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220 · Aug 2017
somewhere between
the known and unknown
potential seeds fertile
crushed flowers
give fragrance

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
220 · Dec 2017
familiar tune
my children's laughter follows
the mountain stream

Written by
Marion Clarke
219 · Dec 2017
With a gem of wisdom, I turn my head to my mind
Without any bias, in search of 'That', I have yet to find

do you know why winged Cupid is painted blind?
As love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind;

So in search of real light, I left the darkness behind
Grief may follow on but no shadow of joy on mind

I change my thought to get title of grace and kind
And toiled so hard to leave some monument behind

And continue walking in the garden of roses and weeds
And worked so hard that they measure me by my deeds

But, love, hate, sin and win on, for now, I know my mind;
Those that can see their love they should never be blind.

And ''That'' which governs us in all the time is a divine kind
For the roads are unending but no permanent place for mind

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
218 · Jan 2017
wooden figures
217 · May 2017
good morning
good afternoon
good evening
good night
all across the sea
always remember
the poem inside of you
can change the world
it's time to express
it's time to share
it's time to speak for
the voice of voicelessness

thank you for your contribution
the almighty God will bless you
starting from here to there
blessings blessings blessings

Jean C Bertrand
217 · Jun 2017
For the rest of my life
I'll make sure your face keeps glowing
I'll make sure your cheeks blink and winks
I'll make sure your pains drowns and sinks

For the rest of my life
I'll plant ebony into the strands of your hair
I'll make your eye sparkle without any tear
I'll make your nostrils, breath living air

For the rest of my life
I'll make sure your lips never lack loving kisses
I'll make sure your shoulders can withstand any marital blemishes
I'll make sure your ears, hears loving promises

For the rest of my life
I'll make sure your ******* feed future kings
I'll make sure your finger wear my marital rings
I'll make sure your heart never feels anything that stings

For the rest of my life
I'll make sure your womb is filled with fulfilment
And many Merriment

For the rest of my life
I'll make sure you feel eternal warmth
I'll make sure you blink with joy
Make you anciently in love, like the city of troy

Written by
Joey Percival Ikechukwu
216 · Jul 2017
There is a poet
behind the clouds
Screaming thy blue

Written by
Jean C Bertrand
215 · Feb 2017
I know a girl
Sitting in isolation
Looking at her feet...

دختری را می شناسم
که کنج خانه می نشیند و
...پاهایش را نگاه می کند
215 · Nov 2017
the cold on the other side
of the pillow

Written by
Anna Maris
214 · Jun 2017
Angel, let not your heart be heavy, even if your sadness are high as
mountain Everest, never mind, God is higher than even Kilimanjaro

Written by
Joey Percival Ikechukwu
213 · Aug 2017
people trapped somewhere
virtual reality
existence reduced

Written by
Ute Sonja Medley
213 · Dec 2017
noon heat
even a fish in the brook
staying in a shadow

Written by
Tomislav Maretic
211 · Jul 2017
Thirst of Love
Jealousy elopes my heart
And pains of love grows like plant
I wish you **** my twin breast
So I hive wax of honey into your mind-nest

For I am thirsty of love
Since I fall for you in secret love
My eyes hope to drink your cup
So I fly so high like dove swooning in a cusp

Spreading my wings in your arms
For in the nursery of flowers farm
My preserve dignity I shall offer you in charms
Promise me you shall come to pay the alms

So the thirst of love be quenched
I want to drink from you to be satisfied
From the well of your manhood
Where your reflection mirrored in my womb

In this I laid in soil tomb
Without regret but to aplomb
The cup you give me
As my soul rest in forever

Written by
Martin Ijir
210 · Sep 2017
bouffant clouds
sharing blue sky
twinkling windows

Written by
Ute Sonja Medley
210 · May 2017
a blanket of dust
unfathomable casket
a goldless journey

Jean C Bertrand
209 · Dec 2017
stars in the river
between them
the lonely moon

Written by
Ivanka Yankova
209 · Mar 2017
Jawahar Gupta :
Why are you so sad, Yasaman Johari ?

Yasaman Johari : i don't know my kind grandfather,,,,your heart is so beautiful
207 · Nov 2016
Jasmine dances
Jasmine laughs
Jasmine will die
In plain blue jasmine will die

یاسمن می رقصد
یاسمن می خندد
یاسمن خواهد مرد
یاسمن در دشت های آبی خواهد مرد
206 · Jan 2017
...مادرم خیلی مهربان بود
دلم می خواهد به شکم مادرم بازگردم
!!! مادر من رحم ندارد
...کودکی می خواهم
از من متولد شود
...رحم نداشته باشد
یادت می آید
از ترس آنکه بزرگ نشوم
النگوهایم را زیر بالشتم قایم می کردم !؟
...مادرم خیلی مهربان بود
موهایش را شانه نمی کرد
خواهرم چه زیبا بود
با موهایی خرمایی رنگ
زیر نور خورشید
در باد می رقصید
با چشمانی درشت به رنگی سیاه
روسری ها نمی فهمند
موهایم را پوشانده اند
این همه گل های یاسمن را دیده ای !!؟
...از واژن من می رویند
دلم می خواهد به شکم مادرم بازگردم
رحم نداشته باشد
چرا این مردم صدای مرا نمی شنوند!؟
...آسمان ندارند
سرزمین شغال ها را نمی شناسم
قصه ای ندارد
...مادرم خیلی مهربان بود
مادر همگی مان را رحمت کند
من کودکی می خواهم
...رحم نداشته باشد
204 · Sep 2017
life lie on meaningless mattress
massage by greed fellow
whose notions to riches is to drain the water that flow
whatever source divine wills' it
life is meaningless
when all secrets you want to acquire end
why live on...for misery and loneliness tears your heart apart
brew of beers you seek solace at
as you dig your grave in a particular position you so desire
lying in your coffin waiting for death to pass by
techniques of greatness smiles at your mind
what is the importance of mastery your craft ?
misery torn one heart in dismay
death wish one whilst to rest his soul
life is a meaningless
journey to tread upon
umami taste of gorse pathways
lead one to unsatisfied pleasure
unhappiness devours one day
as sadness of breath circle one sun
preferring to give your body as a toy to dust

Written by
Martin Ijir
204 · Nov 2017
Deep concern
I'm in favor that return,
Neither of us can tolerate this, in vain,
Season of travellers dressed red pain,
Strange ghosts, figures without eyes,
Pale faces with speechless cries,
Die on paths to paradise,
As lost memories recollect faded purposes,
Beseeching unappeasable promises,
Offered nearer to hope before despair,
suspended nowhere, reflecting a loitering nightmare,
Closer to their decayed bodies, their rotten flare,

I hope we compel our senses to return,
Enchanting fancies delude souls' Yearn,
To places swaying between sleep and dreams,
Where the unknown devours awareness beams;
See soul, supple promises have no signs here,
But whispers among whispers twitter near,
Unnatural tales in voiceless words in timeless sleep,
Divert eager faith, that courageously weep.
The closest to me, backward, we better creep.
To these worldly loving hearts who discern
where faiths convert concern to deep concern.

Written by
Jamal Abboud
203 · Dec 2017
Pregnant Sky
Shady light enslave the world
As mortals seek liberation in the void
Rots of angst hollow in my skull
My extricate goals fail on the podium of time

I am an extricate phenomenon of dismay
Igniting war of starvation as leaves on treetops
The twilight of grass dance swiftly
as my freedom filled the open space of the sky

I am the lost opportunity of future of yesterday
I hardly recall the last day I feed with my family
For sorrow covers my face as a pregnant sky
hoping to give birth to a child without delay

I am a ghost out of a broken coven
Overly speaking words for a new heaven

Written by
Martin Ijir
202 · Jan 2017
هنرمندان پیغمبران نیستند
پیغمبران خدا نیستند

Artists are not prophets
Prophets are not God

YOU­ loved me and took away my pain and gave me flower
The more I loved the more I found you blessings shower

Listen to the wind, it talks.Listen to the silence, it speaks.
Listen to your heart, it knows.Listen to Soul it glows cheeks

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
201 · May 2017
O My Love !
If I will be reborn next time
as a gardener,
To produce beautiful flowers,
Then !
can I produce a flower
more beautiful than you ?
So many seeds !
So less time !!

~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
200 · May 2017
thinking change the mind
seasons bring mist clouds sun moon
Kids look to flowers

~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
When the spring sunshines
Grandkids look to grandfathers
Look back at the candle of your table
Wine you sought for, was beside you
Wait shrouded a need unveil the passion
Calm storm to taste the words of ruby wine

Nightmare seduced fragile dreams
Seasons tried to unbutton dress
Blouse of frightened night was opened
Everything seemed praying in a fog of Myst,

Decisions based on haunted whispers
Equally important is innocent Palace
Night and day follows moon and sun
Where pen and paper collect fragmented sky

Body marks are my Soul Smiles
Nothing desired more than a desire
Leaves ready to be sacrificed in Autumn
Nature makes you feel the way she wants

Spanking just for lust may be obsession
I am more than a lunch and dinner for you
I know your unsatiable hunger for me but
I promise you more than a food and sweet dish

Trusting me you found a priceless gem of Nirvana
Pleasure garden of flesh is withered after the Spring
Precious jewelry is kept safe in chest, not in exhibition
And you give me ancient fragrance of classical flower

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
198 · Sep 2017
Live life happy
and together
even if in your poetry
Daisy and Lilly will sprout out

you have to die a few times
before you can really live
sounds believable
like the breath in frozen snow
praying your queen of everything and everyone
and she does not disappoint anyone
since she loves her all children equally

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
Some­ surrender to walk on wild side once before it's too late
Keep seeking rainbows of the pathway leading to Souls gate

Let adventure glint moments of lips met Celestial memories
Of the well used that space in youth of rehearsal and series

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
197 · Nov 2017
Coming from mountains
Coming from mountains
Silently cover our house and lawn
Elegant and cold to hug our warm body
In solitude of mute wind
Leaving behind icicles

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
197 · Jun 2017
I will never walk at night with a poet by the
sea shore
Mermaid will explain

Written by
Jean C Bertrand
196 · Apr 2017
اگر وابستگی من به خواهرم کم بشود
خودم را می کشم
...من او را دوست دارم
...من این را روی یک کاکتوس خواهم نوشت
196 · Aug 2017
ocean has witnessed
almost all
but still waiting
for something
more beautiful

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
195 · Jan 2017
...من هم خورشید زرد را می خواهم

i also want the yellow sun....
195 · Nov 2017
Swim like bird in the sky
Lie on earth of water
Smile as Sun in the sky
Eat the cloud dust
And gain undying breathe

Written by
Martin Ijir
194 · May 2017
I have yet to see
what you have not seen so far
many things on earth

~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
194 · Oct 2017
Your reflection spreads in lake of heart
As soft cotton floats in fragrant breeze
Rejuvenates sky of mind and rock of Soul
Fills the void, vacuums and empty space

Strange white clouds come to become friends
After rain, hope to reach the shy rainbows, and
Fruits grow faster like poems in romantic poet
Sound of koel's kiss heals the past hurts

Somewhere in lonely house of sunny valley
A newly married couple is weaving fabrics of faith
They are of peace as the whole nature is calm
Shaping the skilled expedition of their future ski

To keep their deep lake of life without turbulence
To find the serenity in their celestial destiny and
To do anything to feel alive to oar the boat in storm
Being best rowers of time to push and move in water

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
192 · May 2017
behind the white cloud
unoticeable rays
silently moving to bring sunshine
sweet devotee
dissolving melancholy
all sweet breeze

Jean C Bertrand
192 · Nov 2016
nakedness with blue pink yellow scarves,,,,
192 · Dec 2017
In her waters
I drop words-ships...
And I travel with them

Written by
Antoaneta Pavlova
191 · Jul 2017
Strong Woman (Senryu/Haiku)
Her long stored tears
Start flowing - so as to make
A bright pearl necklace

Written by
Faheem Jawaid
190 · May 2017
O flesh
When the doom boom
When the night gloom
The echoes boom boom
O spirit
Have strength to say goodbye

by Jean C Bertrand
Sky is everywhere but you will find me only here
What will happen here, will not happen anywhere

Never be far off than near, so always be nearer the near
Air is everywhere but you will find cool breeze only here

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
189 · Sep 2017
Sitting under the tree
Talking to the whispers of the wind
Under the tree of calmness
The temple of godly land
Closing my eyes feeling ecstasy
As i heard a whistling whiskey
Bottling voice of drunkard in the garden
The sacred divine peaceful breeze in doom
Poisonous irreligious thoughts
A blanket speech
Polluted the ocean
Smoking sealing lips
Ocean birds can not fly
In the wilderness

Written by
Jean C Bertrand
189 · Oct 2017
so sad
that love
torn our
world apart
that makes
our heart
fuse as one

Written by
Martin Ijir
188 · Jan 2017
God with no eyebrows in my drawings
I don't know why !!!

نمی دانم چرا خدا
!!! در نقاشی ام ابرو نداشت
188 · Dec 2016
please send me your paintings
i love blue color
188 · Nov 2016
with my blue pencil
187 · Nov 2017
Take my soul
Take my soul as your deserved gift
Enwrap in silver lining of azure light
Take my soul as well my body
For you deserved it, it's a lone gift I can give

For you light the lamp of love as sun
Take my soul and feed it with love
Water it, for it is the plant of your garden
So greenish like blossoming roses

So alluring like white jasmine
Take my soul ring it not
For I am already enslave in you
Body, mind and soul therefore I deserved not a ring

Take my soul fill it with air as cylinder
So I flare and cook palatable dishes of your love
Take my soul embalm it with honey
As I give my body to earth my soul resides in you my love

Written by
Martin Ijir
187 · Sep 2017
''Build your mountain with every thought
Your dearer birth, your parent's had brought

Inspect each and every seed
Sow in soil, free from all weeds

Then stand back 40 miles
To see the farms growing in styles

And see the shape your dream
Dancing ******* discover the life's stream

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
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