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Geno Cattouse May 2014
The room is bouncin
Wall to wall base so fat you can walk on it BLIP BLEEEP :-).

Chant and grind on syntho growl. Strobes hittin all the corners...locked on the groove bouncy move.
Mechanical funk....Double dutchin.

Hollan-daze orange crushin the room. Afro pulse Housin you down..Blip Bleep.

Two hours straight epical trance.....Old disco gone techno high. Strobed out on that techno Applejack  meet Afrojack.
New trance city.
Luda an fitty
Ear hustlin this one
NuUrban stepchild drivin the beat...Blip Blip Bleeeep.

Hop til ya drop ta Tiesto
Super techno out your mind
More bounce to the ounce.
Got GaGa goin gaga
Dont stop.
Dont quit.
Blip Bleep.
En el alféizar tronchado
De la vetusta ventana,
Un cortinaje de yedra
Con flores rojas y blancas;
Y en medio del cuadro estrecho
De la vidriera empañada,
Junto a un tiesto de claveles,
Y rozando con la jaula
En que prisionero vive
Un canario que no canta,
Una cabecita rubia
Se asoma por las mañanas,
A punto que el horizonte
Colora la luz del alba.
Hay un doncel en el patio
Que si la frente levanta
Es para ver unos ojos
Que en vivo fuego la abrasan.
-Con cuánta ansiedad te espero.
-¿Me quieres?- Con toda el alma.
Seré tuya nasta la muerte,
Y moriré si me engañas:
-Seré tuyo, sólo tuyo,
Soy tu esclavo.
                      -Soy tu esclava,
-Toma un beso.
                        -Toma ciento,
Que nos ven.
                      -¡Hasta mañana!
Este diálogo sencillo,
Estas sencillas palabras
Cambiaban diariamente
Desde el patio a la ventana
En los primeros albores
De su fugitiva infancia,
Hace veinticinco abriles,
Dos niños que hoy peinan canas.
¡Cuántos juramentos dulces
Aquellas yedras guardaban,
Cuántas promesas eternas
Entre pétalos de llamas,
Escondieron los claveles
Al nacer la luz del alba;
Y cuántos ardientes besos
Cuando en los labios tronaban,
Asustaron al canario
Aprisionado en la jaula!
Hoy... hecho un viejo por dentro,
Que también por dentro hay canas,
Pasé por la misma calle,
Y frente a la misma casa,
Y entrando en el viejo patio
Busqué la misma ventana.
Del roto y pesado alféizar,
Que de antiguo se desgrana,
No cuelga la yedra oscura
Con flores rojas y blancas,
Ni está el tiesto de claveles
Con sus pétalos de llamas;
Mis tristes, cansados ojos
¿Qué buscan? ¿No queda nada?
¡Ay, que de pronto los siento
Empañados por las lágrimas!
¿Qué han visto? decid ¿qué han visto?
¿Los ojos suyos? ¿la casta,
Limpia y hechicera frente
Por los rizos coronada?
¿La manecita nerviosa
Arrojándome una carta?
¿Los negros ojos? ¿los labios
De roja y caliente grana?
Lo que han visto, y que al mirarlo,
En tibio llanto los baña,
Es una humilde memoria
De mi ventura pasada,
La que por humilde y pobre
Ninguna mano arrebata,
Y en la que sus manos puso
El primer amor del alma...
Es... miradlo en ese muro
Y en la viga apolillada
Que cierra, formando marco,
El cuadro de la ventana.
Es el clavo pequeñito
De donde pendió la jaula
En que vivió aquel canario
Que al besarnos se espantaba...
No hay nadie... temblando llego,
Como el creyente ante el ara...
Me parecen que despiertan
Mis venturas de la intancia,
Y toco el clavo... lo beso,
Se me anuda la garganta,
Y salgo del viejo patio,
Llenos los ojos de lágrimas.
¡Es lo único que me queda
De aquel amor de la infancia!
Trataron de casar a Dorotea
Los vecinos con Jorge el extranjero,
De mosca en masa gran sepulturero
Y el que mejor pasteles aporrea.
Ella es verdad que es vieja, pero fea,
Docta en endurecer pelo y sombrero;
Faltó el ajuar y no sobró dinero,
Mas trájole tres dientes de librea.
Porque Jorge después no se alborote
Y tabique ventanas y desvanes,
Hecho tiesto de cuernos el cogote,
Con un guante, dos moños, tres refranes
Y seis libras de zarza, llevó en dote
Tres hijas, una suegra y dos galanes.
Melancolía, saca tu dulce pico ya;
no cebes tus ayunos en mis trigos de luz.
Melancolía, basta! Cuál beben tus puñales
la sangre que extrajera mi sanguijuela azul!
No acabes el maná de mujer que ha bajado;
yo quiero que de él nazca mañana alguna cruz,
mañana que no tenga yo a quien volver los ojos,
cuando abra su gran O de burla el ataúd.
Mi corazón es tiesto regado de amargura;
hay otros viejos pájaros que pastan dentro de él...
Melancolía, deja de secarme la vida,
y desnuda tu labio de mujer...!
Carl Hylands Feb 2017
Has anybody seen the way the sun hits the sky? It's like the end of a scene from a movie screen. Inbetween a tiesto dream,searching for sugarman, we are searching for sunrise... when things are dark... the reflection of the moon can bring light in your eyes. Through the tunnel, there's a hole from a pin... just walk towards the light which restores peace from with in... let it in...drink it in like the gift of jericho, belive in yourself and the things that you know.
Andrew Rueter Sep 2018
Notes how the
Crowd's love
Creates a glove
To hold in for some
A place to return as they wish
For a familiar dish
Of childhood bliss
Or love's first kiss
Whatever is on their list
Can be internet fished
From favorites
To savor it
To lead you
In a redo
Of our prelude
To see through
Ways we grew
To slay the blues

When I get low
I take the retro
Midnight metro
To what I know
Like Streetlight Manifesto
Or DJ Tiesto
Then presto
The mess shown
Gets blown
From my comfort zone

What has been
Planted a tree
To set me free
From weather I flee
But the better I see
The lesser I need
The veteran steed
That salesmen breed

A Donkey Kong
Smoking ****
Sings a song
That's a con
Pretending things last
But what's passed is past
We must focus on the blast
Currently guiding our ship's mast

The nostalgia driven
Culture didn't
Make me livid
But the insipid
Use the internet
That can intercept
In the mess
That's our pest
Their ignorance
Makes the difference
In my regretful inference
That nostalgia's innocence
Was erased by impotence
Mateuš Conrad Jan 2020
.there were always three songs from the 80s that we, more or less elusive... since i wasn't someone who frequently listened to the radio, i'd hear these songs - on an off perhaps once a year - at a particular time, notably travelling - or there would be some modern revamp to suit the trance-kids... midnight oil's - beds are burning, men at work - down under - well... not so much... the best example would have to be... 1984s... nik kershaw's - the riddle... i mean the lyrics are mind-boggling: near a tree by a river
                  there's a hole in the ground
                  where an old man of Aran
                  goes around and around
                  and his mind is a beacon
                  in the veil of the night
                  for a strange kind of fashion
                  there's a wrong and a right
                  but he'll never, never fight over you...
well the song is primarily about the Irish immigrants that went off to h'America - blessings of Babylon - the arms, the guild of hammers and sickles and all that to boost an honest's man honest's wage for labour... what else? the old man of Aran is a ref. to the 1934  Robert J. Flaherty documentary: Man or Aran... for i see no reason to celebrate this song in a modern fiasco... the tune: if you only like the tune... you might as well tell me... that d.j. Tiesto is going to revamp chris the burgh's - a spaceman came travelling... because that's just gonna happen! although i imagine myself writing the odd scribble about... a young man and his storm petrel - of Tindhólmur...

it really has been this sort of day -
to be rudely interrupted by still clinging friends of
the family dropping by, for the hey! surprise
at 8pm on a Monday evening -
staying up till after 10pm...
distorting the plans of me cutting down on drinking...
you don't just drop uninvited -
not scheduled - perhaps in a war torn part
of the world like Iraq...
and you're the U.S.A. pilot of a drone
that killed the son of some wisened Mesopotamian
who offers you tea with tears
and he doesn't understand your words
and then the grandson runs in and wants
to sell you all the eggs...
because the old man just didn't want the money
like that... but that's a cruel situation...
not in England, not in Germany do you
just appear on someone's door at 8pm
with covert blah-blah to reach a ****** of
the real reason for the "happy dropping by"...
it's a Monday... a happy happenstance can
occur in a cafe - on neutral territory -
not when - it's polite to serve coffee and tea
and cakes... it's a Monday!
there are no excuses!

now i see it... how i will ever stop drinking as
much as i have...
there is simply no satisfaction from a good night's
sleep anymore -
it needs to be corrected -
i had to start thinking that my insomnia is
a prerequisite for my brain to explore foreign
lands of... what will become of this verbiage...
until i come to last conclusions...
hardly alcohol widthrawl symptoms -
but you can just imagine -
a sensation of a ghost of my cat that i suspected
was killed by my "neighbour"
jumping onto the bed and making gentle
indentations in the cotton of the bedsheats...
not quiet alseep - somehow sleeping -
more hallucinations of the Mengu
/おもmen頬yoroi/ - i will not even delve
into something i know nothing about...
read: error... had to look for...
the simpler japanese i know exists...
i don't even know whether the stated kun'yomi
looks any better to the on'yomi メン...
and the wikipedia entry for (yoroi) doesn't
even exist!
but that's how the insomnia brain works it seems...
it needs to be somewhere between borderline
sleep deprivation and no sleep at all...
or at least pseudo-sleep and pseudo-dreams:
hallucinations - not visual or auditory as such...
imagine the sensation of a cat jumping
onto your bed and feeling the gentle indentations
of him walking next to your lying body?
you can't exactly find the right sort of amount
of sleep... sometimes stretches of 8 or so hours
leave you... exhausted the next day -
with a sort of vocabulary that should be waiting
in line for a retirement home and pear pulp
and a mash and roast beef milkshake to slurp up!
too much sleep is no good for the brain...
but then too little is no good for the body...
it's a fine balance... if i find it... well...

to take a beer for a walk at night -
the 2nd day of frost -
to see the stars with more lucidity
of them being exfoliated by the endless prism
of frost on the cold and hardening concrete...
paparazzi camera epilepsykrieg of a red-carpet...
under the most visible constellation
of  Scorpio


                         •           )צ(


illuminations of the tsade... and ayin (ע)... mah-zahl
akh-ravh - oh i'm sure the hebrews to treat
the H as surd akin to the sacred raj hindu
of sanskrit... what saved them that would have never
saved the "red" indians?
the "blue" indians had sanskrit and...
a culinary arsenal of spices... which was appealing
to some little people of Norwich and Bristol
who became just became bored of rosemary,
thyme - parsley and dill.

words can at best become merely co-ordinates...
you would have to walk these same streets
at these specific times of the year -
the second frost of winter -
a clear sky -
dogs barking in the background -
foxes if... are rather exotic when they start
performing: mate-calling...
the odd crow insomnia that croaks
in flight at night...
this suckling vacuum of air exploring
a near infinite distance of astmophere
coming into a horizon with the nothingness
of space and the celestial mechanics of
the orbs - the traffic of Eastern Ave.
toward Southend in the background -
no wind... the sound of a kosher goat
taking another glug glug from a bottle
of beer - the gentle scortching of smoked
tobacco in a cigarette being dragged (inhaled)...
perhaps a very distsant sound of a train
chuggling along -
the dogs barking at the cold...
the dogs barking at the cold...
the inability to hear one's own footsteps...
a mania for the night and all the seven if not
more delights of taking a walk alone at night.

— The End —