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wordvango Sep 2017
tears in my eyes
and stormy clouds
thunders seek
to make me rain down on you

closing in are
the sounds
of humidity
the magnitude
of falling

now these  
once fluffy
things turned dark and

I reposed
back on red earth
my head to the west
my feet ready to run
under the nearest tree

pull her limbs to me
in plain sight
accepting my course

seeing seeking some
kind of
roaring clasp
maybe I am

or feel my sins are
wordvango Sep 2017
those two more times
the need grabbed me more
than my resistance
could handle

I bowed down
to the God of
least resistance perpetual

convinced myself
this time
it's gonna be so much better

thing I ever
dreamed of
sat at the end

**** what a *******!
wordvango Sep 2017
just here recent
a slow ebb
like a shell
on the beach waiting
for a passerby
to pick me up
put me to her ear

I'm nakedly
calling out echoed
sand in my

don't know how
many more
I can be here
  Sep 2017 wordvango
River bamboo arrayed in lace tiers
consoles the birdbath on its loss of robins
Intemperate August staggers in liquored air
of wavery heat and layered sighs

Leaves relinquish their rush
toward this “ripe on time”
Blackberry brambles have ceased to reach
now bow to ponder their plunder
while petunias, those bold delinquents!
bloom as if the frost’s lethal cling
were some myth
the antique roses had made up

Bud, bloom, revive!
See the generation of the bee!
Bud, bloom, survive—
to do it all again
for the single sake...
of treasuring beginning in the end...

Her bicycle, my geranium
have found eternity together
on the sun spattered patio

opens the screen door
as I—
climb the morning stairs
squints smiles amongst sleepy freckles
who has not brushed her hair
in a late August moment of not caring

And I know it will all happen anyway
no matter what I do....
...And it has happened-- my daughters grown and gone... the wonderful home along the river, torn down for the building of a levee.  I'm glad I wrote this-- like a bookmark among so many memories.
wordvango Sep 2017
at times I lust at Bukowski's rambling,
others, I see him as a drunk got lucky
lost his feelings of poorness
and suffering when he made it big.
I promise to always be
a fine cultured nice laughing
drunk poet whatever what.
Never to put down poetry readings
like I am some God or better
than anyone.
or ever hit a woman
wordvango Sep 2017
Sorry, dude

I know I have been
busy lately
our friendship
has taken a hit

but golf is out of the question,
I have to take her kitten
to the masseuse

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