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167 · Nov 2014
You Are What You Write
Lexie Nov 2014
You are what you write

I am a poem full of misery
167 · Aug 2016
Dark Nights
Lexie Aug 2016
when you cry yourself to sleep
because you don't know what else to do
when you cry yourself to sleep
just to make it through

when tears are your rocks
and cheeks your cliff
and you run over the edge
into the abyss

when you cry yourself to sleep
in the dark of night
when you cry yourself to sleep
with not a soul in sight

when dreams are your ship
and your body an anchor
lost in the water
drowning in danger
167 · Nov 2014
so done
Lexie Nov 2014
giving up on poems
they lost their light
like a candle without a match
no pair for the dark
167 · Feb 2016
Lexie Feb 2016
I kissed the scars on your skin
You are still beautiful
But I don't want to lose
My best friend <3
167 · Apr 2021
Lexie Apr 2021
You called it grief
I will not name it differently
167 · Aug 2018
Lexie Aug 2018
I firmly believe
That to become wise
You must experience new foolishness
Like you feed yourself
Food from hand to mouth
Fresh fruit
Plucked from the vine
So is wisdom
Thus is life
167 · Feb 2014
Like Water
Lexie Feb 2014
You cannot force creativity it simple flows like water through me
166 · Jan 2016
Lexie Jan 2016
I've written you so many
words in my mind
Some of them harsh
and some more kind

I've printed on my heart
all the things I would say
But ripped them to shreds
the very next day

It would seem I compared
all the wrong things
The contrast of sounds
the way the bird sings

I left out the best parts
and how it made me feel
Locked it all up
and made it unreal

Because emotions are void
in a world so molded
Like every sheet in the house
must be perfectly folded

But I cannot conform
and neither will my words
They open your mind
so they must be heard

They will never be loud enough
not on their own
But them I endorse
and them I condone

These actions you speak of
louder than words
Funny your steps
are never even heard

As you walk to and fro
inside of my house
Creating the chaos
like elephant and mouse

I refuse to play
these games any longer
You say I am losing
but I feel so much stronger

So letters it is.
all strung together
Let's make some words
and then make them better

Think in our minds
how to change the world
Like a flag sewn
like a flag unfurled
166 · Apr 2023
My Oasis
Lexie Apr 2023
The weight of the world
Sits different on my shoulders
When my head
Is resting on your chest
My ribs beg to split open
To scream, my soft prayers
My devotion, into your ears
Somehow, when I whisper
I love you
I hope you hear me
166 · Nov 2015
Lexie Nov 2015
If I asked you to join me
In gravitating towards a
Parallel universe of love
Where we would be the
Opposite of ourselves
But it would be okay my
Most affectionate love
Because we would be
Together in this world
And every other world
So let is journey to our
Other worldly home so
Let us go to never be
Apart and never be alone
Just in each of the known
Dimensions we thrive
To kiss your lips always
So you can stay alive <3
166 · Sep 2018
Lexie Sep 2018
I am not lost
Even though you have left me
It is only much to quiet now
You were my lifesong
I am strong still
Now it is much to silent
166 · Apr 2019
Blood Moon
Lexie Apr 2019
What words could I give to the whisps of your memory
I grasp for you with bleeding fingers
There is no spine to this fragment of my stained glass thoughts
I slam my head against the open door of the temple
These hinges, creaking in the presence of angels
Lucifers hands grasped around the pulpit, knuckles splitting open
While the corners of his mouth parted, like the legs of a ******, for honey fangs that drip the sweetest lies
The convenience of the cross beneath the vaulted ceilings
Will the devout fill this room with prayers
Their words are just smoke
They will not wash away the pentagram burned into the virgins flesh
Her skin stings, this pain it does not fade
This pain, it covers her dutifully
It is a garment to her carcass
No man will lay with her as faithfully as her grave
The earth is her most devoted lover
Gaia so patient in her lust
She has born a sun and now she lays barren
Let the earth split
Hell swallow her up!
These are the runes on the temple walls
If only your fingers read as well as your eyes write
These riddles are for sinners
Wrap your head around naught
These black droplets are for you
Let them coax you into the leviathan depths
Fools hate the wise
Fools hate fools
Excluding only their own foolishness
This is the commandment in the book
Lay down during the night
That your fortune be good
That the blood moon pass you bye
Let another fill the lust of Luna's stomach
This is the dark side of the moon
The devil is impatient tonight
He will have the blood on my hands for a necklace around his throat
Who will look into his eyes and dare him to steal petals from heavens doorstep,
for his own grave
166 · Sep 2015
What happens next?
Lexie Sep 2015
New old feelings
Dug up from the ground
They had been buried in

They saw the sun
And grew into their wings
Flying to their home

Inside my heart
Light as butterflies
Like sunset in a soul

And I cannot help
But begin to wonder
What will happen


As I reach for
The glowing embers
In this sky

The one you call the sun
And as it falls within my grasp
Like the best colors

The gold in your green eyes
The dark in mine
But they both burn

Two flames are brighter
Than one fire
And the smoke

Wreaths us in mystery
Look at us now
Who would have thought

That we would breathe
The same air
Out of different lungs

That we could both know
The same song
To a new tune

I will play your heart strings
If you will pluck mine
But as we create a harmony

Don't let anyone know
Our own melody
For they will darken

The light and eclipse us
Into a unknown shadow
166 · Oct 2015
Lexie Oct 2015
"Oh, what a sweet culture," you spoke as I entered the room.

And I did not know if you meant a country
or the kind of culture in yogurt.
166 · Sep 2014
Love You Safely
Lexie Sep 2014
my dreams are the safest place to love you
166 · Oct 2018
Lexie Oct 2018
You would rather pick the petals to put on my casket
Than take back a word you have said
165 · Jan 2016
Lexie Jan 2016
It is enough
Only when there is nothing left
You will always take more
Until it is all gone

I give and I gave
And I died
You swore and you killed
And you tried

To be in control
And have it your way
You said this is harsh love
Harsh in every way

What is gentle?
What is sweet?
What is kind?
What is love?

I will never know
Hugs and kisses
Just a stare out a window
To what she misses

I long for better
And you shorten the leash
I retreat
And you yell and preach

I want a conversation
With a little truth
I ask one question
And all hell breaks loose

My nights are safe
Yet you intrude
To take my heart
And find it used

Little sparks in my eyes
And in my life
But fire always
Pays its price

Word as a release
But I bite them back
Trying to be enough
Reminded of what I lack

A comparison
That doesn't compare
To light or dark
Not right or fair

I will always have questions
Answered with slaps
I want to hide
But you drag me back

Hell is hot
But less that your rage
Words that bind
Me into a cage

Add me
To your list
Of those you beat
And those you've kissed

Give me a hammer
To build a home
Give me a friend
So I won't be alone

Play me some music
At my demand
Then take it all away
Just like you planned

I could run farther
And I could run faster
But I crawl back
Like a dog to a master

Good Lord, sever
Me from the earth
And let me sleep
Twixt sky and hearth
165 · Jan 2016
I do. (irony)
Lexie Jan 2016
Married by words
And to words
With two words
165 · Nov 2014
Lexie Nov 2014
Why do I want people to like my poems?
The joy is temporary.
And it doesn't change my life.
It's just a drop in my tank of ego.
And a drip in my heart that's cracked.

But I enjoy in anyway
165 · Sep 2017
Egyptian Cotton
Lexie Sep 2017
Y'all so thirsty in these streets
But can't **** with me in these sheets
165 · Jul 2017
Lexie Jul 2017
To have faith in someone
And all that they are
Is a beautiful thing
To know another
And every piece of their soul
Is a beautiful thing
It is less beautiful
To break someone's trust
It is less beautiful
To be caught in a lie

You fell apart
Because you couldn't stand my choice
I drifted away
But I was still sure
Forgiveness is yours
But change still remains
Because lies are drugs
Shot into your veins

My body said no
So you picked another
My mouth said no
So you picked another
Because to be with me
Was not enough
To be with me
Should have been enough
165 · Oct 2015
The gift of the ocean,
Lexie Oct 2015
God made the ocean
For the poets

So that when they looked upon it
They forgot how thirsty they were

The salt was not to bitter
To inspire their words

Rather it added
A nice touch of flavor
165 · Nov 2015
Lexie Nov 2015
only fools do what I do
165 · Nov 2022
Lexie Nov 2022
My soul has an echo
Even when I say nothing
When I do not call out
To demons
In the darkness
Perhaps only when
Rocks from the precipice
From poorly shodden cliffs
Shoot into the abyss
It is your name
That calls back to me
It is you who resides
In my deepest depths
My soul has an echo
The wanderings of my heart
Have made you their muse
No matter my song
You are my melody
165 · Nov 2019
Froze Over
Lexie Nov 2019
Your love
The spirit of spring
164 · Nov 2015
Lexie Nov 2015
"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

"Are you lying?"*

164 · Feb 2014
What Are This
Lexie Feb 2014

What are this
What are this
What are this
What are this

It is a silver unicorn!
Like if you know what 'What Are This' is from.
164 · May 2018
Tears Changed Me
Lexie May 2018
Although I am still salty
I cannot cry for you like I did before

I cling to this, my own resolve,
like a coat clutched against my body in a storm
164 · Nov 2015
Take Your Time
Lexie Nov 2015
I tried to catch the time,
       but it slipped between my fingers
                           I needed to slow it down
                                   So I could get back to you
                                     I didn't realize it was me
            Who was making it take to long
      To get back to you, my love
So I am sorry, take your time
164 · Sep 2014
Lexie Sep 2014
164 · Dec 2019
Lexie Dec 2019
Does the night remember our relentlessness
Here we drink, wine and stars
Intoxication of souls
Grains of salt, on sugar sweet lips
A taste of stars, for a black hole kiss
We die, the night goes on
To live one more day
Is to outlive all
The earth does not know
Nor will she remember
She bore you, conceived
Brought you forth
Out of the aching of her years
Turn your face
Lift your hand in anger
Were you not human once
Do you still hold your tongue
When angels speak
They crave your words
Your peace
There are no gods here
Maybe once, in an older day
Maybe once, when you knew their names
Passed from lip to lips
No more than a kiss
Their halls are empty
Fires burnt out
Smoke nearly touching the stars now
Their lungs are empty
Breezes settled
Will you quarrel with me here
Raise your hand against another
Lift your voice for a song,
with no words,
that you call anger
Give me up
To the sins of your head
Your heart dare not act out
I am worth these
And I am worth nothing
Change in your pockets
Will never make sense
You return me to the earth
This is your curse
Luna will call my name
Screaming it into the heavens
A voice falling only upon your ears
Turmoil and angst of your conscience
Your ears and neck burn
And you become one with regret
It will name you
Find yourself unable to utter any remorse
As it coarses like fire through your veins
This is hell, she is patient
164 · Dec 2017
Lexie Dec 2017
I am no great judge of character
Except to critique my own*

And maybe that is my greatest fault
That I see things in myself
That do not belong
And those that do cling to me?
I dare not let them go
163 · Sep 2015
I saw you.
Lexie Sep 2015
You still amaze me you running *******.
idk if this counts as a poem :p
163 · Aug 2022
Goodbye Stranger
Lexie Aug 2022
Heartbreak drives a black car
I see it everywhere I am
Watching, waiting
What a strange ghost
I fear the familiar
Never the unknown
I should have left you alone
On the street where I found you
How will I protect my peace now
I gave it away
I am giving up
I would rather bear your burdens
Than my own
It is the most dangerous thing to love
I would not call this brave
163 · Jan 2016
Little Things
Lexie Jan 2016
sometimes its the littlest things in life
that can cause you to break
the opening of a lid
the creaking of a door
the sound of a loved one
you can't be there for
maybe being left by yourself
and you have to put
those feelings on a shelf
163 · Nov 2023
Just a girl.
Lexie Nov 2023
I’m just a girl
I love her
I love moving my body
I love music
No one
Can care for me
Like myself
163 · Jan 2016
Lexie Jan 2016
long days and longer nights
never empty but always hollow
short tempers and shorter strides
where to walk just to hide
162 · Sep 2015
Just Enough
Lexie Sep 2015
Just enough is what I need
Just enough I do not have

Just you will suffice
  To keep we warm and calm in this life
162 · May 2019
The Secret of the Immortal
Lexie May 2019
When you learn to live in the moment
I don't think you ever die
162 · Nov 2015
Lexie Nov 2015
I would understand if you hate me
I hate me to
162 · Jul 2018
Momentary Bliss
Lexie Jul 2018
We are made up of just little tastes of almost tomorrows
To many yesterdays still trying to hold on
So take this for what it is
A moment always reached for
But never touched
As pure as a thing can be
When you lay dreaming
Next to me
162 · Dec 2019
Lexie Dec 2019
Are we done now
Are we dead
I am waiting
To put down my head
162 · Dec 2015
Lexie Dec 2015
you wanted my heart
I gave you my soul
you split it in half
to make yourself whole

one heart beating
was more than enough
you cut me in half
in a world much to rough

I swallowed my pride
you spilled my secrets
offered me back my broken parts
never mind those, you can keep it
162 · Oct 2015
Lexie Oct 2015
Minutes made of moments
Life made of minutes
You'd never know you lived it
Unless you were in it

*this moment
162 · Jan 2016
On it goes..
Lexie Jan 2016
Time flies on very speedy wings
161 · Mar 2016
Lexie Mar 2016
My head in my hands
My heart in yours
The noise is overwhelming
What if I silence it?
161 · Aug 2015
Lexie Aug 2015
I would be a fool
If I ever tried
To bind you inside my ribcage
Next to my broken heart
For you would make my lungs explode
And the life would beat to rapidly
For my chest to contain it
161 · Mar 2016
Lexie Mar 2016
If you see my sanity please bring it back.

Thank you.
161 · Oct 2022
Final Lullaby
Lexie Oct 2022
Close your eyes
It is okay to go
It has been a long life

Close your eyes
I will sing to you
Humming gentle melodies

Close your eyes
The music will go with you
Where I cannot follow

Close your eyes
It is time
The angel’s will carry on the harmony
161 · Sep 2015
To Be Made
Lexie Sep 2015
I wished I could have watched you been made
As your maker formed your body

To gentle your curves and temper your soul
I love how he gave you such sharp edges
To keep you safe in this vengeful world

I wish I could have seen him stand
In awe of his beautiful masterpiece

To know you belong not to this body
But to the one who made, and who makes

The created out of the un-created
Into a beautiful ****** existence

You do not know this world
But I will show its vibrant colors

And as you grab you brush
So you can paint your soul into life
I will watch you dream into the ever-night

I want only to know who made you
Not to learn your keepers secrets

But to see the love of your design
And know you were the best moment in time

To see the hands that fashion the hands
Out of the dirt of this earth

Am I the only one who see's
You, in the light of your Maker's worth
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