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Eagle Poetry Nov 2014
made out of boredom and curiosity of how many way there are to prepare potatoes
Days slip by with remains of my emptyness cast aside like bottles apon a vacant highways path.
How often had I found little comfort in the arms that knew nothing and only lingered for
payments often underpaid  in moments best left to forgotten like nights of youth kissed in
a lovers lipstick called regret .

Sometimes it takes a good demon's  burn to pull your head outta the cloud's.
And in these empty highways reflection often i'd found little more than rest stops
and regrets to fuel my anger and true sense of I dont give a ****.

Faces of a blank canvas heading toward new horizens and bitter end's.
Children lost clinging to people more clueless than there youth cast logic could bare.
No one's home in the lost.'
Only found in the emptyness of a new destination.

I cannot say wear I became such a heartless soul.
Only point you towards another route and send you off to find something
that would resemble a traggic play called happiness.

A broken down machine shook  by  other's in hope for a free treat.
Some just for the hell of seeing it swerve ive long since learned to respond
in a stock sense like some robot no true thought  left in my blackend soul.

Dark roads spread like snakes across tatered highways soon to be forgotten by all.
Rest stop ahead one mile.
We gather a lost audience with a shared flaw.

Tired of travel some drenched in life.
Togather we gather in seconds as soon we all do depart.

I cannot say ive spent the time only to erase it in vain.
But a highway is a womans love never returned only taken we no
longer feel the desire to give.

In darkest hours of mornings soon to be aproaching light I sit watching
the lights chase off into the distance swallowed into a never seen again void.
So many chasing dreams others just chasing a new stage.
All of us headed towards yet another dim lit destination.

I always dread my return.
Often long trips have that sureal sense to me.
Yet all the hours ive spent out there along with faces i know i'll never see again
I find unlike most I dispise my trip for I know no home only a place were
unlike the starngers I meet for only seconds.

Im treated as a fool a gypsy of the highway.
Im more home in the emptyness than  here.
Rest stops are the true place in between what some may consider heaven and hell.

Course what does the clown know to begin with?
Stay crazy Gonzo.
Tony Anderson Jan 2019
There at the street corner he stands
With Bible in hand he preaches
He preaches God's word for all to hear
For anyone with a listening ear

His clothes are
He has been cut by life's thorns

He looks
Worn out
Like a fighter about to be knocked out

Still he preaches
God's salvation
God's mighty plan
Trying to help one and all understand

Sure he looks like something
Someone has thrown out
His love for God is strong
Of that there is no doubt

He's been arrested
He's been locked away
As soon as they let him out
He finds another street corner
And starts preaching away

Beat him
Threatened him
Cops have tried sending him away
Nothing they've tried has worked
He just preaches away

The city has tried
Many times
With laws to confine him
None of them worked
For it's God's power
That defines him

He knows up in Heaven
He'll be homeless no more
His words will then echo
Out forevermore

So next time you see a street preacher
Don't turn away
For it maybe worth
Hearing what they have to say
Tony Anderson Nov 2018
There she stands on the street corner
Selling tulips from her cart
Her family is poor
So she helps to support
The only way that she can

Nine years old
Dressed in tatered worn clothes
She has never been to school
Selling flowers is all she knows
She sells the flowers
To those who pass by

Many have sean her
She is a regular sight upon the corner
A few have bought flowers
Many more just pass by
Not even with a glance her way

She sells the flowers
To better herself
To better her family
To prove
Though they are poor
They are not helpless
SMP Apr 2013
Tea stained pages
Used makeup wipes
Rainy days in bed
You've stained me.

Flickering questioning,
Slipping reason,
You've drugged me.

Between the pages of old travel guides,
Tatered skirts,
Homework papers and folded planes,
I can't stop peaking glances,
Flicking thoughts to you between library shelves.

I don't know what I want,
Or how I feel,
But I know I want,
I know I feel.

You've stained my lips
And my fingers
And toes,
And hips,
And ears,
I need you,
I need you in my life.

I don't care how,
Or why,
I just need you.
I don't know how much or in what way but I need you in my life as long as I possibly can. I don't know what I'd do without you and I think about you all the time and I could wait forever for you and sometimes I think I love you and I'm sorry if I don't know what I want and What I want to be but I want you
Please please please
I'm sorry I hurt you
Just stay in my life okay?
Even if you end up hating me its alright
As long as you still think of me sometimes
And I'll always be here if you need me
No matter how much you detest me
And i'm so sorry

— The End —