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Emma Apr 2013
Life digs her fingers
in me; she's been using my
heart as a stressball
You want to fight
But I, my angry darling,
I only want to write.
I'll spew out wrathful words and find redemption on the page.
And what will you do?
Where will you go?
Denied a receiver at which to bellow,
Will the bullish screams die within your throat
Before they reach your lips?
Does it bewilder you, how your rage remains unsated?
My reluctance, my refusal to join you in anger games?
Don't you wonder where I go?
I've told you, but you dismissed my refuge with a shrug,
So live with it, find a punchbag or a stressball,
Or better still a friend
On which to offload.
I only want to write
I won't fight you, not tonight.
This is not about me, or anyone else. I just got to thinking about how useful an outlet this site is, and how you could easily become addicted to offloading everything you feel here, perhaps at the expense of real relationships, of engaging with real people in your life, perhaps, avoiding a good old healthy fight!
Elena Smith Nov 2015
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Make over time to feel the fulfillment you desire. Your relationship this is an easy place to overlook. Visitors annually. Hosting a party doesn't mean you have to be one big stressball when the party starts. Wan. s is also busy publishing books and organizing seminars, Could there be an ulterior motive.

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b Sep 2020
i am just now coming to terms with
the fact that i may be scary

time bomb, pocket bomb.
if there can be a universe in a fingernail

mine is long, protruding, sharp.
piercing through the styrofoam of a stressball.

please do not keep me in that dark thing.

i could make you orange slices or
a little figurine, of a moose.

— The End —