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Brad J March Jan 2011
A girl with hair like the pitch black night. 
And skin like the bleach white moon.

Steping from the shadows Into the light.

Her eyes lit with a firey baze.
Sparkiling like the sunshine 
On the mornings dew haze.

Her eyes in this way holding my gaze.
Full lips pulled back in a perfect smile.
Laughing I'm sure at my astonished face. 

This image burned into my mind.
Like the brand on cattle marked forever. 
Engulfing me as my brain surrenders.
© BJM 2011
betterdays Nov 2014
keyan blend
in coffee ***
                             sun smiling
                             high in sky

of crisp muffin
                          sea sparkiling
                          breeze cooling

lawn mowers
cutting green
                           my boys
                          gone fishin
lazy sunday
has begun..

— The End —