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606 · Nov 2016
Yz Doo Nov 2016
Say something ,
I can't see you I can't hear you
Open up conduct your own flow
Clear communication coordinates concise connections
Be yourself, im here ,your there
Say something , it's important
Conduct your own flow
You matter , I just want to know
581 · Aug 2017
Return to Sender
Yz Doo Aug 2017
Return to sender,
Smile it's not yours anymore,
Blackened past
Disruptive pause in life,
Return to sender
I will return ,
I will pick myself up once again
Disruptive pause in life,
I am the sender and I am the receiver
Let myself turn the button back to play
For the pause has been stuck for way to long
Pause play pause play,
Return to sender
Play pause play pause and play once again
Thank you life thank you me
458 · Apr 2017
No pity ever
Yz Doo Apr 2017
Physical, Mental illness soul piercing Malicious pain
Consistent worry for my welfare Buzzes my ruminating mind
Pathetic worry about my welfare
The respect I deserve
Strong as wounded soldier I stand upright and proud
Your worry of my well being
An ill disrespect of what I have been through
Survivor and one strong human being of value
Plagued by illness physical, mental I always make it through it

Don't down play my strength, it won't do
No Pity
437 · Nov 2016
It just is
Yz Doo Nov 2016
Say it ain't so
Underneath and balled up under the cold steel table.
Eyes closed heart wide open
Wisemimd is vanished
My eyes dim
Say it ain't so
All my underlying and overseeing foundations vanished
Say it ain't so
I can and do
The warm glow of my true self never leaves
Centered and here I crawl out from underneath the steel table
Grinning and exhausted
Make the right choices for yourself
427 · Sep 2016
Yz Doo Sep 2016
Shimmering beauty
Slow crisp waves reappear,
Time for coffee
Time for life
Time for shadows dancing on the wall
Im alive
Im dead
Im everything in between
Shimmering beauty
Slow crisp waves reappear
Out of my head and into the day
Im alive
Im grateful
380 · Sep 2019
Yz Doo Sep 2019
Blah blah blah
Your piercing lips are moving again
Blah blah blah
My health is dependent on drowning your words out
I seek a new pair of lips to engage with
A simple smile will be just fine
336 · Nov 2016
Croc Fang
Yz Doo Nov 2016
The jaws of death, the uncontrollable moment of being alive
One second
The course you choose will forever determine your fate
The jaws of death repeatedly knock upon me every moment of a given day
Resistance is futile however the space and energy to flow within is boundless
I wear the croc tooth around my neck
Around my space and hope to give it to you someday
321 · Sep 2019
No fear
Yz Doo Sep 2019
Afraid of what others think
Afraid you can’t do something right
Afraid of stepping out of your safety box
Afraid of living your life right now
Fear is what we perceive might happen in the future
GO FOR IT what’s the worst that can happen
It’s the only way to be in life with little regrets
You can’t take the clock back
Seize the day.
Regardless of outcome
This is no verse but a guide into your own verse that is created by living life with uplifting words to follow
317 · Jul 2017
On Top
Yz Doo Jul 2017
On top of the world
A day old biscuit , A fat sliced piece of bacon
On top of the world
Smiling as I walk down the black and blue alley
On top of the world
Not a penny in my pocket
On top of the world
A smile
I am free
312 · Mar 2017
Yz Doo Mar 2017
My bones ache my soul is crushedi
All alone my thoughts my eyes red
All slone I  sit
All alone I try to find the blackened light
Can anyday jere me
The razors edge
The mystique of  a Lost wondered
I ponder
All alone
What would it be like to be with another
I sit here alone sith my my ruminating thoughts
The slick sharp razors edge
What would it be like
As I  sit here a broken man
A glimmering Ray of  my
Of my blackened self
Just is trying to find a light switch
My bones ache and my soul is cdussjdd
All alone
And justI sit
Sitting and wating
As the snail moves,slowly across the razors edge
Im just TIRED
303 · Jan 2017
Yz Doo Jan 2017
Insipid spiders
Maddening geometric traps
My love for you is simple
A new geometric fire built with logs I created
Under the stars we sleep
Free from the insipid spiders and geometric traps
Pure natureis free breathing love
Skin warm,fire dwindling
Under the stars we create our own star plate
Freedom in fresh wilderness
Far away from societal traps
My tongue slowly drips from the soft forbidden spot
We breathe together as nature intended it to be
Insipid Spiders go rest for now
I get my fly rod ready for the sweet Riverflow on days next adventure .
301 · Nov 2018
Under The Roller Coaster
Yz Doo Nov 2018
The rush,
Andrenaline pumping,
Feel, listen, grasp
The energy
Under the roller coaster
I sit
A tear drop falls
I feel,
I listen,
I grasp
Alone I sit under the roller coaster
Afraid to ride
299 · Nov 2019
Yz Doo Nov 2019
Love the magic
Mother nature’s way
Pure nature
Heavy snowflakes at its finest
291 · Sep 2019
Yz Doo Sep 2019
No two teeth are the same
No two people are the same
No one snowflake is like another
Why Is that
It doesn’t matter
It’s your teeth your snowflake
Don’t lose your teeth
Don’t miss your snowflake
Because you have to put in your dentures.
Be yourself
Brush your teeth
Capture your snowflake
287 · Jan 2017
I got this accept
Yz Doo Jan 2017
Diagnosed and frightened ,
Yea im a recovering addict I sdmit it
One year plus if you care to count days I dont
What matters is mindfully being here in this moment
I grasp it it
I have mental health issues as well I accept it
But my latest diagnosis Trigeminal Neurolgia just too much
Not going to give up or surrender just another pile of shot added,to me
I will survive I will continue being sober
I am whing about this I get it
This isn't even a,poem so what
It's me and it's real and I just need,to get it out
What is truly real is this moment
Please ne mindful of this moment becUse it is all we truly ever have and all moments add up to a day a week a year a,life
Relish it live it be,present with it
Whether it be pain happiness or love or hate
My pain from my new diagnoses is hurtful new Meds help but sometimes through all of this I just want to know the base root cause of it all
That's it and enjoy the moment accept the pain the happiness the fear don't resist accept and move on otherwise it may consume you
270 · Dec 2016
Too Much lipstick
Yz Doo Dec 2016
Sweet tears drop signs
emotions corrupt a hot lovely day
short skirt washed away as the waves speak of hypnotizing solitude
Lips plumped and embodies sin
Forever it seems our skin is blushing
Torn around
Washed up in fiery sin
Yummy lips andI edible skin
Merry Christmas Brianna that dive bar was mindfully exquisite!
270 · Jan 2017
What and who
Yz Doo Jan 2017
What and Whocame around that one day

Don't remember
Exact memories what and who said that
Whatever happened to the real me
**** I don't know
Memories lost and episodes of massive im er shift quaked me
What and who did happen
Reality did strike
Lightning did happen
What and who hid for along time
Im finding out
That's,my own heroes journey
Find what and who in your own life
**** matters I matter
What and who said thatt
Mimd shakes and quakes
Lightning  did happen
What and who
**** matters
Im gonna find out
267 · Jan 2017
Owl feathers
Yz Doo Jan 2017
Lost in space,is it day or night
Insipid meds driving me into a moon filled submission
I saw the owl today during daylight
He comes to me menacing but guiding still not done with my spiritual quest
Now not about love misery process misery of unbridled destiny
Now about meltimg walks undescribable realizations about me
No one else is alloed at this festival of mental instability .
I need help
I am ill do what
I accept and that's it
The end
Will the owl ever present me with my true answers to positive health
And my now lost funny contented grin
263 · Oct 2018
Yz Doo Oct 2018
Good morning people,
Close eyes
Good morning people,
Close eyes repeat.
Change your world
Change your perspective
Change the shape of your box
Good morning
Your time has arrived
262 · Nov 2019
Yz Doo Nov 2019
Insipid spiders,
Mending geometric traps
My love for you is simple
a new geometric fire built with logs I created.
Under the stars we sleep,
free from the insipid spiders  geometric traps.
Pure nature
Free breathing love.
Skin burning , fire dwindling.
Under the stars we create our own star plate.
Freedom in the fresh wilderness ,
Far away from societal traps.
My tongue slowly drips,
we breathe together as nature is meant to be.
257 · Dec 2018
Yz Doo Dec 2018
Butterscotch kisses
Under the tree
Forgot our past
Years under the tree
Butterscotch kisses
No more
I didint forget
Butterscotch kisses
256 · Jul 2017
Yz Doo Jul 2017
Emotionally let it flow
Sexually your wildest desires must be satisfied
Friendship is life
Freedom for all
Let it go let it flow
Embrace life
254 · Aug 2017
Lost and Foumd
Yz Doo Aug 2017
Empty treasures,
Two,paths unveiling each other at the same time,
Doors and curtains smoke and mirrors
What am I really seeing
What am I missing
This key doesn't unlock this door
And this door doesn't lock this key
My journey in life
Opening and locking the same door
With the same keyhole at the same time
By the way dude I love your sister
And the keyhole to her lock is in my pocket
The door swings side and open and shut at the same time
While the keyhole never needs to be locked
Cheers buddy
254 · Jan 2017
Yz Doo Jan 2017
Blue womderful pain cuddles me
I made it so
I returned the magic beans to the stalk
I figured it out
The blue womderful pain cuddles me
I want it all
I want sensual bodies meltimg within me
We all feel pain
How do you deal with it
The blue womderful pain cuddles me
And I cuddle it back
I figured it out
Just for this moment
The sensual bodies melt within me
Just for this moment
Caress it and live it
Remember it all
And the door opens and the nurse visits me with a smile and asks hermso familiar questions
Just for this moment
249 · Sep 2016
Yz Doo Sep 2016
Tag me tag you
Underneath the freshly spilled milk
and on top of the smooth soft skin
Impulsive behavior is gnawing at my curled toes
Escape into the illuminating shadows of the ever smiling carnies
One blast into utopia, one shivering since of a smiling soul
She leads me as I lead her into our feverish ritualistic desires
Onto the table and underneath the freshly spilled milk
My eyes twinkle , my body numb
Pure delight is heavenly
As I tag her she tags me
249 · Jun 2019
Lunchtime Whistle
Yz Doo Jun 2019
Enamored by time,
Must rush
Look at clock ,drop kids off
exhausted cars, must find alternate route to work
Five minutes and counting
Presentation in 20 minutes
Lunch 30 minutes
Off work
Must rush
Look at clock
Student teacher meeting 15 minutes until start
The madness will never stop
I smashed my clocks
hugged my kids
Time for a change
245 · Nov 2016
Distressed planet
Yz Doo Nov 2016
Who is this strange being on the screen who are these strangets from a strange land
I just arrived and I must confess what a terrible place to inhabit,
Fear and selfishness seems to be their center.
Why must I stay
Why must I stay
244 · Oct 2018
Yz Doo Oct 2018
Stuck in mud
Eating my spleen
How to run
My mind
Stuck in mud
My reality
238 · Jan 2017
Yz Doo Jan 2017
Done with tiny masquerade parties
Accepting sweet passionatecandlesbeimg briskly blown away
Unacceptable timetables of perfection predictability
Immense knowledge must be withered away in the ******* like forest
We all must understand each other to begin to give pure unadulterated ever quenching water back to our MOTHER EARTH
Trumps a fkr
235 · Oct 2017
Yz Doo Oct 2017
My soul has been cheerfut since the magic pill
A month later I visited the renound  psychiatrist
He drearily informed me what I had been taking
Was indeed a sugar pill
I walked out completely outraged
My soul returned
Back to the black hole
I am dreadfully disappointed there is no pill to relieve
Me except for that magic sugar pill
233 · Nov 2016
Who is this masked man
Yz Doo Nov 2016
Im feeling giggly and I am alone.
What a wonderful world
Not having to grip onto something so firmly to fill the darkened cavern
A simple reconstruction, welding my synapses as the Sparks fly around the void
Im feeling giggly inside and I am alone and Im alive
I hold the door open as the people rush to escape yet another door
And a good day to you sir.
231 · Nov 2016
Yz Doo Nov 2016
Smile it has arrived at your doorstep,
A wide eyed surprise for your ever ending thirst
want want want
What happened , where are we
We as in us or is it just me and what I want
Look around , be brave
The doorstep can vanish in an instant
One hedonistic step down the immaculate staircase
One view as someone else's
I need a drink of water, I need just a bite
I truly just need you to be you
And for all of us to peel the layers of protection
After the painful peeling is processed, it is found that me is we
And I is you
I stooped up rushed down the immaculate staircase
Wide eyed I rushed to the door and saw a filthy sick homeless man
I sit here changed forever of what I truly need.
221 · Jul 2017
Black and White Labels
Yz Doo Jul 2017
In the box,wrapped up tight
Gasping for pure air knees to my chest
Labeled to be shipped out
Paperwork filed, we know what he is
I am the label they gave ,e
That's all I am supposed to be
A nicely wrapped box with a label on it
Return to sender please
I know more
I am more
Than a quick observation
I am more than a  black and white label
220 · Nov 2018
Sand in toes
Yz Doo Nov 2018
Grounded smile
Toes in the sand
Colored love
Blissful sensations
Crystallized in time
Nature’s perfection
Toes in the sand
218 · Feb 2017
Yz Doo Feb 2017
My granny is dying,
Wow plasmatic  skies ignite,
Anger into revolt as my tears melt into hers
What a grand woman
Poor imdeed, heart of gold
Determined eyes of steel purpose unleashed as a brothel of bubbly love
Where and who are,you
Step off  the dirt my Granny will soon be in the small plot is only a memory for all who loved
Step off my grann's plot for I will punish thee with a fury not witnessed by you and that im sure
Step of mother ******* my tears are for me and my granny
217 · Sep 2018
Yz Doo Sep 2018
Dr Seuss
Kids eyes closed
Snuggled up just right
My own stories
Stuck needle on old school vinyl
I want dr Seuss
and snuggled up just right
My mind
213 · Oct 2018
Yz Doo Oct 2018
Underneath the squeeze
Panic attack in my belly
One in the same
I brushed my teeth
Everything went away
213 · Jul 2017
Yz Doo Jul 2017
We all got somethin
Parallel tranquility
Within us all must be
a nod of respect
With the upmost humanitarian
and good will
With a knowing certainty that each one of
is enduring our own suffering through this
life we all live
Health and happiness to all of you good people
Please spread this simple message to another and so on and
So forth as it must be spread throughout the world
Be kind to  one another
For we all have some kind of
unique **** we are facing
We are all in this together
209 · Oct 2018
Yz Doo Oct 2018
Black bile,
Shamans magic
Into the darkness
See the light
Black bile
Evil creature
Inside ourselves it spreads
Toes to minds
The shamans way
Shall be our only way
Black bile
209 · Apr 2019
Spring Candy
Yz Doo Apr 2019
I adore that fresh air
Springtime drops of love
Yummy sweet kisses
Hair flowing
What a time
To seize the moment and eat some candy
With the endless possibilities of springtime
204 · Jan 2017
Fuck it
Yz Doo Jan 2017
Pretty words painted to,souls,of mass production
Warm colors ignite the keyhole of secret exploding secrets,left behind the locked,doors
Guck that
**** rhyming to and melting words to produce something special to the poets themselves something so important that they selves think it's truly a masterpiece
**** that
Pain is pain
It burns different colors at different times
I want the truth
The bottom line not painted in pretty positive picture as it still sits behind the secret locked doors of secrets
I want to know
Bottom line
**** it,
Just want the truth
Plain and simple words will do
202 · Apr 2019
Mind oil
Yz Doo Apr 2019
Mud, sticky residue
Tendons grab tight
Sore bones
Liquid tar inside
Lost my oil
Inflammation past emotional electricity
Stuck, physically emotionally
Mind oil
201 · Mar 2019
Simple Sand
Yz Doo Mar 2019
Sand in between the toes
Mystical moon
Trails of stars
Moonbeams glistening with a soft glow
A collision of one
A grounded pure connection
A pure breath to your core, your center
You found yourself,
The sand in betweeen your toes
197 · Dec 2016
This is not for you
Yz Doo Dec 2016
Well constructed visionary cries for help are not for you
My worn out wrinkles are not for you
I lost you I don't want my words to ever find your shadow
I found me and my words that I construct are for me
When the blood stained rooster awakes me in my nightmare
I mean to say that all the nonsense that I have written down might only make a bit of sense and a sack full of seeds to myself
So me myself and I can feel my words and my phrases
In their purest numbing extraction
These words are not for you
194 · Apr 2019
Yz Doo Apr 2019
Light green
And the glorious yellow
The Sun
Penetrating throughout your nerves
I think I will wear yellow socks today
Floating into bliss,
Yellow is the way
193 · Sep 2016
Yz Doo Sep 2016
Inside the light,outside my cluttered door.
One guided step and the black hole is dissapating
The misery of my shadow finds new shine
A new day,a new moment,a simple spot of freedom outside myself.
193 · Nov 2019
Serpent Sweeping
Yz Doo Nov 2019
Lies and lips that hush in the night
Secret whispers dance through the forest
Unleashed and trapped
barefoot in the soft trimmed grass
She is simply a
Serpent Sweeping up my pieces
191 · Feb 2019
Clowns come hither
Yz Doo Feb 2019
Laughter, the best medicine
Poking fun at the mirror
My reflections
Laugh at yourself
The clowns come hither
The circus of life begins
191 · Feb 2018
Levee Breaks
Yz Doo Feb 2018
A smile cracked,
The sunshine simmered a grin on me
Long long days it’s been,
Med switch
What am I bipolar unipolar
A unicycle a motorcycle
Sam I am how bout  
I am a mere human with many shifts in
I think I want to just go to a hospital
And rid all these meds out of my body
And start anew before springtime hits
Peace all
Let’s rock and write
190 · Apr 2019
Yz Doo Apr 2019
Unleash my tendons from my spine
Opioids death from my addiction issues
Green smoke billows into my core
Mother Nature grows it it naturally
Green smoke I can feel the release
Calm waves , magic liquid gold
Green smoke, chronic pain
Addiction free
Go green as science overwhelmingly
Implode the sickened FDA,
As money is not controlled
by natures way,
Go green
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