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MaSHTONdison May 2014
Liam Payne,
or should I say Pain
because thats all you cause me.

You make my heart flutter,
When you sing,
its heart to believe,
your not butter.

I know, your not Daddy Direction anymore,
but sometimes, I still wish,
that while on tour, you would still do more,
of your childish  punishments.

I miss the old you,
yes I do.
But i like the new you,

Beanies, that read Hype
that makes this hard to type,
and even that **** Stuble
I might as well stop now,
you know,
I might get my self in trouble.
René Mutumé Jul 2013
Laggard, the ships drive down
emancipated parts tapping the sea with reasons
to soar back up
like fresh whales and the pieces of meat
falling to floor from human mouths sick of holograms
and trawling and fixing for our debts
ghost rythms, shaving off grissel and time
passing over stuble
the intricate need of each
all of us, using the same tools;
ungendered across our bodies , my hand rubbing the grooves where your **** sat in the grass
all of the words now, slumbersome after a work day, but still able to see
where you sat and I sat
the beuatiful knife that few have, but always will
(needing only one type from one place, to begin)
saying to it, like the mad do, and we do:
‘Good God
blunt again
how many steaks have I used you on?
come on, where’s your guts – - , oyy… go onnn…’

But it’s alright about the silence
whilst you make a cheap dinner
the walls don’t know that you’re a little mad
they turn around like a house of mirrors made from cards
and say something back.
Hannah Marie Oct 2013
Gazing into his deep brown eyes
She moves her lips twords his
Kissing them gently, then progressively more passionatly.
Her lips loom over his cheek
She feels his stuble scratch her tender kisses
Pink creatures that can whisper thousands of words trail ever so softly to his ear where they whispered,
"I will never love you"
The Broken Poet Jun 2015
I look at the horizon
The sun kisses the sea
The sky blushes pink at their love
The clouds hug the sky
I feel the sand tinkling my feet
The water cleansing my knee
The wind whispering about love in my ears
I close my eyes and picture your arms wrapped around me
Your lips just inches from mine
Your heart just a beat away from mine
We got married in the summer of '09
Right before you got deployed
I said my vows knowing that you could die
I didn't know it would be this soon
I imagine your soft lips grazing my neck
Your stuble leaving marks on my cheek
I imagine you whispering 'I love you' against my lips
As the sea crashes the shore
I picture us saying our 'I do's'
I will never forget your big 'ole heart
Your bravery of risking it all for your country
You are forever in my heart
With these ashes that I carry
In this heart shaped locket you gave me
If I were to know that this is how it would've ended
I still would've given you a chance.
Unmerited favor from God
Perhaps you want another ice cream flavor
For by grace are you saved through faith
Giving you something you don't eve deserve
A love that will not let me go
You make a mistake and we all do
Later you think you are all through
But you pray & repent
God exchanges your filthy rags for his riches
It's a lot like washing your ***** dishes
God's love for you is the great
eternal constant amidst all the inconsistencies of your daily walk with him
He came to open our heart to turn us from Satan onto God
that we may have forgiveness of sins
and inheritance among us which is sanctified by grace that is within us
Look we all stuble through the word which has been spoken
It's truly a gift from God to you
Love is the true essence of his existence
A surprise of a sparkling array of care
To let you know that God is always there

— The End —