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Oh Vova, My little Vova
Sitting on your throne of skulls
You survey your frozen kingdom
and as you always do
You grimace
With bitterness tempered by the ages
Born a citizen of a scarlet empire. now the tyrant of a tricolor nation          
You are both the largest and the smallest man
Who does reside in this time-worn land
You rule your potemkin empire with a fist of iron, a gaze of lead and a voice of kolokol-1
Your inhumanity is well practiced
From your days in the KGB
Your “New Russia” is merely a kleptocratic mockery of it’s golden years
A cheap ersatz mimicry
of Russia’s grandest days
Few things could bring your hard slavic face to show
Even the smallest modicum of joy
But there he stands
Dima!, oh Dima
The light of your life
The only man with the power
To make the Czar smile
a free verse poem about Russian president Vladamir Putin written rather hastily for a class
Ruslan Oct 2024
It's alright begin it's the cool *******,
You can back to go it's algan zaman.
You can sleep to boy my of President,
It's no ******* man olb of skull begin.

This is Vova **** old this mather ****,
Vova Putin **** olda ul tura.
It's tatar in say on the Butterfield,
No tomorrow screen it's okay in san.

Old to back my friend kisses boy the big,
Togargan yakta oldan zamanda.
Yashagan haman ul bulgan gandon,
It's my President old the ****** pig.

Cool to you of me altogether boy,
I'm it's our okay you can sleep to go.
That my President olgan pich it's wife,
Olgan it's tatar in the it's take it.

You and this my friend you consort to go,
Thanks it's ol alright you go mather ****.
To you go in you it's okay to go,
Thank yyou day to go olgan this zaman.
Ruslan Nov 2024
Tall me boy you know i go,
Set of cos to go to me.
Thanks to you i need to be,
That of did you tall me boy.

You need talk to go to me,
Say you song you izzy sent.
Take to me my motherland,
******* goy to go all me.

Set to go in ******* pip,
Pip of people go to bread.
You my mather understand,
El degan tomorrow cos.

Yel of cos the mather ****,
Its so good to you this pic.
Picture of this is cos,
Motherland to you to be.

****** people you go me,
Then to go to you are boy.
Set to me its my begin,
There good to you of me.

Fans to you of cosing you,
Go my friend to go to me.
Its okay you going fran,
Its my president you boy.

Altogether of to you,
Go my president you go.
Deutschland you speak to boy,
San of scan to go my break.

I do need to boy my friend,
It's you go my President.
****** boy you go to need,
Thank you are of to me.

That to go my topical,
Its are go my motherland.
Thit its boy to go my big,
Muster big my President.

Putin Vova its so good,
Naval its to go to break.
Its so lon to go my ****,
****** your go to break.

Its so good to boy its ****,
You can see to go my ****.
Lake are ball my ****** kiss,
Use six are little boy.

****** going to my ****,
Set away to you of skill.
Mather ***** crazy boy,
So to you again to me.

That to boy to you all me,
Then of spring to going sen.
That away to you buy pass,
Second sorry of to me.

That of cos to go to you,
Then to boy you olov me.
*** to go to you are go,
Then to boy my mather ****.

A ha ha you did to break,
Waf to boy you are go.
Come back bread to go to me,
Its alright to boy my friend.

You are go to you of me,
Then to go to you are bin.
Six are months to you are dead,
****** you are presented.

— The End —