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Angel Hoffer Feb 2013
I now feel the weight of this pistol in my hand
And all I see is blood
Red and dripping all over the place, so much
I watched the light go from your eyes
I watched as the terror left your eyes
Yet that’s not all I saw... what did I see?
Was that sorrow?
Sorrow for what?
For that I killed you and now you’re no longer able to hurt me?
Sorrow for the fact that you’re dying by my hands?
Sorrow the person you’ve tortured so?
What are you sorry for?
For ruining my life?
NO of course not why would you be.
What am I to do now?
You are the one you got me into this
You are the one that forced me to do this to you
My personal terrorist is finally gone
It feels so go to be rid from you
But now I going to get in trouble because of you… right?
NO! Because this is your fault I’m not to blame for this
You have no right
It’s your fault, I swear.
Francisco DH Mar 2013
I have no right to be who I am
I have no right to get to know my biological father
that's the idea i am getting

All men created equal
But you don't care
I am a terriost apparently
I have  no right to be who I am
Nor the right to know my bio dad
He looks so nice and well mannered
But nobody knows his standard
He hates so much color
I think he lives in black and white
Because if your brown
He will erase you out of spite
My next door terrorist
Has a pool and family
Real American dream
However his nightmares
would make you scream
He envisions a world where his people are on top
As if we were the ones taking a shot
To prideful to admit he’s wrong
He gladly **** you
If you sang your own song
My next door terrorist
Is loved by the neighborhood
They say he is sweet
Don’t let the blonde hair fool you
He’d cut me open like meat
His room riddled with posters of trump
And flags of hate
With one mission in mind
To eliminate
My next door terrorist
Is considered shy and shut in
Misunderstood some would say
Would they still call him that
If he used a gun to spray
And exterminate my race away?
My next door terriost
We all know to well
He was bullied or needed a hug
So why am I under his shoe like a bug
My next door terrorist  
Goes to church and sings in the choir
My life and many other like mine
Is all he desires
So to my next door terrorist
I’m sure you will go free
Because no matter what you do
I’m the only threat the world
Will ever see

— The End —