Lately, when asked, how are you?
I roll down my sleeves, hiding scars on my wrist that don't cut as deep as the words you left wringing in my head
Lately, when asked, how are you?
I wonder how quickly your promises dissipated in the mist of time when I no longer lay quiet to your objections
Lately, when asked, how are you?
I hope for you to pick up the phone, ask me yourself, find words for your emotions licking the face of friendship torn apart
I asked you to take a step back, you took two steps forward, three steps back, I dug my heels into the ground I am not moved, I am not deaf, I hold hope in my hands currently waiting for you to ignite coals that have not completely burned out, to breathe life into a husk withering before harvest, to fill a half empty glass with salty tears, to unburden yourself, you need not carry this
Be no martyr, victim, savage or fool
Be grace, be a listening ear
Find me, when I bite my tongue at foolishness, wring my hands of blood not wanting it to drip down your wrists
You shackle your hands, beseeching me for a key you hold under your tongue
I hold no ill will for you, an ounce of heartbreak on a scale you will not let be tipped in either favor
I know of the tears you cry, I feel your heart breaking
I do not know if you will accept comfort from me, accept comfort at all, pity is for fools and I am full of it
My prayers for you are sweet sleep, gentle days, birds singing in your window, wind in your hair, hope in your heart, heart in your hands
I hope these prayers find you, I hope you let them in, I hope you remember, not with tears, I hope you know joy, I hope you ask her to stay even as I have left you, not as far as I will soon be
Lately, when asked, how are you?
I hope you are well
Sorrow not unbidden </3