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 Mar 2014 y i k e s
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
Nick fell in love with a loony
This girl was indeed quite screwy
She built herself a hut
out of her ex-boyfriends' nuts
Now nick feels kinda gloomy
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
My carefree girl
My girl of the roses
The friend I love
So very dearly
She holds the sunshine
And the wind and rain
Locked inside her tender heart
I'll never forget
How you love to romp with me
So you are my best friend forever
Beautiful girl of the roses

Another Poem For My Dear Cat, Lady Jane!!! :) ~~~~~<3
I Don't Know What Has Gotten Into Me Lately...
Seems She's The Only Thing I Can Write About
As Of Late!!! :P ~~~~<3
Well, Anyways, I Still Hope You
Enjoy Reading It, My HP Friends!! (: ~~~~<3
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
In class
I nervously pinch my arm
trying to keep my focus.
At home
I try to act like I don't care
trying to keep my happy face on.
When I'm with friends
I try to take in
the vitamins
of their laughter
trying to laugh along.
When I'm alone
I blast my music
and read books
and write poems
trying not to cry.

I can't start crying,
I know I'll never stop.
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
Emma Katka
you're not a saint
but keep beating that dead animal like you are
bring it back to life
put those strings on the limbs
make it dance
dance for your world
that you're still so desperate to impress
dance for your pride
dance for your ego
dance for yourself
that's all we ever were doing
spinning in circles around your sensitivities
spinning in circles around what i was doing wrong
i'm hearing a ringing in my head
echoes of your tantrums
when you couldn't respond
only cross your arms
and fall into yourself
where you danced in your self pity
danced in your despair
i'm not the composer of your songs
you're singing to yourself baby
and you have been all along
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
My troubles go undetected
soft fabric keeps them protected
now no one needs to ask me
how I obtained this injury
And no longer do I have to lie
which often leads me to cry
and start the cycle again
wondering when it will end
I wanted to write this better
unfortunately I didn't have the energy
nor do I wish to revisit it later
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
being the first thing I think about in the morning
and the last thing I think about at night
just wasn't enough for you
so you chose
to haunt my dreams
as well.
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
This canvas
was better bare

paint already covers it
so who really cares

only get worried
when it starts to tear
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
Put me in a box
cover it with locks
and hide me away
until you have better days
because I know how I am
so I know I should be crammed
into a tight space
where no one sees my face
or has to hear my voice
I could take away your choice
in this, then again
It'd be easier for my friends
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
Tahirih Manoo
We've all come from seeds.
We all have roots-
our ancestors.
We are made in their images.

Though our trees are in different locations,
with branches that have wandered in different directions
we all share the same needs- we all try to sustain our lives

   M-     Movement
E-      Excretion
     R-      Respiration
        R-      Reproduction
   I-       Irritability
  N-      Nutrition
G-      Growth

We must accept that the same things happen to us all,
but at different times in various ways.

The leaves from the top may fall sooner than from the bottom,

the water reaches the bottom first and then proceeds to the top,

the sunlight initially lights the eastern half of the tree and sets shining to the western half.  
At one point, directly overhead- Equilibrium.

We should not compare anything of ours to others,
for we all experience the same seasons, at one point or another

- March 3rd, 2014    4:25 am.
I could sit in a tree all day if i could, listen to the trees getting teased by the wind.
So playful, ... nature.
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
You complain about Jared Leto's speech because he didn't "thank a trans person" and instead delivered a timed and beautiful and empowering speech for his mother and for anyone else out there who was listening. It was an all inclusive speech and made many cry. Yet you complain because he didn't mention a trans individual. And I wonder, what all of you that are complaining have done for the trans community? Because if you truly want to help them, you should know that Jared Leto saying 'Hey Thanks' won't make their lives any easier. Instead of complaining about the things that aren't happening, get out there and do them. Make a difference in their lives. And then you can complain about **** that doesn't matter.
So tired of constant negativity
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