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Having a love is a magnificent feeling
Having a lover is a brilliant thought
Making room in your world for such beauty;
His soul

The truth comes out, as you are falling
love conquers all

You start to notice the small things
His eyes, so mysterious
His smile, draws you in
His laugh, paints a picture of the future
His touch, brings you somewhere, you never want to leave
His everything, is everything that you want

More than anything,
I love you
More than anything,
You are

My one and only
It's us against the world
He gives you a reason
To smile
To live
To love
He gives you a reason,
A reason to be

Yourself is all he wants, you are all he needs
no make up necessary, no styling of the hair
he will not judge you for your scars
nor your mistakes
Your past, it does not matter
Your future, in his eyes
He picks you up, into his arms
holds you closer than ever

“I love you more than anything,
more than the stars love to shine,
more than the sun loves to blind
more than the earth loves to give life,
I love you more than anything,
I love you, I love you and all of you”


2013 - Miranda Mack-Jackson
 Nov 2013 y i k e s
Anna Thorpe
Sit on the porch
Or play in the rain
Sit on the sidelines
Or get in the game
Watch the performance
Or dance on the stage
Swim with the sharks
Or watch from the cage
Sing along to every song
Or just listen to the beat
Learn how to fly or
Stay grounded on both feet
Whatever you choose
You only get one life
So live it for you
I thought about you today,
That simple act which is nothing new
Has become comfortable
You inhabit me
Though you know not
You that which I think of
Not with purpose nor meaning
I but do
As I lay trying to sleep
Thoughts of you rise as they always do
I do not think a night has past in which you do not appear in my thoughts
In my dreams
Do you haunt me specter of my heart?
Stalk me to devour the remnants of my beating chest?
You senseless thief
Why do you taunt me so
You have already stolen my heart
Do you wish it dead too?
What a cruel hand fortune hath dealt me
To throw my heart at uncaring feet
And voice at uncaring ears
Never the less
Bleeding and broken
My heart thought of you today
Of your smile and lips
Your eyes, your hands
Why does your scent linger so
Why are memories of you the only things I remember
Why can I count the days since I've seen you and nothing else
You have cursed me
You have blessed me
I but want to sleep
Without dreams of you
Not forever, but one night
Or two
Curse or no I cannot live without you.
Its 2:30 in the morning, this isnt meant to be fluid or fancy, just the ranting of a mind that wants to speak. It may be crude but I think its essence is polished.
 Nov 2013 y i k e s
 Nov 2013 y i k e s
I'm sick and tired
of not being able to enjoy
things that are special to me

I'm sick and tired
of feeling trapped
no matter what I choose

I'm sick and tired
of feeling like I
need to make that decision

I'm sick and tired
of being here
literally and figuratively

I'm sick and tired
of constantly needing
to get away from everyone

I'm sick and tired
of being quiet and
doing nothing about it

I'm sick and tired.

but I have not fallen
so you better watch out
this time I'm not afraid to run away
you've all pushed me too far
 Nov 2013 y i k e s
 Nov 2013 y i k e s
I've recently realized
I'm just writing for the views.

only few in the past couple days
came from real happiness and blues.

I guess I gotta wonder
why I care so much about all of yous.

My rhymes maybe be stupid
but these are the words I choose.

I will no longer even consider popularity
since all it does is abuse.
 Nov 2013 y i k e s
 Nov 2013 y i k e s
Bored boredom is boring
through my mind
And random thoughts are soaring
on a straight line
They're luring  
Ideas a million at a time

And its destroying
My chance at making
So I better start toying
around with faking
Before I sound annoying
And tell you that I'm breaking
This sounded like a song more than a poem to me idk
too bad i can't sing i guess
(might add more later)
She had her own little world,
Where she could be herself without being afraid,
Being there was beautiful

People call her a freak,
They say she's a nowhere girl
'Cause she's living out of this world.

She talks to birds she talks to angels
She talks to trees she talks to bees
Talks to the rainbows and to the seas

She lives in the world of imagination,
To hide from the crule reality of this world
 Nov 2013 y i k e s
 Nov 2013 y i k e s
I think I am a wallflower.
Someone who observes life instead of experiencing it
A good listener who doesn't judge
Socially awkward
Not many friends
I'm the type that does well in school
I stay up all night to finish an amazing book
I love art but I'm horrible at creating it
I love boy bands and old music
I'd like to think I'm a nice person
But who am I kidding
I'm crazy
I fell hopelessly in love with this guy
Who couldn't accept me
I grew tired of being normal
So I quit because I like me.
 Nov 2013 y i k e s
Angie Acuña
Like trying to swim in a desert, I have been trying to forget you.
Obviously, it's not working.

When I was growing up my mother would say " It's okay not to try if you know you're fail miserably, but you can try it just for the experience."

So I did.

I spent hours reading books, familiarizing myself with characters that seemed a lot like you; impulsive, stubborn, witty, and sarcastic.
Can you see the similarity?

After deducing that books weren't the answer, I turned to the internet.
Sadly, this was a bust as well.
Every cat picture I saw reminded me of Star, the cat who ran away.
Yes, this was your cat.
I can't imagine why she would leave.

My last attempt at forgetting you was filling my head with meaningless facts.
Did you know that penguins have knees?
Yeah. You told me that.

Anyways, I decided that there was just no staying away from you.
My mind was like a private detective, subconciously tracking you down, searching for any type of clue that would lead me to you.
Don't ask me why I end up next to you everyday.
I honestly don't know.

But sometimes, I can see my train of thought leading me to you and it never crosses my mind to come to a screeching halt.

Maybe it's because I want to crash into you.
Or maybe it's because I want you to meet me halfway.
Sometimes I wonder if I'm being obvious enough.
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