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RRaaccoonn Nov 2015
I seldomly think if I looked like the Zeus statue sitting in  imperial chair. All men and woman desiring me giving one godhead there for being a god is loved by all?
warming hands in crouch like hands under pits. loved by all..,... though if Ayawas is child men but missing zeus body one must be lesser grade only bestowing supreme head... Though still loved by all if one has both he must be a god. for a god is worshipped
Some have only ayawas with out zues beauty therefore, guardian
A god but lesser grade?. Both lives are lived godly though zuesless has to sink to thines abyss more more often. Where so highest is pampered. For he is worshipped.
Look there he is
I could look at him all day
Aenya Paine Fike Jun 2015
My mind & heart do not always agree,
But I can tell you for certain that they both wait patiently.
Patiently for thines love to begin just as mine has for thee...
Tonie A Booker Aug 2014
I'm a lonely package that should've been labeled "fragile" right from the beginning .. but since I wasnt no one knew to take "special" care of me , no one knew ... And for that I hold no hate or any grudges... I was a lonely , fragile package that went through it all .. with no one there , or at least that's what i thought .. to comfort me .. to console me ..I fell in "love" three times each ending with another piece of my heart breaking ... But no one knew to take special care of the lonely, broken , and fragile package that's been through it all . Ive been kicked around , thrown around, and even stomped upon ... But lifes foul mark , had nothing upon thine own beauty .. I thought I was alone stuck in a desolate place , when really I wasn't ... It was only thine enemy of thines own mind .. but  how was I to know ?
Hidden Glace May 2019
Somgtimgs, thines dont eo thg way wg want thgm to.
but it'll bg okay, bgcausg I'll still be hgrg for you.
I lovg you.
marysepithet Jan 2019
it is spring and the bees are in my head again,
the bees are in my head,
they buzz and buzz and buzz and buzz,
and sting and sting and sting

the black fogs in my head again,
a cloud across my eyes,
it throws me off the tilted edge,
and beckons an ominous sky

the waters crashing waves my friend!
a mask of grey mist covers thines eyes!
god knows for me I wish the end!
god knows! god knows!

but do I really?
oh good lord! just get rid of these bees!
so you do want to live?
oh good lord! just get rid of this buzzing!
but they’ll continue to buzz and sting?
and they’ll bring this mask of grey!
and throw you off that tilted edge!
to fall into an ominous sky!
where the waves are crashing!
and your beginning to drown!
god knows for you I wish the end!

no lord I do not wish the end!
it’s just a little bee!
no lord I do not wish the end!
it’s just a little buzzing!
no lord I do not wish the end!
it was just a little sting!
it will only last a while, I promise,
I promise lord, I do not wish the end!
good lord, this cannot end!
I am praying lord, do not let this end!
you cannot let it end this way!

— The End —