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 Apr 2013 Z
Never Ending Tangle
A minute
A minute is all I have to write this poem
To write this rhyme
To live this life.

Tears fall like diamonds
Flowers float away
The sun is brightly shining
The world slowly decays

Life is but a secret
A story your regret
I only had a minute
But I haven't finished yet.
 Apr 2013 Z
Kelly Landis
I stood in the middle of your chaos,
guitar melodies and melted candle wax,
cigarette butts from another drunken night
and that **** futon that always made
me awaken, toss and turn
but I never reached for you
and you never reached for me
I knew right away,
this should tell me something
about the way we both love
Not enough,
or too much
and neither is ever
 Apr 2013 Z
 Apr 2013 Z
The black hole pulled her in,
and left her dead with no way to win.
So addicted but not at all ashamed,
Picture perfect and perfectly framed.
just a different take at an old poem.
 Apr 2013 Z
Pirates Fan
 Apr 2013 Z
Opening day
Is extra special
For a Pirates fan
We are tied
For first place
Even in
Wins and losses
Looking forward
To the playoffs
Go Buccos!
After twenty
Years of loosing
A world record
Of loosing
We need this
One day
To feel good
Before we
Lose again
Maybe not
This might
Be our year
Opening day
Not a great poem! I just had to say something. My family and I ave hope! My thirteen year old never saw the Pirates win. This may be our year. I've said this for twenty years. Bad poem I know.
 Apr 2013 Z
I must be filled with electrical outlets because people are constantly plugging in.

And my extension cord must be too short because I can never reach anyone else
 Mar 2013 Z
This is it
I'm done
Over you once and for all.
I'm letting it go
For now and forever.
Closure is nonexistent
Only makes me want you more
But I'm done
It's over
I'm done thinking about you
One way or another
I'm forgetting you.
No matter what it takes.
I'm going to get better.
Even if that means getting worse first.
Maybe it isn't much of a poem but it's important because it's a promise to myself and it's letting go. As little as it may seem it felt amazing. I'm clearing my mind and truly letting go.
 Mar 2013 Z
These past few months,
I haven't been in a good place.
Driving myself mad,
Within my own head.
Stuck in thoughts of the future,
Or of the past,
Never really living in the present.
I'd sunken into a pit of stress,
Slipping to the bottom,
Until stress was no longer on
a conscious level.

I felt lost.
And under no control.
Had gone so far as to diagnose
myself with convinced issues.
When in reality,
I may just be the same,

While I still know not what is
I will no longer sit back and let
it hold me down.
I'm going to either fight with what
I can
Or continue on smoothly.
No matter the direction,
I will find out eventually,
if I
Lost my mind.
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