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You’re almost asleep and
I’m jealous of your sheets because
Nights like this I wish I could be them.

You’re in my poems.
In my head and in my heart but
You’re not in my arms and
The countdown could not go quick enough.

I wish there was a fast forward on this thing.
This is part of my poem a day challenge
I love
It's to put in words
How much I do
Maybe this can
Explain a little
I'd do anything for you
I'd ****
For you
I'd die
For you
I'd sell my soul
To Satan
Just to hear feel your touch
I want to spend
My life with you
I'd walk out if heaven
And in to hell
For you
I'd crawl through
The fire of hell
To get you out
I'd burn the world
To heat you
**** anything
To feed you
Anything you want
I'll get it
I'll walk through the gates of hell
Shake hands with satan
Just to see you smile
I love you
I hope you know how much
Love                   Love
  My heart             looked for
  special love,       easily found
     so very soon  &  now hopefully  
   forever eternity it’s with me
  Accepting it and sharing,
  Kiss for you baby
love you so
Slumber on a dreary night
Woke up with a teary-eyes
Look at the clock on your right
And thank God that your still alive.
i still remember the first night we fell asleep on the phone together. i don't recall why you were crying and i'm sorry that you probably do. but i sang to you. i sang to you until you were silent. and that became a ritual for us. my voice carried you into dreams and i had never felt so important before. i didn't know it was possible to think the way someone snored was cute but night after night you proved me wrong. the moments before sleep were occupied by conversations of the future we wanted to build. we talked about being together in our bed in our house someday. i conjured up countless images of memories yet to be made that served as pictures on the pages of stories you told me. those images are still stuck to the walls of my skull, clinging to them as if to say, "but he promised." every time i try to peel them off they scream. i told you from the beginning the way promises tie my stomach in knots and most of the time you were careful. but at 4am when my voice was drowning in sobs i let you tell me you weren't going anywhere. you told me to breathe, suddenly i could. and you kept doing stupid little things until i gave in and laughed. i felt you smile. promises still made me feel sick. but i needed your consistency. the nights i had to fall asleep without you were hell. they always turned into red-eyed mornings where i watched the sun rise before managing only a few hours of dreamless sleep. i always woke up tired. i looked for you in other voices but none of them fit. your promises still lingered in my head. you said my heart would never be broken again, and i know this is not your fault, but i have been picking glass from my lungs for 17 days and the bleeding hasn't stopped.

- m.f
You might never understand why I walk around with clenched fists not open hands
Cause the unplanned always happens and ***** up my original plans

Maybe if I was rock hard tough I couldn't
Be bent
Concrete enough to be
But these are all just thoughts to

Another extra expense, still lookin' though my cracked lens, I dont need your 2 cents
Do I even make sense? Can you understand the irrelevance or you still on the fence?
Here I am
Still clenching my fists waiting in suspense

No words could be spoken
Wrapped around in a beret
Nothing could be sensed
Cats lay torpid
He jingled the coins in his pocket
There's not much he had
There was nothing he spoke
A cold wall of dissociative amnesia
A blustery day
Driving all those fears
Into the wild
Covering all those scars
With ice cakes.
I find nowhere to indulge myself with happiness.
One minute ago I was happy and soulful.
Now I'm all alone and mentally tired of all the awful thoughts that came across.
I am a teenager.
I made mistakes.
I don't know how to act.
Or even talk like a lady.
Harsh words kept popping out of my mouth and especially my 'epic' dislike face expressions kept being watched.
They hate me,I hate them.
I can't do anything about it wouldn't I?
That's all that matter to me most.*

©2014 Maman Screams
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