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Daisy Chain May 2013
The turning of the sleeve
up and over my wirsts
straightening the collar
moistening my lips

the curl of the smile
punctuated with a grin
the twinkled iris giggles
a **** kind of sin

I watch you perform
humour, charm and ease
the need to be believed
a backward kind of please

I let it wash on over
my ears like a hum
soft and forgettable
like a slowly rusted fun

You may start to taste it
that ever daungting flavour
I may have been your lover
but i am my own saviour.
IZ J May 2019
Dark black
Long time no sees
Or blue and soft

Sandy blonde
Very natural
And a blue-green point of view

Tan skin
Second hand sweaters
Wirsts adorned and decorated

She only makes sense to herself
But she makes everything for everyone else

She’s Lucy
Maria Horvack Jun 2017
I volunteer.
my time is spare
so take it
first before all my friends.
let me lead the march to
the grave
my wirsts are not scared yet
but my story is broken and
I know exactly what to shallow.
washed away with the metal
medicine that prescribed to calm
which shall grant me the only sleep I desire.
I'll be the first to retire

— The End —