Come on, bro, we gotta put on a show
Keep up with the flow, we're doing this so
Turn off the lights, and I'll glow (Vanilla Ice reference)
A doe is a female deer, didn't you know?
With all these words I'll be put on death row
Doesn't matter, I'll continue to grow
While kneading the dough and ploughing the snow
I'm the rhythmic Van Gogh, let's take a trip to Bordeaux
To and fro on the lyrical train, don't have no woe
I see a siren's glow, whoops, time to lay low
You're from the Skid Row? I'm not though
Thanks for being my foe, guess you've learnt you reap what you sow
No cash I owe, a rhyming kilt I have to sew... Whoa, this is going way too slow but this little gift I bestow, please hold it in escrow. That'll be the quid pro quo and here we go.
#what #is #this