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244 · Jul 2017
Facing New Day
Sweatness of thoughts reviberate
As they pound so hard the thudding sounds echo in my heart
It is a new day, I've to face the new sun

Problems comes in a ton
Those I let go yesterday reinforce
Moments of joy wears sadness' force
And wishes of sun just fade in this eon

Today I become so courageous
Beating my chest and soaring so high
That those who lives well never better than me
Picking challenge to master my science of craft

For poetry is an alchemical science of words
Which wields inner world with subliminal words that light up the celestial bodies
Bringing earthly joy to mortals hearts

As I traverse on the water and burn in the fire of the words I test on a pad of thoughts. Poetry is what I face always
I dream poetry and eat in tomb of her plate with much ado love

Written by
Martin Ijir
243 · May 2017
Pain of falling leaf
Beauty of new growing bud
That's how the life grows

~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
243 · Jun 2017
Troublesome world
Barriers stopping the sweet breeze
Ignorance is killing the earth
Avaricious souls stopping the wind

Written by
Jean C Bertrand
243 · Jun 2017
It must be an excellent idea
Beginning to forgive the neighbor
Knowingly it's a hard labor
Just want to clean the chamber

It must be an excellent idea
Releasing all convictions
Challenge your heart to devotion
Even with a little potion

It must be an excellent idea
Rainbow sky delight
Sweet tenderness in moonlight
Light rain sky turn on the light

It must be an excellent idea
Watching the children smile
Fighting the cancerous hunger with style
Be compassionate undoubtedly worthwhile

Written by
Jean C Bertrand
241 · Feb 2017
The suns are round
My mom's tummy was pregnant...

آفتاب ها گرد اند
...شکم مادر من حامله بود
I miss when you're gone, I wish you always stay
Im falling in love with you i guess you could say
Little worldly mind of mine shall make it a holiday

I think about all the things that you'll miss
Dream, until God burn Nature with a kiss
Like watching me walk down the aisle thus
giving your first grandchild a morning kiss

The good you see in me through your eyes
makes me feel happy, even if they may lies
It is you who make me perfect with your touch
I wanted to become what I was capable much

But it was all stranger like a fiction of the day
To hear a rest untold my love, lead's the way
Demeaning depiction to hear true shrift away
To change day of youth to sullied night decay

But with me, fear not your sight may be pitch black
To protect you is a rival Natural black hole never lack
A lunar or solar eclipse occurs in the sky and die
But the true love makes the shines in weeping eye

~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
240 · Jan 2018
Take my heart to the moon
I'll be there I'll be right there
Romantic passion night
Chemistry of night
Bouquets of beauteous roses
At heaven's gate
Waiting for you

Take me before solitude
Let my heart lead the way to the moon
Eagle's eye watching the mystery
Kisses evening romantic essence
Its fragrance illuminating heart dancing
Now I can fly with grandeur
Will you fly with tenderness

Rivers breath sparkling the night
Summers friendly flowers glowing
With pleasure of the rain
A heart filled with love
O take me take me tonight
The stars will shine our hearts
Let my heart takes you to the moon

Written by
Jean C Bertrand
Your hair,
Smelling like the sun...
The taste of sweet summer cherries,
Still dancing in the aroma of your eyes...
And brightly colored lilac curtains in your room ...
putting a glass on your table.
The air,
Moving the clouds in your chest...

The light is on...!
The curtain, allows light to enter...

" My Jasmine...!? "
" I love you..."  ( With the sound of laughter ) "

Your voice,
Was a rainbow... 🌈
If the sound was colored...

You are a river...
passing through
my neck...
I have fallen...
Near the daffodil flowers in your eyes...
I will become a thousand small fish...
A thousand trembling goldfish in the pond...
🐟🌊 🐟🐟🐟🌊 🐟🌊

" Oh that blue whirligig!!!
The yellow....!
And the pink one...!
I'm seeing those shiny whirligigs
of your childhood... "
What was the sound of your blowing like?
Your eyes,
giving a thousand colors and memories...

You are floating...
passing through the sound of a woman's laughter...
I will never wear a wedding dress...
To paint on its whites...
I have no child !!!

Oh september!
The end of colored paper...
And the beginning of the blue sun...
You are my mother's breast cancer...
That Growing inside of me...
I thought I was pregnant...
Last night !!!
Touching the curvature of my belly...
From the top of my white knickers
With its bright pink flowers...
When my mother's scarf turns to twenty-nine years old again!

" My Jasmine...?! "
" I love you... "

In illusion,
The voice of a woman...
Calling you...
From afar...

You have reached near the window...
Looking at me...
turning to you...
White lace dress...
Laughter In The Sun....
From the sound of which woman's laughter, am I reaching to you now?
In your ear,
I become a thousand voices...
The play of the sun's rays, On the tip of my brown *******, getting hot...

Closing my eyes...
I always think If I was blind, How could I understand that  the sound of the sea is blue?!
The leaves of the trees are green!?
In glitter...
In the melancholy of the golden leaves of May...
Your face, dancing
Among the glitter of golden winds ...
And the grape leaf,☘
Greeting me...

Thinking of you...
From afar...
How are your hands moving?!
Does my mother's earrings have the yellowness of the sunflowers?
Every sound,
becoming your voice...
Cheese crystals...
Pieces of barbari bread on the table...
The pungent odor of tangerine,
In my mother's hands...
And a tomato...
I'm dying now...!
مَن الآن مي ميرَم...!
But I'm happy That I know you...
امّا خُوشحآلَم که تُو رآ...
In the past and the future...
دَر گُذَشته و آیَنده مي شِنآسَم...
You have been...!
بُودِه اي...!

Narrated by me in persian
:-) 🌸

Check out yasaman johari on #SoundCloud
Hours tick while I lie in bed and memories keep surfacing,
Chasing the fragrant wind coming from west to east placing

My panic free lungs continue to expand for air to inhale life
Since I am I as you are you, preparing to die free from strife

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
239 · Sep 2017
A songbird lives days of identify
While memories hang on mangoes trees

Aphrodite wishes touch-me not
Narcissus in water of desired Time,
Key of childhood opens
Sea of wants

Erases burning thoughts
Create fearlessness
Te engagement
Death never scare but
Give hope to do the undone
Before we leave on novel voyage,
Smile, jump over the rope,

Strong like the tale of identical twins
One existing in body while other within
Shadow enters through door of night
To repair the torn, worn before going to sleep

Gap and lap in kiss and miss of cup
Time heals, when your feet ouch the reality of Earth

Wisdom is futile if learning is not put into action
Songbird is known by his own song, right or wrong ?

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
238 · Jan 2017
دفترم نقطه ندارد
مادرم می خندید
درخت هایش سبز بود
237 · Aug 2017
My foetal days are full of blindness
Akin to this, my void days will be full of darkness
My world will be shut in despair
As heaven webs are ravaged beyond repair
The murky silence grasps my soul in the womb
And releases it in my stone tomb
My beginning and end are proportionally designed
The end claims unending life therefore my beginning chose i to resigned

Written by
Martin Ijir
237 · Dec 2016
She looked at her pier-glass
Nail polishes drying
With half Open lids
Her toes were colored once
May be
You can get it from the toes
Or pink
I don't know
Maybe red
She cried in her look
What happened to her womanly
That says I'm beautiful.
I know a woman
Who wears mustache
Do not make fun of her.
Where is her womanly
That says she is beautiful
That cut her hair
Blue scarves turned black.
She cried in her look
Her tears reaching her lips
Starring at the corner
Pink colors were coming
Turning to deer
Green colors were going
It had dolphins
It had a blue color...
My bin still has a clockwork doll
With green eyes
In her white gossamer dress still
Still happy
She can be happy
She can fall in love
With other clockwork dolls that
That were kids
What if
I fall in love in the streets
With stared eyes
I will say hello to passengers
When the trees
Make love
What if you ask my name on the
same street that eyes are
What if I love you on the same
street with no address
It is said the laughter of maniacs
is beautiful
It has simplicity
I have worn my childhood clothes
I am mad
She grew up
She doesn't know the walls
She has no mother
And waits to possess a pass anger
Do not make fun of her
Her womanly freshness...
It is said...I don't write poems

میز توالتش را نگاه می کرد
لاک هایی با دری نیمه باز که خشک می شدند
شاید می شد از ناخن پایش فهمید زمانی رنگ داشتند
...یا صورتی
نمی دانم
در نگاهش گریست
طراوت زنانه اش کو !؟
که می گویند من زیبایم
زنی را می شناسم
سیبیل می گذارد
مسخره اش نکنید
طراوت زنانه اش کو !؟
که می گویند زیباست
که موهایش را بریدند
روسری هایی آبی مشکی می شوند
در نگاهش گریست
اشک هایش تا گوشه ی لبش می رسیدند
به کنج دیوار که زل می زد
صورتی ها می آمدند
آهو می شدند
سبزها می رفتند
می خندیدند
دلفین داشت
...آبی داشت
صندوقچه ی من
عروسک کوکی ای را دارد
بی دست
با یک چشم سبز
در لباس سفید توردارش
هنوز می خواند
می رقصد
شاد است
می تواند شاد باشد
عاشق شود
عاشق عروسک های کوکی دیگری که آواز خواندند
...بچه بودند
چه می شود که اگر
در کوچه ها عاشق شوم
چشمانم خیره باشد
سلام رهگذری را پاسخ خواهم گفت
وقتی درختان هم
هم آغوشی دارند
چه می شود که اگر
در همان کوچه ای که چشم ها خوابیده اند
نامم را می پرسی
عاشق تو باشم
نشانی ندارد
که می گویند خنده های دیوانگان زیباست
سادگی دارد
لباس کودکی هایم را به تن کرده ام
دیوانه ام
بزرگ شد
دیوارها را نمی شناسد
مادر ندارد
و منتظر می ماند
تا رهگذری را مال خود کند
مسخره اش نکنید
...طراوت زنانه اش
که می گویند من شعر نمی گویم
237 · May 2017
Smiling sky
Spreading joy
Surprising the heart
Sprinkling snowy flakes
In the chamber of every single soul
Faraway flowers of joyness
The fragrance of love
Necessitous of happiness
Glowing into your heart
Spring dancing soothing the heart
Singing lullaby in silent night
The leaves slapping the solitude
Blossoming the flowers of love
A rendezvous in moonlight
Compassion of the sky
Affection of the moon
A mysterious love beneath the sky

Jean C Bertrand
237 · Aug 2017
You met and now meet me again In thunder, lightning, and rain
You comfort me by bringing water to clear my wounds and stain

Your heart and my heart are very old friend like the Father and a son
I live the life well, you gave me, God! You may judge what I have done?

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
237 · Jan 2017
last night i kissed my sister's hands...
237 · Aug 2017
wind coming from you
fragrant my room
as on water of incense
rainbow oil slicks
time slips away

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
237 · Jul 2017
You are my breathing flower
Fragrance in living room
From breakfast to dinner
From yesterday to today
Free from tomorrow

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
237 · Nov 2017
no one knows
the foggy dark night of
That weeping winter night
of our neighborhood
But something resembling your needs of summer
Maybe different from my youth of spring
But somewhat looking alike
Waiting for the dawn coming with rising Sun

Sometimes I cry when I live
Because fog is oozing spite of tears
Clothing chest to keep chest warm

Sometimes I need to wash my eyes naturally
With true-life poetry words to extinguish
The burning desires of impatience reaching to sky

Patience is the gift of wind, cloud, and mist
I will pass overabundance of this panacea to you
But I need to make through the fog with your help wrapped
In a perfect tear strokes to my cheek coming from your soul

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
237 · May 2017
A heartless maestro
Forbidden the chorus
Outburst storming wind
In the ravens of dust
Vocal of bitterness escalating
hardship heartbeats
Bleeding tears
Chilly days colding nights
Stillness of sweetness
Sparkling stars murmuring
Outbreak calling sky
surrenderous rain
Pounding boom boom echoing
Deepening into the cavernous building
Tears falling the birds watching
Wondering when will we sing
A loving song

Jean C Bertrand
236 · May 2017
Hands are the most dynamic human organs...
236 · Nov 2017
Down to the forest
We harness our mind
Tears of freedom we create

Written by
Martin Ijir
235 · Jun 2017
Gazed at her ravishing beauty
Instantaneous RAIN pouring

Written by
Jean C Bertrand
235 · Aug 2017
a talk
that will
never be done

حرفی است
که هیچوقت
عملی نخواهد شد
233 · Oct 2022
...ثلاث خطوات لمدينة جديدة
233 · Oct 2017
Reason for being
See the picture
Beautiful life's murals
Winter's sun paints
Autumnal touch,
Cinnamon kiss,
Ruby leaves
Remind us
We're here for a reason as
Wet ground
Wedding Bells
Withered Cemetery

Pearly moon
Sound of silence
Echoing cosmic birth
Changing season
Perfect harmony
Last summer's sleeve hangs on the branch

Golden weaving bird
Weaving nest
Spring is reality

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
233 · Mar 2017
Don't ask me to shout
My eyes can't be colored

از من فریاد نخواهید
چشمانم رنگ نمی شدند
233 · Sep 2017
my hard body
but rejuvenate
my mind and soul

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
232 · Oct 2017

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
232 · Nov 2017
A Great Union
Tonight I shall make the moon stand still
At the pane of my window as I make love to you
No poem sweeter than love that clouds your heart
As I feel your ******* and make the milk flow

Our hearts entwined in the curtain of romance
Making the sky ceiling your name as the sun appears
Rest in my soul and rest forever blessed assured
For you deserve to be love as moon in the sky

You deserve to be adore like sun on earth
Burning my soul deeply as I roast in love
Exalt me in splendorous passion o my love
Love me with all your heart and soul

As doubt steams so your love clouds in me
Making a rainbow of color bearing red rose
Jasminic scents spreads our love sheets
As I make your soul wet as I make love to you

Tonight the great union bears a seed of words
As I make love to you, nothing stops the sun
From shining in us, as we make love rainstorm
Sail us to the mountains of gods as I come into you

Written by
Martin Ijir
231 · May 2017
When the thoughts evaporate like clouds in the sky
seems someone broke my slave ness and
makes me the master of my will

and stormed emotions rain in cats and dogs
to serve the nobleness of deserted Earth needing more water

Free be my heart and hands
as the waves in an ocean
as the oars in the hand of boatman in the still lake
as light flames in the candle in the dense night
as air all around me since my birth till today
as the bird in the sky from morning to eve

Give me more power and strength
Give me more blessings and
An abundance of your love richness
So that I can help those who needs help

~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
231 · May 2017
Mad few
Metallic truth become tubeless
Cervical test fail
Notion burn still bluish flare stainless
Gazellic gush of whistling bell rings

Unpatriotic fellow placard raise
Today enough is enough fair broad
Burrowing in as flowers see reddish stained
It is the path of injustice

Heavy metallic fire spread
Everything turn a dark cloud
Running slain water flow
Victims displaced by bullets of mad few

Martin Ijir
229 · Jan 2017
I left the rest of my colors
I love you very much

بقیه ی رنگ هایم را جا گذاشته ام
من خیلی شما را دوست دارم
229 · Jan 2017
لباس های کودکان زیبا است
...گرگ ها دنبال پروانه ها می دوند

children's clothes are beautiful
wolves are running towards butterflies....
229 · Jul 2017
Beneath the Sun
Days of toiling rings sullen bells
Happiness and sadness dances side by side
Waxing skin feel piercing days
Hateful moments makes one to cry

Even of settling dawn brew with joy
Torrential rainfall only a seed germinate
Season gives way to each other
bounty of seeds one reaps

In reality one sun fades when eternal sleep rob one's soul
Soil accept you as a blessed friend
Leaving love ones with agony and pains
As dead and birth lies still beneath the sun

All our craving under sun should be hate in a minimal form
Love in a maximum form, cry with an awful charm
Embrace every calamity as a way forward face reality as there're nothing new under the sun

Written by
Martin Ijir
229 · Jan 2017
i did not create God,,,

...من خدا نیافریدم
226 · Jan 2017
Short feet
Thin pants
Leaving my hair elastic some where
You laugh
Its sky wasn't hot

پاهایم کوتاه بود
شلوارم لاغر
کش سرم جا می ماند
تو می خندی
آسمانش گرم نبود
226 · Jan 2017
در رنگ آبی خالص
...من کفش های خواهرم را بوسیدم

in pure blue color
i kissed my sister's shoes...
226 · Aug 2017
I didn't buy flowers this morning
I don't have a smile
I see an old man in the green masses
His hair's white under the sun
This means...
I'm feeling bad!!!

امروز صبح
گل نخریدم
لبخند ندارم
در حجم هایی سبز
پیرمردی را می بینم
که موهایش در خورشید سفید است
!!! حال من دارد بد می شود
225 · Oct 2017
And you will know
I am that
Which is attained
At the end of desire

I have been with you
Since beginning
And you were seeking me
Here, there and everywhere

When you love your purity
As the full moon glowing
Then you will find me
In the sky of your mind's nest

in the morning of golden basket
in the moon of diamond script
in the evening of platinum engraved
in the night of slipping silver moments

In the realized reality of evergreen tree of life
Where your world gets quiet
And only sound left of your heart
I am that I am !

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
225 · Jan 2017
Wearing lenses at night
Demanding her stars at dawn
I was playing with my doll
Making love may be...
But my eye hadn't ****** organs !!!

شب ها لنز می گذارد
صبح ها ستاره هایش را می خواهد
من با عروسکم
همبازی بودم
...یا هم آغوشی
!!! چشمان من که عضو جنسی نداشته اند
225 · Sep 2017
you are with me
lovely life
no waiting
you are still here

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
225 · Jan 2017
i love my shoes in the morning
225 · Jan 2017
                        PREGNANT ?!
223 · Dec 2017
autumn river
the paddle swings
into a sigh

Written by
Srinivasa Rao Sambangi
223 · Jan 2018
Gone with the wind
waving good bye
watching tears
Silent tears
So many wishes
I wish he was there
I wish she was there
Soaring chamber
Crying within burning flames
For a moment
laughter changing to sweats
Boiling consciousness
Pleading with the air
Angry with the rain
Searching for a glance of laughter
Impalpable dark shadow
The stars in the blue
Sweet angels will bless
your soul

Written by
Jean C Bertrand
223 · Jan 2017
take my color pencils
my hands are passing your smiles...

مداد رنگی هایم را بگیر
...دست های من از خنده های تو می گذرد
I killed my innocent baby in my womb
I did not give her a more time to survive
I snatched her right in this world to arrive

I knew well in my all senses what I was doing
A painful seed of lifelong dissent I was bowing
Calm and quiet but the brutal ****** I was doing

I knew I will never hear the cry of newborn weeping
For whom the feminine power has a maternal seeking
I killed innocent girl not allowing the time she was needing

I was having nothing against her but a social honor killing
She was a seed of my love but went deserted and unwilling
If I could have kept, she would have been my whole world's filling

Save the one better half from the other good half's bid
Save the girl child, she is the mother of my future grandkid
Wife of my son, sister of her brother please do not do what I did

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
when i read this poem, that was my first time to read his poetry
221 · Sep 2017
a little music
a little song
all the time
all around
access dress till the time
adjective becomes a noun

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
220 · Aug 2017
somewhere between
the known and unknown
potential seeds fertile
crushed flowers
give fragrance

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
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