contract with the people. They all, all of them, in this night, in this moment, don’t have a care in the world. They aren’t concerned with doomsday, money, jobs, relationships, abuse, bullies, rapists, murders, whatever. They care about nothing. For now they are immortal. Behold the gods! And different from me,
t h e y a r e a l i v e.
The living gods.”
Jul 2016 · 289
Zac Walter Jul 2016
Money can sweep up blood, sweat and tears easier then a mop and broom.
Jul 2016 · 280
Zac Walter Jul 2016
Wrapped in garments of yesterday
in thoughts that have festered away

****** into another year. Another decay
There was one who proposed to save.

In his honor, we must continue
Continue to pave the way

Into a new revolution, into a new way to save
what our founding fathers tried to create

The new constitution
The next institution is up to us to pave.
We, as the United States citizens. Have to do something. So many people supported Bernie, including myself, only to have his nomination stolen away from him. His hard work, the blood, sweat and tears poured into his campaign was stolen away by money.
Jul 2016 · 294
Zac Walter Jul 2016
Disheveled and mutated. Ugly shell of what it used to be. Our government curated by the CEO Neo-Con warheads with nuclear weapon arms and drone strikes aimed at every other countries heart. Hawks of the most grotesque nature. Warhawks with bombs of freedom and democracy. The right to social justice and free choice are properties of the US. Yet those same words "Property of the US" line those missles, the only freedom they ring is freedom from this world. Free to dive into the afterlife.

Staunch support to policies of corrpution. Reeking of ****** and money. Dressed in red and green, piles of each, blood and money line their legacies. Facades played out in media like a family soap opera. Facsist facades play out in legislature, tyranny inducing consequences. Justice not served as they rally around the mottos of "Just us". As in just us rich and powerful get to pass laws. Just us white and privileged get walk away from cops without a 12 Guage bullet in the brain. As in just us media pundits know about politics.  In jusice they have no belief. Only selfish belief of "just us".

Oligarchic and xenophobic. Slandering the people's knowledge like we don't feel the ***** hand of power encasing us in its ****** grips. Convincing out of fear we are all each other's worst enemies due to color religion or Politcal theory. Propaganda created shackles out of freedom and enslaved us in our own good will.

The ***** roots of our skyscrapers poison the soul because what they rake in at the top is dollars made from death and destruction. From the creation of war refugees and third world farmer suicides they install suede in the penthouse. The money has created shackles out of freedom and enslaved us.
Jul 2016 · 466
Zac Walter Jul 2016
Reminisced in syrupy spirits
Oak-aged in malt, turned viscous and slow
Like the neurons that are supposed to send happiness shooting through my brain.
Slow.. slow.. but oh so steady. Like watching a grandfather tick and on every tock the happiness fades away and age gathers with dust on old lineolium floors.

I'm a sucker for sleeping pills, herbal remedies (not real medicines though), malted barelys and strong hops. All things that make being a pile of concious earth easier to deal with. All things that take me one day closer to being a lump of unconcious earth, scored in a fire and reduced to ashes.

Sometimes the notion of godliness and of an everlasting holy Spirit floods over me and I'm transcended into the wind. Then reality. The one of many I'm stuck in, ***** me back in like a black hole. A black hole, void of feeling plagued with death, politics, corruption, greed, war, poverty, racism, brutality. A reality where my fingers type on a phone screen and where I actually think I say things and where I actually think I make love only to realize none of its real. I'm not godly nor transcended. I'm a useless lump of earth bound to descend into unconcious sleep forever.
Jul 2016 · 378
The Divine Spirit.
Zac Walter Jul 2016
Wrapped in the silk you spin with your energy
Your eyes, like beacon lights, follow me
With you, I can take on the world confidently

Like a rhythm and melody, you are in my veins
Your body celestial; same as the sun and moon  
Too bright to look in your eyes
Voice soothing, I drift and swoon

Atoms moving, you're collected from all points of time
Pearlescent  magic looms around your aura, you shine
You're flora, smell of oils. Cedar and Pine
You're fauna, ruler of kingdoms, theirs and mine
Jul 2016 · 268
Zac Walter Jul 2016
My parents let me run around
Trashing everything around me

Now I run around my mind
Thrashing at every thought of mine
Jul 2016 · 285
Internet Amnesia
Zac Walter Jul 2016
I flip through webpages
All of them, so amazing, unique
I forget all of them the next day
Jun 2016 · 344
Summer Heat
Zac Walter Jun 2016
Four people dead
Dreaming feverish
Faces flush red

Dry, The river's fish are dead
Stinking in sweat
Bloated sidewalk bread

Eggs fried on blacktop special
The heat restless
City boiling in a kettle

Heated up red
Four people dead
More to come
The summer heat has settled in
Mar 2016 · 310
Zac Walter Mar 2016
She smells like wisdom, but oh so sweet
I want to lay next to her in bed
Picking her brain, shes too smart for her own good
So many questions going through her head

Trying to create a philosophy that would love her like they did

"Ohh you're my religion" she said
"Ohh you're my religion" she said

But they didn't understand what they had
Treated her like they were sacrilegious
She bore the brunt of they're indifference
Hung herself on a cross like she was Jesus

"Ohh my religion is dead"
"Ohh my religion is dead"
               She said

Trying to create a new philosophy that would love her better then they did

Too smart for her own mental health
So much love to give to someone else

So many thoughts going through her mind
The bad ones I'll quiet and soothe
I want to watch her eyes flutter towards the sky

Watch her create a new philosophy that would love her like I do
Sappy love poem **** cause that's all I'm good at
Mar 2016 · 476
Universal Archer
Zac Walter Mar 2016
Bow and Arrow aimed at the night sky
Piercing a blank canvas, all black
creating star-light
Mar 2016 · 381
Zac Walter Mar 2016
Subservience and obedience
Removal of societal delinquents

Send them to the isolation.
Let their mind sit in stagnation
or torturous relegation
in an island nation of one

Those who don't fit in, dont belong.
Who needs God when you have Pop songs?  
Who needs to change with age when loves gone?

No thoughts cause you're a pawn
Do as you're taught and sing-a-long

Art, Science and Truth are
Tragedy, God and Heroism

Too much of that
Too much cynicism.

Do as your told and Be happy.
Thats the only lesson

So sit down and listen.
Dont question!
Inspired by Brave New World and 1984. Two awesome books.

*to be continued?*
Mar 2016 · 586
I Feel Real Again
Zac Walter Mar 2016
Over the past year,
I lost some of my hope for humanity
And my love for the world.

I tired to stop caring.
But I couldn't nor would I
Yet I could for a small while

I felt I was heading towards insanity.
Just another brick in the wall. Another tile on the floor.

All around me, zombies i saw. So scared.. so ******* scared of the future forever more.


But I feel alive again for the first time in months.

The darkness of the world while your spirituality blooms is as uncomfortable as large summer moths by your bed side.
Feb 2016 · 279
Zac Walter Feb 2016
"We fall in love with idealized versions of our future self."

Doing that is bad for your mental health
Feb 2016 · 255
Zac Walter Feb 2016
I'm a glass half empty kind of guy

Wish I was the other type,
But logic says otherwise
Feb 2016 · 374
Zac Walter Feb 2016
I want to take acid under an open sky  
Listen to tame impala and drink orange juice

I want to lay on the earth and let dust coat me
See stars glisten, shining upon saguaros

And for once not just because I want to be high
its been a long road, still a long road to go

I want to melt into life. My labor to bear fruits
Believe in myself and be cocky

cause its been a long road, still a long road to go.

but i know where the **** im going now.
some good thoughts. I still have bad ones. But its cool. I really do want to trip soon though! :D
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