I am a warrior of the pen, my words
Cutting to into you like butter, beware
Your tongue as my pen is shaper
Than any words that you inflict
Upon me, My ink would
Leave you gasping for breath.
I will write you down, I will say
With words that which can bring
A tear to the eye, to make you
Feel emotions as you have never
Felt before. A single word is more
Powerful and longer lasting than
Any spoken word.
I have a pen that is mightier than any
Sword, it will out last any of your weapons
While turning to rust & blunt, my pen
Will still bleed words cutting in to the
Paper, words that have always beaten a sword.
I am a warrior of the pen, there are
Many that use, ink, paper & pen to spread
Words that can bring any emotion out with
But a movement of the pen and thought.