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Long ago in a poultry yard
One dull November morn,
Beneath a motherly soft wing
A little goose was born.

Who straightway peeped out of the shell
To view the world beyond,
Longing at once to sally forth
And paddle in the pond.

"Oh! be not rash," her father said,
A mild Socratic bird;
Her mother begged her not to stray
With many a warning word.

But little goosey was perverse,
And eagerly did cry,
"I've got a lovely pair of wings,
Of course I ought to fly."

In vain parental cacklings,
In vain the cold sky's frown,
Ambitious goosey tried to soar,
But always tumbled down.

The farmyard jeered at her attempts,
The peacocks screamed, "Oh fie!
You're only a domestic goose,
So don't pretend to fly."

Great ****-a-doodle from his perch
Crowed daily loud and clear,
"Stay in the puddle, foolish bird,
That is your proper sphere,"

The ducks and hens said, one and all,
In gossip by the pool,
"Our children never play such pranks;
My dear, that fowl's a fool."

The owls came out and flew about,
Hooting above the rest,
"No useful egg was ever hatched
From transcendental nest."

Good little goslings at their play
And well-conducted chicks
Were taught to think poor goosey's flights
Were naughty, ill-bred tricks.

They were content to swim and scratch,
And not at all inclined
For any wild goose chase in search
Of something undefined.

Hard times she had as one may guess,
That young aspiring bird,
Who still from every fall arose
Saddened but undeterred.

She knew she was no nightingale
Yet spite of much abuse,
She longed to help and cheer the world,
Although a plain gray goose

She could not sing, she could not fly,
Nor even walk, with grace,
And all the farmyard had declared
A puddle was her place.

But something stronger than herself
Would cry, "Go on, go on!
Remember, though an humble fowl,
You're cousin to a swan."

So up and down poor goosey went,
A busy, hopeful bird.
Searched many wide unfruitful fields,
And many waters stirred.

At length she came unto a stream
Most fertile of all Niles,
Where tuneful birds might soar and sing
Among the leafy isles.

Here did she build a little nest
Beside the waters still,
Where the parental goose could rest
Unvexed by any bill.

And here she paused to smooth her plumes,
Ruffled by many plagues;
When suddenly arose the cry,
"This goose lays golden eggs."

At once the farmyard was agog;
The ducks began to quack;
Prim Guinea fowls relenting called,
"Come back, come back, come back."

Great chanticleer was pleased to give
A patronizing crow,
And the contemptuous biddies clucked,
"I wish my chicks did so."

The peacocks spread their shining tails,
And cried in accents soft,
"We want to know you, gifted one,
Come up and sit aloft."

Wise owls awoke and gravely said,
With proudly swelling *******,
"Rare birds have always been evoked
From transcendental nests!"

News-hunting turkeys from afar
Now ran with all thin legs
To gobble facts and fictions of
The goose with golden eggs.

But best of all the little fowls
Still playing on the shore,
Soft downy chicks and goslings gay,
Chirped out, "Dear Goose, lay more."

But goosey all these weary years
Had toiled like any ant,
And wearied out she now replied
"My little dears, I can't.

"When I was starving, half this corn
Had been of vital use,
Now I am surfeited with food
Like any Strasbourg goose."

So to escape too many friends,
Without uncivil strife,
She ran to the Atlantic pond
And paddled for her life.

Soon up among the grand old Alps
She found two blessed things,
The health she had so nearly lost,
And rest for weary limbs.

But still across the briny deep
Couched in most friendly words,
Came prayers for letters, tales, or verse
From literary birds.

Whereat the renovated fowl
With grateful thanks profuse,
Took from her wing a quill and wrote
This lay of a Golden Goose.
Nicole Leblanc Aug 2014
J'ai vu l'autre jour
entre les rues de Strasbourg
un vélo courir dans la nuit

On lui avait dit d'attendre
la lumière du matin
pour ne pas s'écraser

Il n'a pas entendu raison
Il a eu confiance
La lune l'a baisé

L'amour est né
Mes Nuits Européennes
Terry Collett Mar 2013
Anny Horowitz doesn’t run down
the shopping aisles
as your grandchildren do,
she holds the trolley,

steadying it with her hand,
your ghostly friend,
your little Jew.
None sees her form,

her bright blue eyes,
her blonde hair
tied with ribbon,
her rosy complexion.

She ghostly moves,
amazed by the Aladdin’s cave
of goods upon the shelves,
the packets and boxes,

the loud advertisements
hanging from the air
here and there,
everywhere you

and she stare.
Neither Strasbourg
nor Bordeaux
nor Tours

nor Auschwitz
was like this,
no overpowering display
of commodities on show

of this she tells you
and to a degree you know,
and what was on show
at Auschwitz is still there

in memories or records
or photographs
with staring faces
and deep set eyes.  

Anny waits and watches
as the conveyor belt
moves the goods
to the woman

at the till
who pushes buttons
or scans bar codes
and pushes by

to the paid for end
and your son
and grandchildren
pack all away.

Anny gazes on the process,
then at you, smiles,
your little friend,
your ghostly Jew.
Sergio MP Jun 2014
Dear France,

I say goodbye today, after so many beautifully painful moments. I want to thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

I thank you for showing me what it meant to be myself, to fend off my fears and win over my confidence. To know my weaknesses and reassure me in my strengths. France, you're more than a country to me. I thank you for all the hard times, the endless nights and the painful, lonely sundays. For the fun times and the bad times. You made me grow in unthinkable ways. I learned to be comfortable in solitude and joyful in company; I learned the value of long relationships and the ephemeral amusement of short ones. I learned that life is not easy and yet you don't have to worry so much. But most importantly, I learned what it means to be a stranger, a foreigner, an outcast. I learned to love who I am, where I come from, and all that it means.

I thank you for the people I met. For the dully predictable clichés of your society, and the wonderfully astonishing beauty of what each French hides. Parisians so pretentious you'd think their stares are stabbing you, and women so flirtatious your heart stops and you find out with a bittersweet taste what a coup de foudre is, as she walks out of your life as fast as she walked into it. People so nice they'd go out of their ways to give a ride to a lost colombian kid who can't find home. People so nice they take the time to talk slowly so you understand that fascinatingly complex language of yours. People so nice they invite you with their friend even if you're a drag, not getting the jokes and trying to fit in. You have so many wonderful people France, you make other countries envious, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Your culture is unique, surprising and oh-so enjoyable. I learned so much that I think I owe you a lifetime of gratitude. I walked your museums, visited your endless castles and read your writers. I learned your architecture, memorized your history and recited your poems.

I thank you for being a meeting point of cultures, the heart of a continent and the boiling stew of a thousand spices. I had a taste of everything I could, I swear. I fought off my prejudices and made friends wherever I could, changing people's minds about my Homeland as I went. I fell in love with girls I met in your soil, and your language was the bridge to countless encounters.

I leave having seen your lands, smelled your flowers and soared your skies. I leave after climbing your mountains, swimming your seas and sailing your rivers. I leave with love for Bretagne, Provence, Alsace, and everything in between them. I tried all the cheeses I could, all the wines I found and all the foods you have to offer. I fell in love with the traboules in Lyon, the park in Strasbourg, the lights in Paris, the beautiful port that is Nantes. You took my breath away so many times in so many vast landscapes and little towns that I might never breath again if it's not your air.

Oh France, I tried so hard to find out all there is about you, and I thoroughly enjoyed the ride you offered me.

You are easy to love, France. Beautifully enticing and glamorously inviting. You make my Homeland jealous, and She's gorgeous as well. You make me wanna split in two and live two lives, so as not to miss anything you have to offer. It's so painful loving you, France. You're a demanding lover. Friends, family, costumes and comfort were prices I had to pay for your charm.

I leave having learnt your language. People even take me for a Frenchman sometimes now! I leave having studied, worked, loved, loss, cried and laughed here, and having done my best effort to breath you all in as best as I could. I promise you, I will never speak ill of you.

I leave with pain in my heart and tears in my eyes, a knot in my throat so big I had to write down my feelings as to not let them go unnoticed. You were such a wonderful friend, France.

I leave with Marianne in my heart, knowing one day I'll call you home.

With all my love,
Sarah May 2015
Deep in
the walls
of a
church in
hides the
stones who
saw me fall

if I could be
a queen
a saint
I'd choose
the fly
on the wall

to see you with
a glass in

and watch you
walk the snow-
imagine you
were mine.

Pour les bannis opiniâtres,
La France est ****, la tombe est près.
Prince, préside aux jeux folâtres,
Chasse aux femmes dans les théâtres,
Chasse aux chevreuils dans les forêts
Rome te brûle le cinname,
Les rois te disent : mon cousin. -
Sonne aujourd'hui le glas, bourdon de Notre-Dame,
Et demain le tocsin !

Les us frappés sont les plus dignes.
Ou l'exil ! ou l'Afrique en feu !
Prince, Compiègne est plein de cygnes,
Cours dans les bois, cours dans les vignes,
Vénus rayonne au plafond bleu ;
La bacchante aux bras nus se pâme
Sous sa couronne de raisin. -
Sonne aujourd'hui le glas, bourdon de Notre-Dame,
Et demain le tocsin !

Les forçats bâtissent le phare,
Traînant leurs fers au bord des flots !
Hallali ! hallali ! fanfare !
Le cor sonne, le bois s'effare,
La lune argente les bouleaux ;
À l'eau les chiens ! le cerf qui branle
Se perd dans l'ombre du bassin. -
Sonne aujourd'hui le glas, bourdon de Notre-Dame,
Et demain le tocsin !

Le père est au bagne à Cayenne
Et les enfants meurent de faim.
Le loup verse à boire à l'hyène ;
L'homme à la mitre citoyenne
Trinque en son ciboire d'or fin ;
On voit luire les yeux de flamme
Des faunes dans l'antre voisin. -
Sonne aujourd'hui le glas, bourdon de Notre-Dame,
Et demain le tocsin !

Les morts, au boulevard Montmartre,
Rôdent, montrant leur plaie au cœur.
Pâtés de Strasbourg et de Chartre,
Sous la table, un tapis de martre
Les belles boivent au vainqueur,
Et leur sourire offre leur âme,
Et leur corset offre leur sein. -
Sonne aujourd'hui le glas, bourdon de Notre-Dame,
Et demain le tocsin !

Captifs, expirez dans les fièvres.
Vous allez donc vous reposer !
Dans le vieux saxe et le vieux sèvres
On soupe, on mange, et sur les lèvres
Éclôt le doux oiseau baiser ;
Et, tout en riant, chaque femme
En laisse fuir un fol essaim. -
Sonne aujourd'hui le glas, bourdon de Notre-Dame,
Et demain le tocsin !

La Guyane, cachot fournaise,
Tue aujourd'hui comme jadis.
Couche-toi, joyeux et plein d'aise,
Au lit où coucha Louis seize,
Puis l'empereur, puis Charles dix ;
Endors-toi, pendant qu'on t'acclame,
La tête sur leur traversin. -
Sonne aujourd'hui le glas, bourdon de Notre-Dame,
Et demain le tocsin !

Ô deuil ! par un bandit féroce
L'avenir est mort poignardé !
C'est aujourd'hui la grande noce,
Le fiancé monte en carrosse ;
C'est lui ! César le bien gardé !
Peuples, chantez l'épithalame !
La France épouse l'assassin. -
Sonne aujourd'hui le glas, bourdon de Notre-Dame,
Et demain le tocsin !

Le 25 janvier 1853.
Mateuš Conrad Apr 2020
when one can simply peel off poetic-prose like...
so... like... scratching one's head...
or clipping toenails...

    now that washing your hands: perdiodically
and with: fingerprinting technology details...
well: i suggest all that soap bottled and
riddled by a diluted composite of:
mainly water and sodium chloride with
some perfumes...

              when one can simply peel off poetic-prose
like... that sort of a ripe banana...
not much good for raw eating with the chimps
making congregation over
arthur's later edward the confessors
round-table... no... no ape-politico!
not with darwin ideologues and those
neurosurgeons who would never meet up
with the horror-flick: almost a B-movie...
crank-me-up... doctor channard...

     but there's this... waking up to...
no... it's not the radio...
and not... a violent reaction...
      or panic in babylon...
   the brian jonestown massacre...
            #... #iwasnevercrazyaboutvivaldi-

well... checking the temp. my prayers have
been met... the pepsi... or cola...
whichever... i expect there came some
coca-cola contraband when gaining
the ingredients for the pepsi max...
i can't tell the difference these days...
between a coke zero or a pepsi max...
but sure as **** pepsi max came first...
so... contraband between corporations...

some mishter jamesh bon'        double-oh:
yep 00 does look like...
what isn't a double-U of a... W...

i mean... where could i get such words...
if not in a victorian work of chicken-scratches
and archeological scribbles...

they should defame Shakespeare... but not quiet...
only because... of that:
thane of Glamis! thane of Caledonia...
         but i should have met Dickens...
before having met... Charlotte Brontë...
hell: thank god i didn't meet Jane Austen...
and i can thank a monster for hooking me up
with Mary Shelley...

                but what's a Dickens with a fishing
rod... with no desire to entertain
a panorama of... 5am... river... pitch-black...
or thereby... and fingers counting fingers when
pinching a sound-bite of a wriggling rot-tooth
of a maggot...

       misnomer: or just the appropriate sounds?
mind you... what's that i heared about rhyme?
it looks well caged... zoological even...
given that i have been given assurances...
they would rhyme... those poems...
well... apart from the greek narrative epics...
or the latin... narrative mundane bouquets...
teasing at maxims and: fare-ye-well...
me... tarzan... jane... dr falstaff:    yummy garden
rhyme... well if rhyme it is...
you won't be needing a piece of paper on stage...
rhyming as a way to remember lines...
imagine being an actor...
for that "concern" a poet too...
and... no rhyme was involved...
i guess by rhyme you hear the bouncing ball...
and the suffixes are tabulated...
  when and thus: all this forgotten...
better in song when there are couplets
of sentences and they... end with -ed:

   i head!
to which... wink wink...
  my head of... a sunken ship's worth...
an anchor! sleeping cerberus ahoy!
we will surely pass!
into this belly of the most fantastic beast
that's Hades himself...
digesting shadow creamed with ash...
topped with a dash of hope: that's soul...
and hey presto! we'll have ourselves...
a feast: al fresco... although...
6-feet beneath the ground...
which is... aeons from sunlight...
     and... 6ft short of a flower's tip...
hardly gagging for the heights of an oak...
am i?

but that's quiet an affair...
everything, is, in, its, right... place...
i was thinking: amnesia and vanilla sky...
but then there's the curse of tom cruise
not winning best actor for:
born on the 4th of july...

it's a make-over...
the original movie is also an opening
quote from vanilla sky:
amphetamines on dylan
and cognac's worth of monet...
   open your eyes...
      again... in spanish...
abre los ojos
     abre: open...   los ojos (hush hush)...
   los: i knew it...
even the spaniards have it...
los = the...
      if the spanish have a definite article
before the eyes...
while the english have a determiner: your...
which is... by extension of the pronoun: you...
which i will use...
you(я) - chewbacca-otter round of applause!
you-i... or you-you... yoyo... W!

eh... some languages don't even
bother with a definite article or a determiner:

they just cut it down to... bypassing
grammatical shrapnel... and how can you have
gender neutral pronouns...
when the nouns themselves: are gendered?
i just heard the hyper-woke crowd
of grammatical geniuses are lying low...
worrying about spaghetti and toilet paper...
i figured: leech on!

              otwórz oczy
well... i guess the point of )open(
   is implied... that word just gobbles down
any determiner...
a verb within a verb...
to be open: ****... pronouns!
otwarty: to be open (masculine)
otwarta: to be open (feminine)...
otwartość... to be open (as a quality)...

    but i thought that we could bypass the natives
and treat english like the medieval world
treated french: lingua franca style...
i.e. the language of tourists and clown-world
intellectuals: ahem... "intellectuals"...
the lingua inglese (l'inglese)...

    open your eyes...
    could make sense if it was only an english
****** translation:
   otwórz (twoje) oczy....
but it's already an intimate statement of wants...
who's who is beside the point
when someone says: open... and eyes...
so who needs: your's to be included as my
demand for your shut eyes?

and then... the spanish definite article...
open the eyez...
abre los ojos... it might as well be german...
rhien german: not vienna prone german...
öffnen ihre! das augen!

     a translation of german, as a joke...
never tires... from spanish to english or...
the saxons on these isles really softened and turned
themselves into oysters...
mingling with the welsh the picts and the irish...
but... that's "life"...

   it's all in a pud... or a pug...
or an 'pple pi'...           or a spud...
                  or the red herring...
                        attempting to tell a joke in german...
i guess the only jokes they do tell...
are when drinking and as SS-*****-heichschtig-herr-meisters
in some concen-trato-kampisch...
  uber... uber... cosmo-ZEX... trans-...
                                               6s & 7s... of a 69'ers roulette...
the pink-bollocking ladies of the agony aunts
of the tabloid press... what's that?
oh... right! METRO-ZEXXIES! or the usuals...

joint-stock company of fish & flattery...
**** me... that's a scalping...
i wasn't expecting that to hit me...
i the bird that passes a stone to another bird...
not in a rubric of shakespeare of a cascade...
you're sort of expecting it to latch-on to you...
but not... when it's wwwwwwwwwwwinding
                                                                          w              l
                                                                          n    and then
                                "ƨbɿɒwʞɔɒd" bnoγɘd bnɒ Ɉʇɘl ɘʜɈ oɈ

and then back into a paragraph of cuddling
to a pillow... unexpecting... a near-miss of genius...
****-*******? Dickens' a worth a lot
more than ****-*******...
more like catching a ****... beheading it...
plucking it... gutting it...
poaching it a while...
before even feigning to attempt to roast it!

as is waking up to: everything is in (its / the) right place...
its by definition is not: it's...
and the... well... its can be a determine of yours...
but now we have at least three languages
to juggle...
and you're still the one sending me postcard
from Dover...
when i should hear the sound of:
piedlibre / piedsrelâché dans Calais...
so no... no postcard from kevin bacon
made homeless by Bruges or Strasbourg...
because... because of the ******* architecture!

i'll watch one commentary video...
after i have sampled some Dickens...
           and that's with an intro of some sip sip...
and afterwards... it's onto the maincourse
of music... and... counting the number
of bones in my hands... the ones that wouldn't
make me a professional snooker player...

would i even care to call radiohead a group...
passe? sooner or later pink void and floyd
the barber will be... dinosaur music...
                    and at least... this electric sunrise...
of... a movie i never starred in...
but somehow borrowed... because i didn't
want to be rudely awakened by the bbc radio 1
breakfast show... but wake up to a movie-cliche...
does it matter?
something subtle... perhaps it should have been
                         DAS BOOOOOT theme...
or         teenzeitalterRANDALIEREN of sonic youth...
diese ist nicht vesternberlinerbranddeburaegean...
schimmenschimmen... izm:siemensiemen...

i swear... either me... or the "boomer"
monty python quack and prance choke.... joke.

it's either shooting up junk or drinking and acquiring
a purse of victorian vocab wealth...
never heard of it...
              as any word... with the onslaught of slang...
"out of fashion"...
hardened...                      he had an obdurate resolve...
er war verstockt! he was stubborn...

at a time when english still clinched to:
veriloquium ex latine -
origins of truth from latin...
or at least... the meaning of words...
apart... of course... from the odd greek -suffix
or prefix- "loan" worth of scalpel...
for technicality's sake ol' chap!

                         oh things could have been...
much much worse...
i could have been the drunk and the dunce!
         lucky for me... i found... conversations...
outside of writing... a... theatre with too many...
uncertain... chess-games of...
                        origins of poker... via... physiognomy...
and... at that point...
anything by the gnostics... would suffice...
sprinkle in a little bit of kabbalah...
  hell...                        those wise wise people:
who started to know all about the misgivings
of life... the same ones...
who never held a book at a leisure...
   nor later: as a variation of their work...
that work... which offered them but one relief...
to escape boredom...
and to later find further escape...
   in being... entertained...
                             my shadow already does that
for me.
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2018
Sherif She Cat is an Arab
transgender terrorist who
was invented by Macron.

He/She apparently had 27
offences, plus having made
ambidextrous hand grenades.

She Cat was born in Strasbourg
into a litter of Moroccan alley
felines that all went feral.

At the moment, Sherif She Cat
can't be found, no doubt rooting
behind a Poubelle avec ses amies.

Meanwhile, the vestiges of yellow
are being erased from the minds
of the moulded masses.

So the Do Ron Ron, can get on,
with being the Don, while the
peasants once more, buy the Con!

— The End —