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Grace Jan 2021
I love the water,
though I swim in murky tides.
Treading through the weeds.
Yes, another haiku. Part 7

I've been consciously pretending. For me, for them, for her. I was so happy and then it hit me like a murky tide. And yet I'm still pretending and it hurts to now.
Fenix Flight May 2014
Magnum honey
put down the gun
Please don't do this
It wont be any fun

I know you're hurting
I know you're in pain
But suicide is a permenant thing
for a temperary Pain

I'm here for you
your Little Kotehok
I will never stray

You're stronger then this
I know its scary
I know you just want to lay down

But Mags Dont do this
I need you in my life
You're my Onekyh

I know you're slipping
I know you're empty

But put down the Russian *****
And put down that pistel

I'm here
I'm here for you
Lean on me
I've got you.
Kotehok = kitty in Russian
Onekyh = gaurdian in Russian
To Magnuin who at 3 AM this morning (5/2/14) almost comitted suicide, he called me up and I talked him down.
Alicia Oct 2013
I was addicted to something much worse than drugs
I was addicted to you
& I was in so deep, there was no escaping
& the rehab you called rebounds were always temperary
because getting clean from you  was always followed by a relapse
It started with a hit & then I was back
because my skin craved you like a smoker craves nicotine
But there's no patches or pills to save me from falling in love with something
So dangerous
Because it's just a matter of time till my blood runs out of what it needs to work my heart
the wrong way, also known as the only way I know
& I end up needing every ounce of you back in my system
My dog Luna, she was sweet,
She liked to lick people's feet!!
She ran away once,
But not very far.
I loved my dog Luna.
I stroked her fur,
That kept me warm in the winter.
She had a black snout,
No doubt about that,
As black as the midnight sky.
Her coat was a shade of brown,
The colour of a sandy beach.
I don't have my dog anymore,
Because we moved into a temperary flat.
We gave her to a man down the street,
I miss her,
I miss her,
I miss her very much.
And I hope we can get her back.
Copyright by Clara L. McAdam

— The End —