You told me once
Of when you prayed for bread
Acid rain came down that day
I then learned of reality
If I go into the woods tonight
Will I smell another mans smoke
Or am I so greatly delusioned
To truly believe I am alone
These monsters come and go
My chest a revolving door
A heart hotel
A coffin of nightmares
Angels speak, I do not listen
Prayers quiver in the morning air
I am not there
Not patient enough to wait
Scars on my back spread
Along my limbs
Vines growing on a brick wall
Neither of us will ever find heaven
I never shut up about the moon
She's always there
How I do love her company
When I'm making myself out to be lonely
Is it wrong to assume
Stars are another worlds
Parking lot lights
I don't have all the answers
I find no humor
In the irony of doing what's right
As we go along
I find I was betraying my future
When will I learn
Trying to love this way
Is like trying to dance
With a broken leg
Even after I pass
I will not of told
All the stories in me
They are in bones
I call you foolish mortals
Take it as praise
I will not even name my self
There is great folly in wisdom
If only happiness
Was as aggressive
As the pain
I hold space for
Bury me shallow
In the autumn floor
I hold myself no greater
That the earth
I cry out under the heavens
The veil is thinning
How do you deny
The pulse of the spirit world
Know me now
But not my name
She is the secret whisper
In the thickest of your veins
Maybe once we would have lived
Thriving on the chaos
Hand fed to us by the universe
We were foolish then
Someday wisdom will come to us
We will not know her face
Fair chance she is already among us
Thinly veiled
Do you remember
The first time you smoked
The way it stopped in your throat
How it brought your stomach up
Know when I think of you
It is the same for me
You are a bitter tar taste
I light you up again
Only to spit you out
You coat my tongue
The inside of my cheeks
With your black smoke veil
I asked for depth
You delivered
I cannot back out now
There is no where but up
Those in the dark
Beg for light
Those in the shadow
Wish to stay hidden
I am the ***** sinner
In the bathroom
Trying to scrub myself clean
Of smoke and saints
I was warned
The path of the traveler
For those with thick soles and thicker skin
Thick souls and thinner whims
I set out like a dead man on a quest
Like a fool
With my best foot forward
Not knowing which was is South
You prayed me greener pastures
I just prayed for you
Here we are
Hollow promises, hearty prayers
We ache for what we had
Knowing fruit in the sun
To quickly turns bad
Sour sugar in the soil