Since I found out that Hayat's heart and lungs have a congenital problem and he will not live long; The thought of suicide repeats like a whisper to me more than before and I dream regularly... On Tuesday, I dreamed that I was facing a window, the weather was like spring or summer. In front of me, it was full of cranberry bushes, my hand could reach the branches. The cranberries were very red and there was snow on them even though the sun was bright... I don't remember much about sleep And I don't know why I saw you sitting on our dining chair, Mr. Emadi...
Like the first rain
on a barren land...
Like a baby for the first time
touching his mother's hand... Like the Surah,
that I heard it by chance
and calming me down...
Like drinking water
On a hot and exhausting afternoon,
It was the feeling of the touch of Øیآة's hands....