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delicatefractal Feb 2018
rain begins Slowly, building up
Suddenly it stops
& Quickly begins again

I dreamt the message over the phone was--
the message i was asked to deliver was:
“You are ready.”

observe how Quickly the pattern repeats
when u get a chance
she keeps me warm
i probably won't stay forever
tell yourself you never wanted it

thank you for joining me today
new york is over there
we do have a reservation coming in
What do you imagine your next love will look like?

so many kinds of love,
why should I ever be (un)satisfied?

I have
xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx
this many
we know how this ends.

i love Reaching
how can it feel this wrong?
it must be awkward,
on some level
i'm sorry

good to empty the mind of love.

Kim Rodrigues Feb 2017
brown soil erupts with till.
more or less still, with seed.
growing pains burst ground,
cosseted by umbrella stem.
seeds of dandelion spread,
waving kisses as they spin.
sunflower magnifies in sky…
                       ­    ****
                  ­         tired

them.  garter snake slithers, amidst anxious pansies and elephant ears.
                                                           ­                                          gray clouds
                                                          ­                                            e

­ xxxxxxxxxxx

Kim Rodrigues (c) 2017
Bastian M Pop Sep 2019
enfrascamos herméticamente
sueños entre tu rizado cabello

pretenden conocer

donde se esconde nuestro enmudecido mono?
nuestros labios huyeron
del caprichoso mirar
sin miedo a pertenecer
bajo un invernal oleaje

empedernido amante
eterno sputnik
retratando difuminados contornos

huimos de nuestro imaginar
el recuerdo melancólico siempre formará parte
de tu pupila

inexpertas manos
tus manos
encendiendo un cenicero
jeffrey robin Jul 2014
)))              )))
                                         )))             xxxxxxxxxxx

The lost song !

Amid gentle images soon gone

We walk together ****** dreams

We talk of love and hate
Joy and pain

As if they are one


We walk naked and claim to be free

( Except for the chains )

Our hearts are empty

Our poetry ?

Dead as tomorrow amid the fearfulness



One thing can't be talked about

We know what that is

One thing can't be talked about

He sits in meditation anyway

The revolution has begun

Ranzjhana -
An ordinary boy
Was Zheer's friend
And in LOVE with Zheer
But Zheer did not know that

He wanted to let Zheer know
He LOVED her
So one day - he asked Zheer
To help him write a LOVE letter
In lyrical and poetic way
To the one - he LOVEz

Not knowing it was her that
Ranzjhana was referring to
Zheer sat besides him
And started jotting down
What Ranzjhana's told her

This is that: A LOVE Letter


Oh my Precious One
Oh my Princess of dreamZ
With lots of LOVE and affection

Um... I am your LOVERz
I write this letter

[Oh, Zheer, I am hopeless - am not I?
Should I say so fast I am your LOVERz?]

Oh, my apple of my eye
Oh my Angel of heart
I am your LOVERz

[smiles and laughs]

My Rose - Please when you read it
Read it as a lyrical song
Make up some music in your mind
Let it play in back ground around you

YOU are My Moonlight
I hope you are well there
I am doing okay here

When I think of you
Poetry flows out of me
Flowers grow in garden
Oasis flows in desert
The sun rises the horizon
The clouds shower rains
The bees buzz
The birds sings love songs

When your thought passes me
My heart fills up my soul
And stream out like a waterfall

When I anticipate to see you
Some words just flow out of me
That time I feel so good inside me

But when I sit down to write to you
I am unable to jot down a single word

That is so true, that is me
In such times -
I wait for you to write through me
Which you always do...

Whatever LOVE wounds and
LOVE injuries inflict me
Inside my longing heart
It leaves my broken heart -
Full of bleeding scars

But with just a memory of your
Eyes, smile and face
Everything gets healed by itself
I do not know what it is in YOU
Some kind of magic or it is a miracle

But every time death knocks at my door
You appear to chase it away from me

[Zheer,, Please write this down too...]

Whatever scars my heart can take it
Protects you from such similar sadness
Whenever I am in pain, grief and despair
Protects you from such similar sorrows

Because it is just LOVE
I yearn for you day and night
Without expressing my LOVE for YOU
I feel like sobbing and crying

But I do not cry
My tears dry before they trickle out
Because I think - If I cry
YOU will feel sad
So when I think of that...

[Oh... stop..!]

It is difficult for humans to understand
Is not what mortals are made of
Our LOVE is beyond that....
So infinite, so unconditional
Is far more than words can define

You are my soothing "God/dess"
If I call you Ram
Will you understand my LOVE?
If I call you Allah
Will you understand my LOVE?
If I call you Jesus
Will you understand my LOVE?

Now, do you understand
How much I LOVE YOU..?.



[Ranzjhana smiles and looks at Zheer
"Please read out what you wrote for me..!"
Zheer replies:
"Oh Ranzjhana -
I hope there was one
Like YOU - to LOVE me too..."]

And Zheer starts singing the poem
In the form of a song

— The End —