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my front porch is a broken candelabra

lights that used to form a pattern

now waypoints for sore eyes to wander

in upheaval

there’s something in the driveway

if i ask nicely it’ll take us nowhere

every friday

and i run my hand along the wall fixtures

with the wall switches on

but still in the dark

maybe watch the strange weather effect panes of glass

and i do that monday tuesday wednesday thursday saturday

and sunday

sometimes i listen to the thing in the drive tick

never turn

if i need to get out

ya know

see ****

thats what i do

see ****

lots of it
Zen beastie Jun 2014
Light on my eye.
sunlight's glinting rays exposing  rainbows
shards of lucency impinge my visions cells
prismatic spears waypoints
to  atomic levels of our universe
colours translate to frequencies percieved
the pervading energy  a maze of  tunnels scintillating ,
all is a thundering ubiquitous rumble, the voice of god? the thought distracts and manifests as it and gone.
the sunlight falling on the eye  where is seeing happenening
thymos Mar 2016
before you know it you have set up a world
of selves and others
where one of you – more often more – is bound to get hurt.

the stories telling themselves
the whole remaining inconsequential.

the body will not be accepted
as easily as day
gives itself up.

treading the shifting waypoints
the choices waysides of occasions
of partials.
Joel M Frye Dec 2020
A line begins,
is drawn,
An endless,
infinite number
of waypoints
Lines leave no legacy;
a small black streak
to be erased.

The last of my line,
I leave no legacy;
my poems are my children
Up waaaaay too late this morning.
Jena T Dec 2021
Silver lines stretching infinitely
Atoms of dust
Stars crushing themselves alive
Checkered across the plain
Webbed waypoints supporting the tapestry

Life among the stars spinning fast
Fading brilliant lights
Scattered dust among the skies
Pondering an infinite cycle of why
Oblivious to the Weaver's gentle nudge
A cosmic string intertwined with dusty lives
Cradled by gravity to keep stomachs tight

Stories of old
Creation's magic and a socerer's stone
Fervent prayers of desperate souls
Each cry an echo vibrating a string
Of the untold and grieving nights
And heroes and villains of the heart
Empty throes if only known
The pain would surely go

A Weaver of majesty
Knows her tapestry
Each fiber taut or loose
Is a making of her own
If gravity should let us know we aren't alone
Our stories will never grow old.
Jamison Bell Oct 2020
I’ve written over a thousand pieces
And I can’t remember one
It’s like smoking
I get the urge to light one up and write one out
Then I flick it off to the side
And when it falls, I know not where
Just words littered behind me
My waypoints
I like to imagine that one day
Someone finds them, reads them, and maybe they mean something
To someone
For once
If not
Well not every day is meant to be remembered

— The End —