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 Dec 2012 Z
 Dec 2012 Z
So i think back,
back to our prime.
Thinking of love,
the feelings we believed.
"We're going to get married,
i know it, so just..
wear this promise ring."
But those mundane miles,
they turned to huge, empty voids
that seperated us and we fell.
I'll never forgive you,
New Mexico.
 Dec 2012 Z
Boiling Boiling
My blood is angry
Boiling Boiling
My teeth grit
Boiling Boiling
My heart shaking
Boiling Boiling
My feelings awaken
 Dec 2012 Z
the disappeared
 Dec 2012 Z
the disappeared
i have never fully grasped
serenity. calm. silence
of mind

always, going
always running, always thinking.
doing. i prepare. but alas, that is
never enough.

what if for a day
i pretended. it never happened. nothing changed
nothing hurt.

would that help?
probably not. at this point, i need understanding.
freedom from.

i apoligize.
i am vague. not a person alive
knows all. everything. since then to
now. this moment.

how could i explain?

perhaps, i could tell to you
that i feel as though i have been turned inside out, stripped, and shooken. like an
animal has climbed inside me and torched me; clawed, teared every part me. until
i am an empty carcass, living in the dark as would a zombie.

and then i would leave, quietly. secretly.
i live better that way.

as if anyone could know.
 Dec 2012 Z
Turn Away
 Dec 2012 Z
Turn away.
You don't need to see.
Her head is in the toilet,
There's puke on her knee.
Times are hard.
She only saw one conclusion.
She can't think clearly,
Because there's too much confusion.

Turn away.
You don't need to hear.
Her voice is cracking,
You can sense the fear.
There's not much hope.
She's giving up.
She doesn't see the point in wishing,
Because she's never had luck.

Turn away.
You don't need to know.
The truth hurts, babe.
She tries not to let it show.
But it's just an act,
Everyone can tell.
As soon  as she took that brave face off,
She fell.

Look at me.
Don't be scared.
She might not be fine,
But at least she'll know you cared.
Open your eyes,
She doesn't want to see you hurt.
Pay attention, stand up straight,
Look at her now,
The spell is starting to
b r e a k .
 Dec 2012 Z
L Smida
 Dec 2012 Z
L Smida
Stick to your guns
If you don't
You're ******
 Dec 2012 Z
that puzzle piece of life
we had it all -
cute couple status
days spent in our eyes
nights in our arms
we resonated deep
but now i can't stand
to listen to half my iPod
burned cds sit and wait
while gathering dust
while marlboro blacks
break my heart
i grind my teeth to dust
wish upon a fallen star
that this **** never happened, love
 Dec 2012 Z
crawl up my skin, sit here beside me,
will you listen?
listen to my heart break,
listen to the sad songs I'm still trying to write.

just stop,
be here.
with me,
turn off the thoughts of you just for a moment,
and listen to me,
I stop for you,
and the world will spin without your finger tips pressed to plastic,

I am screaming in this silence,
I filled this canyon with thoughts of you,

I defense.. I mean I defend. for you, I do.
I put it away,
and I shove it all down,
saying I am fine,
wish you put up a hand,
to find mine,
and we're laying in the dark now,
I've forgotten how to speak,
and there is time but I am weak,
you haven't tended to me.

but I've quieted these demons,
I've pushed me aside,
"I always value your life over mine"
Inspired partly by this song:
" I will always value your life over mine."
 Dec 2012 Z
Edward Coles
My darling,
Go back to sleep.
Leave the hurry and the rush of the world to me
And just sleep.

Let the waves of slumber
Fall into you in a warm rush
Of blankets and breath.

My girl, my woman,
Lie back down and stop worrying,
Calm those lungs and slow your heart,
I will give you all the time in the world
If you will just slow down.

My bags aren’t packed
And there is no seat on a train
With my name on it.

Your career will come
And you will make a splash.
If not we will live on a diet of bread and noodles
And scramble the rent together each month,
Feeding scraps to the dog.

And don’t you fear.
Don’t you ever fear
About the stumble in your step,
Or the snort in your laugh.
The freckles on your back
Or the troubles in your head.

Your imperfections are what makes you beautiful to me,
My dear,
In this world of change – please don’t.
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