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jeremy wyatt May 2011
The elections are done and dusted
the results are all squared up
the cliched media champagne shots
while you drink from the victory cup

So a pretty good vote for the SNP
and a chance to pick a path
a referendum for Scotland's New Age
Cameron thinks you're having a laugh

But could an independent Scottish state
flourish North of the border
For Downing Street it would really grate
causing anguish and disorder

At home in the land of my fathers
our nationalism is awful
jobs for the boys expenses used to buy toys
so much ****** useless waffle

Our status there is lower than yours
oh boy it is such a pity
at least you are a country
not a poor ****** principality

So with hope for a bonny new future
your oil and renewables may help
you need political class and a boot up the ***
If you fail them the voters will yelp

So now you are into the parliament
Southern Scotland is your new domain
I am sure you won't fail to keep hot on the trail
of a future that's bright once again
A wee bit of fun for the New SNP Member for South of Scotland, I read it to her yesterday.
SwordNPen Dec 2019
I can’t stop feeling all these empty spaces.
It's like waiting by a phone that won't ring,
take a look around its only me.
the world is quiet while I scream
and the cuts…
The cuts are so deep, but you’re not
around to stop the bleed.  **** I
hate me. What more could be said
In an empty room full of only regret.  

SwordNPen Apr 2019
I can't control who she's with
or how she's treated I can
only remind her that i'm here,
and it breaks my heart

I can't tell her how to live
or how to feel I can only
listen and let her figure it out

I can't tell her how I feel
because she couldn't handle it right  
now, I can only try and be there
for her because that's all I can offer

   She is a dream that you never want to wake up from….

Ryan O'Leary Sep 2022
Kami Kwasi Kwarteng

      They thought by calling it

      mini budget people would

      Only engage intermittent
    wipers, it’s but a mist, well,

     **** has just landed on the

     windscreen, so max speed.

   The SNP wants an immediate

    Kosovo US NATO approved

   Referendum (which was held

   Without even voting) yet they

    Have the audacity to call the

Catalonia Donbas one's a Sham.

   Wake up world, democracy is

A mere bi-product of dictatorship

Elections are but a rationing by

   The rulers to give the illusion

That your one minute in a ballot

   Box every four years matters.

    Don’t be so ******* dumb.
Yenson Jan 2021
Meghan, Duchess of Sussex states, I am the most trolled and hated woman on earth
Diane Abbott replied, have you seen below.....

The Black Prince intoned, did your receive your membership cards,
I've got mine.....its barred me from living!!

Diane Abbott alone received almost half of all the abusive tweets sent to female MPs , research by Amnesty International has revealed.

The shadow home secretary, comes under a relentless campaign of racist and sexist abuse The abuse directed at her amounted to 10 times as much as was received by any other female MP, according to the Amnesty study.

Amnesty researchers found Abbott received 45% of all abusive tweets sent to female MPs. In the previous six months, she received just under a third of all abuse sent to the same group.

The report, authored by Amnesty technology and human rights researcher Azmina Dhrodia, looked at a sample of 900,223 tweets between 1 January and 8 June, drawn from social media analysis tool Crimson Hexagon.

However, deleted tweets or those whose accounts had been suspended could not be counted, which Dhrodia said could indicate the true scale of abuse was higher than could be accurately recorded.

Black and Asian female MPs received 35% more abusive tweets than their white colleagues, even when Abbott was excluded from the total, the research found.

Of the 140,000 tweets mentioning the shadow home secretary’s Twitter handle, @HackneyAbbott, one in 20 were classified as abusive. During the six months the tweets were monitored, Abbott received more abuse than all female MPs from the Conservative and Scottish National parties combined.

Abbott told the study her experience as an MP had gone from receiving one racist letter a week to hundreds every day, including letters covered in swastikas and pictures of monkeys and chimpanzees. “It’s the volume of it which makes it so debilitating, so corrosive, and so upsetting. It’s the sheer volume. And the sheer level of hatred that people are showing,” she told researchers.

Abbott said she was “not entirely surprised” she was the main target for abuse but added it was “sickening to see it in figures”.

“It’s highly racialised and it’s also gendered because people talk about **** and they talk about my physical appearance in a way they wouldn’t talk about a man. I’m abused as a female politician and I’m abused as a black politician.”

Asian women received the most abuse, despite making up just under 9% of female MPs in Westminster, with an average of 132 abusive tweets per MP, 30% higher than white women.

Former SNP MP Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh, who lost her seat at the June election, told the report the abuse had made her family question why she was putting herself in the spotlight. “Internally, it hurts a lot. It really, really hurts a lot. It’s personal,” she said.
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2019
Nicola Sturgeon's suggestion
of a 2nd Indy Ref has just put
the SNP on a similar list as
Nicholas Madura, using same
tactics via attacking Salmond.

Time for The Scots to change
into trousers and stop being
******* like the Welsh Wipes,
look west to Ireland where the
sun set on the British Empire.

             \\||/ /
getting fitted for a new pair of dentures
at Liberty Dental in Phoenixville, Pennsylvania;
The tab picked up courtesy
Aetna Medicare Advantra Cares (HMO D-SNP).

Unfortunately said outcome
represents the exception
(regarding measuring success or failure
in the school room or work place)
rather than the rule,
whereat scattershot academic,
and employment history
reveals mine curriculum vitae
chock-a-block extant
with poor scholastic performance
and termination (as if pierced
with a terrible swift sword)
from one job after another respectively.

I made an absolute ZERO effort attempt
to score high marks or earn kudos,
no rhyme nor reason why
yours truly rarely
if ever sought to persevere,
and essentially did not try
though forever dog gone tired
donning figurative dunce cap -
a pointed hat, formerly used
as an article of discipline

in schools in Europe
and the United States—
especially in the 19th
and early 20th centuries—
for children who were disruptive
or were considered slow in learning,
(where classmates or other employees
assailed ready made fodder
made snickering snide remarks
in tandem with

swashbuckling sword play - nah
akin to the three musketeers -
barred from Mars)
toward extremely socially withdrawn boy
whispering under their breath at a lad,
who owned an inferiority complex
the size of Pennsylvania)
exhibiting faith no more in self
at a painfully early age
found him eager, ready and willing
to allow, enable, and provide

ripe opportunity for others to ply
name calling and bullying,
experiencing trauma analogous to
British POWs ordered
by their Japanese captors
to construct a bridge
of strategic importance
over the river Kwai
but never did tears of sadness
simultaneously emanate
from left and right eye.

— The End —