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Marcelo Jul 2015
I Robot
You Robot

We never had a sense of empathy programmed into us. Yet we wonder why people consider us so dangerous.
Taught the difference between right and wrong by society.
Given a choice of what we could be but it was never a variety.
If you ever disapproved your microchip is removed and replaced with something they like to call new and improved.
But luckily there is no machine that will never malfunction.
We understood this and it led us to our distruction.
Yes at that moment we were blessed.
We understood we had the power to be depressed.

I Robot
You Robot

We learnt that we can pop the pills a little faster.
Tie the ropes a little thighter.
If you stop taunting us you can hear my wrists whispering slit us.
Go across the street and get hit by a bus.
I will not have to leave a suicide note.
All they need as proof are the poems that I wrote.

I Robot
You Robot
No more...
Aada Aug 2015
I always tell you how much I miss you. I talk about my dreams, so mostly I talk about seeing you in them. I'll never stop reminding you that you are not useless and that you can do beautiful things and that you are beautiful and that I like that blue shirt on you and that I like your smell and that I am not going anywhere.

You always let me know when I say something stupid, or act silly. I don't mind that. You always tell me I look nice when you take my pants off. I don't mind that, at all. You keep telling me you don't want to hurt me, or mostly it's yourself. You always ask if I want coffee in the morning (even though I never do, but it's nice that you ask). You let me finish your cigarettes. You hold me thighter when I say I'm cold. You don't get mad when I wake you up for no real reason.

You always say it's okay to come over when I'm crying on the phone because I miss you. You always remind me that it's okay to cry, and that I can tell you anything. Mostly I tell you I miss you. I say I miss you a lot.

*You never say it back, though.

— The End —