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Katy Mack May 2010
You would think something like this
Would only happen once.
Not only did it happen again
But the date way 5 years and a day off.
Unable to save a person's life
That was cut too short my fate's sharp scissors.
Two beautiful people with so much
Love and spirit taken from us before they should have.
One from a tiny lead bullet and
The other from a huge metal car.
How fate plays this is unbearably evil.
No one is laughing at the irony.
Tears of mourning and rememberance
Fall to the ground to water the graves.
Sadness is everywhere you turn.
Around the corner of a building,
On the famous websites,
Or in the bottom of a beer bottle.
You can't drown them,
Nor pretend them don't exist.
They will be with you;
By your side like an unwanted companion
Or in your face till you go to sleep.
Dreams might become corrupted with nightmares
Or become pure with heavenly thoughts.
But the thought of these two beings are only
Memories now are unmistakenly a torture we must endure
In this life we call our own.
Take care of the memories of them
For they will last a hundred lifetimes.
Written 5/23/20 @ 1:30AM by Kathrine Mack.
Angela Alegna May 2014
These past few days I've felt a solitude that's beautiful
I no longer long for you
The words you said never haunt me, not even slightly
My only reminiscence of you, is that you existed to teach me a lesson
When I hear your name I no longer feel pain,
When mistakenly or unmistakenly I glimpse the last words you wrote to me, I no longer feel the strong chord that connected me to you. The cord that longed for me to text you, call you, feel you.
It feels like a broken telephone. The same game we played when we were five. Remember that?
Miscommunication, broken tales, it all led to a happy ending. Or atleast, I'm happy now.
I've finally disconnected this call.
Maria Jun 2017
You're unforgotten
I'm unremembered
We're unmistakenly meant to be...

— The End —