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Jacob lundeen Jan 2016
A girl that lifts my world; feeling a love in which i had forgotten long ago.
She came to me with skin so soft, lips so sweet, fire in her eyes like the flame that warmed my soul! Lost but not forgotten, here but far away.

In a time, in a day...i open my eyes and begin to cry; a dream in which i had awoken, my happiness in which was shattered.
As i clinched my fist i hurled it tword the wall, with a bang so loud and a crack so painfull, i had lost my mind.
Living in constant pain, living like a bird without it's wings. I was flying ever so high, and right as a smile creeps to my face, my world came to an end. You get used to the pain.
Jacob lundeen Jan 2016
As he pushed me closer to anger, my eyes turned red, and my fists clinched tight. I held it back for so long; and now it's showing. As i snapped, i threw back my fist of rage and hurlled it tword his face. As my rage continued on his limp body; the chanting and shouting pushed me further. Finally as im pulled off. I am dragged away.

— The End —