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Stanley Mungai Jun 2012
The once snaking gurgling monster
Time-defying, ever-flowing oldster
Is licked near-clean by the quiet drought
Her diminution wrought distraught
Lain betwixt her hunger stricken arboreal hosts
Emaciated, unattractively scaring akin ghosts
Crawling slowly to die somewhere undismayed
Petitions unsaid and intercessories unprayed
The tranquil of the fresh breath of Nyamindi waterway
Is taken by the acrid gusts of aquatic decay
As her remnants lovers slowly but surely fry
In the fierce fast-falling fire from the sky.
*Due to the vast encroachment of forests by human settlement, the rivers that are permanent are drying up in the prolonged dry spells. Preserve the Forests Preserve life*
Dreams undreamed
Dies at the seem
And who knows where they rest

Hopes unhoped
Goes up in smoke
And like the wind remains

Love unloved
Ascends to Heaven above
And guarded by Angels for


Prayers unprayed
Hidden in the  Heart
Belonging to someone whom cries

Dreams are dreamed
Hope gets Hoped
Love will be loved
And Prayers will unfold

Dear Lord
Let it be so...
BARBARA Jul 2019
The days slip through my fingers
Like rosary beads unprayed
I cannot live without you here
To be with me, to talk to me
I wish you could have stayed.
My life is like a melody
But the notes are never played
For none but I can hear the notes
So silence echoes where once you were
Where once your laughter rang
And silent tears from unseeing eyes
Fall unseen into the dust of ground
Where once you trod, where once you
Spoke and sang.
And I and the dust are all that see
A heart that is broken – and missing thee
Kurt Philip Behm Sep 2020
The suddenness of desertion,
the emptiness of time

Abandoning each moment,
as clocks strike their chime

And wherego the hours,
once used and cast off

Are there auctions and markets
for each second that’s lost

And who’s to recount
the old wishes unprayed

With days ever changing,
and voices relayed

The end a beginning,
the beginning an end

To drift in its circle
—time never respent

(Dreamsleep: September, 2020)

— The End —