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 Feb 2014 xinkedxscarx
addy r
 Feb 2014 xinkedxscarx
addy r
I feel jealous* of the shirt that clings ever so tightly to you because it does a better job than my weak arms ever did.

I feel jealous of the belt that holds your pants up in immeasurable strength that I could never defeat.

I feel jealous of the watch you look at every other minute because I know you will never look at me like that ever again.

I am jealous of the articles you call your own, because I will never be.

 Feb 2014 xinkedxscarx
It's not my fault
that sleep doesn't come to me easily,
that the thoughts in my mind will not leave me,
that it takes two hours before I drift off completely
(sometimes even three).

It's not my fault
that my hands and legs would not stop fidgeting,
that I find the littlest things very distracting,
(like how the clock never stops ticking)
that I like to keep repeating.

It's not my fault
that sometimes I can't breathe,
that I'm not the person who you would want to be with,
that sometimes I don't want to live.

It's not my fault that I have a condition.
Or maybe it is.

 Feb 2014 xinkedxscarx
 Feb 2014 xinkedxscarx
Yesterday, I was sad.
Today, I am sad.
Tomorrow, I'll be sad again.
And that's really kind of sad,
dont you think?

I'm tired of always feeling this way. It's always a constant battle between convincing myself that I can survive and convincing myself that I can't. I don't want to burden people with my sickness and all I can say is that I'm sorry for everything.
 Feb 2014 xinkedxscarx
addy r
 Feb 2014 xinkedxscarx
addy r
The year twenty fourteen.

A year has passed, deeds have been done and new challenges surface.  What does this year hold for any of us? Will it brush the dust off our bones? Awaken our lifeless souls? Or instead set our bodies on fire in revenge?  

Resolutions will be passed, but will anyone actually fulfill them? They'd be hanging from a thorn in their minds, just waiting to die, while the people decide what to do with them.  

Lyrics to future hits will be written and left helpless in recording studios while producers muse over each and every verse, critiquing the words, and possibly changing destinies.

New Year decorations will be taken down and Christmas has long gone. Winter has turned into Spring and what's next?

I'd just be watching the leaves of trees take the form of multiple personalities and colors, dying every time they have to change. I'd watch them fall off branches to pile up on the ground, only to be raked into another pile to be taken far, far away from home. I wish I could be like them, on to places beyond.

My bones have not grown stronger, and "New Year New Me" is complete ******* because nobody can be changed by a mere thought. Careful consideration, time and other things must come into play. I still feel weak at the knees with every sight of you, and my head and heart don't agree with everything either wants to do.

The stars and the Moon speak to me, and tell me about all their stories from the past year. They tell me to catch falling stars should I see any, and to count the stars instead of counting money, which has no value on its own.

But how can I tell anyone at all that I'd rather be in the universe of my own mind than anywhere on earth where civilization can be found? Will they take offense? I don't know. All they ever do is tweet about how school is going on, and how they love their friends. I've forgotten how to speak the same language as them and I know I'm an alien now.

I do not belong on this earth.

As of 2014.*

 Feb 2014 xinkedxscarx
Tyler G
 Feb 2014 xinkedxscarx
Tyler G
Je ne plus comprendre comment aimer.
t'as parti sans moi.
Tu m'avais laisser dans la rue sans un pull,
sans une tête,
sans un cœur.
Tu l'as pris comme la diable que tu es.
je t'aime, je t'aime, je t'aime.
Je ne comprends pas comment tu peux pas m'aimer comme je t'aime,
ma belle.
On peux changer le monde entier.
tu peux changer ma vie simplement avec un regarde
de tes yeux trop bleu.
Les yeux de la mer.
Les yeux bleu comme la mer et violent comme des vagues.
Les vagues intensifs qui cognes sur le sable de mon cœur.
Si je peux m’arrêter de t'aimer, je le ferai,
comme je peux jamais arrêter de t'aimer,
ici je resterai, tout seul avec mon tasse de thé vert.

— The End —