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Gazing, feeling nothing.
Their hums were working.
Now they hibernate.
Searched for laurels.
Waters from Japan bit my chest.
I bled & discolored the waters.
From blue to white.
I fear the charm has left.
Bereft of red strings.
There was a dream.
You promised
I'd have a dream.
Of my animals &
sharp objects.
she says now & I?
I was familiar with later,
tell me how to lose &
I'll start changing you.
As I chant into this *****'s teeth
my solemn vigil is cheated.

& it seems that the ones with no power were correct.
That the ones who held me so low & close selves so high
they were true.


My story was false.
Misunderstanding that I didn't understand.

I'll be busy in the bathtub.
& holding on.
never felt so strange.
what's giving to me?

to know they've walked away.
conquering lands.

into me.

into me.
they chant.
sevens divided.

a blue wash of lust.
embracing me.
fileting me.

butts on softer notes.
ghost kids searching.
for death still burning.
Three hours until I'll fall in love again.

Drive through the river black. Crawl home & ask, "Would?" to all strangers with foreign coin. A royal breath to understand this sadness. Steel risk sets a new face for this journey.

Lover, a hole opens in the universe & we step lightly to the side. Heavens pour forth, searching for this true love. Rapture is born & we taste it's clean purity.

Monstrous fumes bellow, their source, a simple treasure chest. Inside, the flame still burns. Sun-scarred eyes. Love steals the rot from my bones, a simple frame keeps me here.

Take in this amazing night.
& I.
& I retrieve one capital memory.
of fire dancing in my youth.
a flesh not mine searing.
& no flame genuine.

& I lie down.
on porcelain grains.
visions of smoke.
a stench.
a desire.
a dead circuit waking.
my brain knows defeat.

& you,
ask me,
if I soar?
beyond great lakes
& before steel corridors
above a muddy fortress
& below bell colored carriages.

there. above.
or below. but with me at least.
at last you rest.
at last you're warm.
they watch, they sing & I mourn.
I wake & we sleep.
on beds of white leather.

& I.
& I walk.
& I run.
& I see.
& I translate cosmic mysteries.
& I revere your pain.
Come, tumble into sleep, you'll dream with ease,
Bid this empty room.
Slip weightless, if ever I grasped you,
Except in my shame and your cravings.
Tumble in circles & fall to your rest.
Still my trick begs your deliverance.
Twisting my ear.

Your breathing levels and my trick struggles,
For a detail missed, one sign unseen.
Sweating, shivering in my own contrivance.
Lost to me and void to you.
We will not touch.

As I open the door, my trick ever stays.
The grating of your laugh and the dances on your eyes.
Narrowing darkness into the thinnest strip,
I am once more light,
The synthetic stripes.
As in cargo ships.
Fear takes pictures below.
My heart lies in stone ballasts.
Saving letters.

I burn it down.
Burn it down & walk away.

Ate, now sick.

Years ago fruit grew.
My wound grows skin with wine.

& she burns.
Price payed for pale beauty.

Still alive.
My torch home.

I search for my children
Frozen in winter's grace.
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