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Lorraine day Sep 2013
He prowls around like a hungary lion
Looking for his bait
Be alert of sober mind
Don't let him be your fate

He is the prince of darkness
This is his world of rule
The leader of temptation
Deceit his favourite tool

He's arrogant he's boastful
Satan is his name
His followers the Antichrist
Destruction is his game

The master of disaster
The distributor of fear
Be on your guard
He'd like us all
To believe that he's not here

I used to walk in darkness
His path I walked along
I told fortunes by reading tarrot cards
Then realised this was wrong

Through ouija board I met him
And spoke with his spirits too
He spits deceit to all he meets
Including me and you

His aim is of destruction
Many ways he'll surely find
To annihilate abolish
The  (love ) of all mankind

To all who don't believe in him
Just Look around you'll see
So many in his image

( There's only Christ can set us free ~)
John 8:32) Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free~
Ellyn k Thaiden Feb 2013
Our past does not define us
Our futures are unwritten
Our present is a gift
Life is uncertain

History books cannot teach
What you have taught to me
Tarrot cards cannot predict
What is ment to be

And as for my present, deary
I am thankful you are here
Without you I would be fragile
I would shed my many tears

At day we can run
And in dreams we may lay
On fields of jade green grass
And listen to what we say

So this present darling
Is exactly that
Every day is a gift with you
I promise not to hold back
LeV3e Oct 2016
Today I have realized that
I fear evil
Not because I fear pain, or death, but
Because I truly don't understand
Evil and it's origins...
How could you? Yet, its still an
Intrinsic part of who we are
Only through seeking understanding
Can we ever hope to escape the fear of
Living... Day to day the
Tarrot have taught me that
Following the 21 paths down the
Tree of life leads to the
Kingdom we all seek.
And to get there you must pass
Imran Raza Aug 2015
Wish I have a story to narrate !
Straight, upto the mark ,
Blunt !that's to strike you fast ,
Not only the words ,
full of myth and psychic art ,
At its best !
Proximity to my heart ,
just A simple wish ,
May that one day !I will write ,
The words bursting ,
Naive and  cutting hard ,
Sun is there alone and Scarred ,
Death ! Is left only solace !
Empty the reads on tarrot card

A simple story to narrate !
Alas ! Should I ?  Create !
To save my last creed ! Though ,
I'm  being held captive barred
In subs books died un - matured ,
Imprisoned in self buried ,
More than a yard !
In deep of conscious ! There's none
Other than !that I miss You ,
I miss you ! I miss die-hard !

— The End —