Yesterday, today, and then
every other day!
These are the days of the week
that somehow counts for me.
During these hopeful days
the week goes by quick
as a snow slide,
and frozen tears of ice
through the corners of my eye
in my locked up window...
These days goes by through the front glass of my car,
fogging my way & my whole vision.
Yesterday, today, and every other day
the newspaper arrives at my doorsteps, rain or shine. St. Pete Times or USA Today,
are left outside for me, soaking wet
and tintilating,cold, and moody,
with only sad news to offer me...
Nothing seem sadder to me
that a cold and rainy humid winter,
without dirt snowangels,
half melted and salt spread all over it.
Salt bring bad luck. I was told. No. Nothing is sadder
than a rainy winter day
when its snow is no longer white
but a dark shade of gray
like the disarrayed fur
on a grayish and old
fake mink coat...
The snow is not hard as rock, is soft like melted sugar in my warm coffee cup.
Yesterday, today, and every other day
I lit a smoke, that I promised to quit yrs. ago.
And I watch through my window
this melting snow,
dressing the cars in white, the departing airplanes
humming loudly outside, and the lonely, but wild, and crazy
laughing gulls singing
mindless of everything that's going on around. Laughing loud at my boring days; Today, yesterday, and every other day...