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 Mar 2014 y i k e s
allow yourself to
arrive at the checkpoint of
safe recovery
you saved
my soul
when my mind
became poison
(I had to start over
when (y)our love
did the same)
"Should one of us remember,
  And one of us forget,
I wish I knew what each will do--
  But who can tell as yet?"

"Should one of us remember,
  And one of us forget,
I promise you what I will do--
And I'm content to wait for you,
  And not be sure as yet."
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
It just takes a second
And you've popped back into my head
As if you never even left
It just takes one glimpse
One look at your photograph
And I'm awestruck with how beautiful you are
The image of you takes over
It's always been difficult to understand
The painful longing I have for you  
No, you're not mine
But when I lay my head down at night
That's when you enter my mind
That's when the fantasies begin to take form
When I am no longer in the present
But I'm transported to where
The back of my mind often lingers
A place where you surrender yourself to me
Mind, body, and soul
And my one purpose
Is to make you feel happiness and pleasure
With every breath you take
And every move you make
It's a misfortune
It's a tragedy
How you'll probably never be the one for me
And how I'll most likely never in my life
Get to relish in the fact that I hold the key to your happiness
I believe that I'll forever feel this dissatisfaction
This sickness
There is no cure
If I can't have you
© Willa 2014
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
Jaide Lynne
Starlight star bright, first star I see tonight. I wish I may I wish I might have this wish I wish tonight.

I wish for world peace

I wish dreams were reality and reality was like a dream

I wish for a world where the underdogs can thrive and the top dogs still survive

I wish that there would be no more fighting, no war.

I wish to live in a world where there is a cure for every disease, where no one ever cries.

I want to live in a world without anxiety, without lies.

I wish for a world where everyone smiles because they can, not because they have to.

I wish to live in a world where I’m fine isn’t a lie, and the word poor wasn’t in our vocabularies.

I want a world with only love, not hate.

But with out pain there would be no comfort,

without lies there would be no truth,

with out frowns there would be no smiles, no laughs.

Without death we couldn’t fully appreciate life, without illness there could be no health.

Without fear and anxiety there would be no relaxation

Without sadness no one could be happy.

Without lies how could there be truth
Yes, I wish that this world was more accepting of everyone, despite their differences, but where’s the fun in that?

because If we couldn’t cry, we also wouldn’t be able to smile.

Because if we didn’t have our battle wounds how would we show we are winning the war?

Because as my grandmother used to say to my mother as she wound her hair into tight painful braids, beauty hurts.

because you can’t give up the negatives in this world without sacrificing the positives too.

So after the sun has set, and when the world has gone quiet,I  wish on that one little star, but I wish no longer wish for happiness, I just wish for balance.
This one is a bit of a work in progress.
Lips dangling right above yours
Your hot breath sparking against my skin
Again and again
The hum drum of your greedy hands
At the sharp end of my pelvis
Transferring jolts through the core of my body

Your whispers beg for more moans
Groans left to disguise the inner gears
Creaking, screaming against the friction
Just enough
Till you closes your eyes

This is
Your nobility
This is
Your felicity
and my captivity

Your chance to shine
Against the ripples of my bare skin
Your chance for fingertips
To dance across my ****

My favorite part
Is hiding in the blankets
Safe from your touch
My favorite part
is clutching the wall
Reaching the temporary end
Knowing there will only be
Another day to begin
When lights darken.
This is a lot more graphic and crude than my normal writing but I didn't write this for anyone else but me. It is raw. It is real. And it's here whether or not you choose to like it.
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
You're so beautiful
It hurts
5 words.

I want to know the real her.

© Willa 2014
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