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Jonny Angel Jan 2014
I counted
each of your vertabraes
with kisses,
then swam
in your sweet-sweat
pooled in
the small
of your pretty back.

I managed to finally
dive deeper,
you clutched the sheets
upon impact.

In fact, you screamed
with the coming explosion
of the love
we flooded.
Keara K Jul 2020
I am running late
Both kids in the back
It's high traffic
And the roads are packed
Sixty is the speed limit
I am almost at 65
Reflections of passing cars
And their bright headlights
I am trying to pay attention
But the noise is too much
I am VERY late
And he is going to get *******
Just passed the intersection
Not too far to go
I noticed a car up ahead, on the right
It was going slow
I didn't think much of it
He was in a parking lot
And as I sped towards his exit
My common sense expected him to stop
However, he did just the opposite
And he sped up
The noise was horrible
I squeezed my eyes shut
I have never been so scared
That I almost gave up
A 17 year old boy
It was a hit and run
He left and he didn't give a ****
Not even one
I now have two metal vertabraes
On the top right of my spine
The two under those are infused
Now the scar on my throat is mine
My kids were Okay (Thank You!)
No scratch. No bruise
I will never forget that feeling
Of how it could be YOUR life to lose
A car accident that stained me.

— The End —