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Chris D Aechtner Nov 2021
Empire caused "Meek" and "Warden"
to become lost for the people divided.

The ancient etymological root intent and
definition of Meek: A person who is trained
and experienced in wielding the sword
who attempts to keep the sword sheathed for
as much as logically possible.

State and Church are cut from
the same cloth, designed to divide,
denature, and disarm on many levels.

State, Corporation, and Church (snot to be mistaken with sacred Vedas and source
codes. King David's and King Solomon's
writing is lush and powerful, and following
the lessons of Isa KRST can cause a more
peaceful, sustainable world),
close your inner eye.

Empire wants the peasants to believe
in "Meek" in a specific way for obvious reasons.
"Warden" is meant to be defined as not ever technically owning anything on Earth, including our children, and that it's our duty to natural Earth laws and Mother womb to stand against perpetrators who goose-step through the gardens and creeks.

"Warden" became inverted, turned on its
head to empty people's heads and pockets.

There are those who need to be dark for the
others. There are good dark fallen petals that
have their own light to survive the darkness.
The dark fallen petals lean towards the
divine feminine to bring balance and
harmony to the universal laws when toxic
male Jinn fire energy grows and spreads
into unbalance and unsustainability.

There are those of us who carry fangs
For Earth Womb, are willing supplicant cubs For Mother Huntress—sacred arrows
Notched in watery bow-spring.

Never Surrender to that which offers worse than death.

Surrender only to that which offers the water of life.

The Greatest Deception within the
Grand Illusion is to make people believe
that fire resembles false water:
Multifaceted, modified bait and switch.

The dark fallen petals fill their bowls
with water, then place the flame upon the water.

Filling your bowl first with fire, burns your mind and spirit into a husk. Attempting to extinguish a burning bowl with water, causes a polluted, murky brain and mind.

Always fill your pond with water,
let the water lilies and lotus grow
into wide open bloom. Always fill your chalice with water, then add the flame
upon the water. Mind as water, fluid,
able to flow alongside universal change
while adhering to universal constants.

State and Church are parasitic templates.
I'm snot suggesting that most people are bad and corrupted. You know the proverbial cliché: The road to hell is paved in good intentions. Prolonged saturation of negative entrenchment causes most every product to be negatively toxic regardless of initial intent going in.

Church and State are designed to close the inner eye and burn down the bowl permanently, leaving the hollow host with a jughead to fill with remote control leash and halter.

Church and State are designed to offer fire gift-wrapped in false water: The deceptive light that's obsessed with lighting candles in
an attempt to compensate for a burned down inner bowl that bathes the host in artificial light.

The nexus point between Church and State is the most insidious force that I've ever faced.

People who haven't already learned to do so, need to learn how to shield their minds from here on in. The next 15 years or so are gonna include some extraordinarily weird and intense moments and happenings across the world.

Learning to place the flame upon the water saved my body, mind, and spirit; It's the cleanest process and advice that I can offer.
It isn't an ultimate universal cure-all, as that is a wolf in sheep's clothing; It's a process that people can use to find their answers.

Empire always offers the ultimate answers, the psychopath that opportunistically builds traps as supposed solutions that lead to freedom and safety. Offered via State or Church, the answers are fire god traps disguised as water.

Nevermind conspiracy theory too, perceive it from various angles and scopes of objective perspective: please consider: trillions upon trillions of particles and particulates that range between organic and xenobiotic, natural and artificial, genetic and non-genetic: variables within trillions of natural and artificial rays, waves, pulses, beams, X, strings, that are emitted from trillions of organic and inorganic sources, such as uranium belts, stars, billions of wires, antennae, coils, tubes, on and on, BLASTED
into our bodies 24/7, awake, while asleep. While we dream.

Tinfoil (lol) can refract X negatively onto other reflective and refractive surfaces, cause amplification of ocular reception. Also, a wave/beam that might've passed through the skull and brain only once, can be bounced around the skull due to a tinfoil hat placed upon the crown.

Our bodies get hit within inevitability. The mix includes multifaceted physiological and psychological levels. And, images—trillions of images expressed in various states and forms.

Fire disguised as water causes hyper-inner conflict, shame, guilt, and fear that, when prolonged, eventually breaks the mind. A mind can break only however many times that it takes to bring specific minds to unfixable state.

Empire attempts to trick you into placing fire into your chalice first, it's that clean, base, simple, and primary.

Water religions/psychology/projections
produce more peaceful, accepting societies
that range in every possible mix of melanin and spice. Whenever a society retrogrades back to fire god worship and Sun sacrifice psychology and belief systems, the people and land become poisoned and dry, divided, cleaved under the weight of the cloven hoof

after having built another Tower of Babel.

Water cools the tempered sword
Glowing freshly from the forge.

Blossoming open in one way
Protects in many ways
That can't happen without acceptance.

When the dove sparks, stirs, drinks
From your chalice, and unfolds her wings into golden light inside your brain,
Empire's messaging no longer
Makes sense in a good way.
Ongoing rough blah blah blah, 11 15 2021
Chris D Aechtner Nov 2021
There are few impossibilities, one of those being the ability to follow science. Pure science is too far ahead to be followed.
That which is left in the resulting wake of exploration isn't scientific. Science isn't claims made by News Science and marketers for trillion $ industries. Science isn't a scientific research paper funded by The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation or The Rockefeller Foundation: That's simply business as usual, and it's been like that for centuries.

“Follow the science” is this era's “Sol orbits Earth”. Can you do science or do you merely script and parrot slogans and opinions. Are you capable of writing your own research paper or do you merely read the research papers of others.

Science on its own teaches nothing, and nothingness; experience teaches.

A scientist isn't a labcoat, beakers, and sponsorships. I've had some of the most adept scientific mentors on the planet come to unanimous consensus that I'm too idealistic for this world. I was ******* from the get-go lol. There isn't a universal constant and universal law that I can't conceptualize and understand inside-out, and I now know less for certain than I did when I was 5 years old. But, every second person claims to be scientific. *******.

Knowing how macromolecules chain into larger polymer chains, and how those polymers chain together to cause a tangible “object”, so to speak, is being an eternal Padawan Apprentice following a creek bed in the bedrock of an echochamber canyon that reverberates to the choir. Knowing how the tests, medicine, drugs, cosmetics, foods, and most everything else that people absorb and use, function and interact, and being careful to snot mistake co-relation for direct-strength causality, is a very alienating existence in society. Most everyone supposedly knows most everything: It has the atmosphere of a morgue and slaughterhouse merged into a box for this Brave New World.

Cattle life is but a blue screen dream to merrily row through to the hypnotic beat of North America's nightmarishly silent screams.

Apex power and hyper-philanthropists
could've been transparent, dropped the
Technocratic Wizard of Oz horseshit act,
simply asked for Martyrs who “follow the science” to step forward in the name of science, progress, and duty to free society and the good of the whole,

and most of the denatured cowards,
heartless tin soldiers, and dumbed-down scarecrow double agents for Empire,
would've come forward in lock-step, lined up along the fool's gold brick road to receive
the shots of Kool-AIDS in a sense of duty, piety, virtuosity, and self-righteousness,


Could've been transparent, explained that
the Fiat economy crashed, that it's being held
up with strings as illusory slop for the trough, that The Fourth Industrial Revolution is being ushered in, and 75% of the global population doesn't have Golden Tickets to The Great Show.

I've always promoted and advocated for medical ethics and proper informed consent.
11 13 2021

The Novavax NVX-CoV2373 COVID-19 vaccine doesn't use synthetic computer coded digital mRNA and petroleum-based synthetic lipids and nanotech such as PEG 2000 and GOgel.
The NVX-CoV2373 primer is derived from cloned sl9 moth cells instead of cloned human/chimpanzee/other, and the booster is an adjuvant derived from tree bark. The NVX-CoV-2373 vaccine helps to build immunity towards variants of virions and bacteria. The NVX-CoV-2373 vaccine doesn't include ingredients that the big brands use, those ingredients often being neurotoxins and highly volatile xenobiotics that damage cells, nerves, and eco-systems.
Chris D Aechtner Nov 2021
I've pondered on whether or snot Sun Tzu
was psychopathic. Sun Tzu might've been a
good man and a bad man strange variant of serial killer/Apex Prime Exterminator within
his theories and experiments.
Every successful contemporary military, government, politician, global health advisory control panel, corporation, and CEO practices The Art of War.

Sun Tzu added a trident to each prong of
the pre-existing "Three-Pronged Approach". Instead of there being three main paths and results only, there were now many possible combinations and results, especially when
Dark Sun Tzu added a trident to each of the
expanded 9 prongs for 27 possible results,
then did that again for 72 possible results
that can be arrived at from many possible
combinations and pathways.

The fork is an often primal, psychoapathic thrusting force—a thrusting force of nature
on many levels of instinct, natural Earth laws
and universal laws, and sociopsychology—
the fork is code, icon, symbol, archetype,
metaphor, Meta, in parallel with the trident,
unsheathed sword, the thrusting ***** *****
and hypodermic needle:

Hypo dermis: beneath the skin:
Ancient Greek etymological root that moves
through Latin and Auld English, from deeper
symbology and metaphor, to the technocratic
medical and clinical, to a chrome or chrome
plated hypodermic needle.

The most maniacal journey and result within Sun Tzu's expanded and multiplied "Three-Pronged Approach" is to use heavy
psychological direction to assist the enemy to disembowel itself before your feet while the enemy believes that you're reaching down as friend to help it. The enemy believes that
you're a saviour who is offering it a cure-all healing apple. The "apple" cuts through the enemy's belly. Now convulsing in pain on the ground, the enemy believes that you're a benevolent angel reaching down to help as the enemy pulls out its bowels onto the green grass, with greasy, slickened hands.

Trident. Forked Tongue. Snake in the grass.
Apple. Belly of the Beast. Snake bite: The
chrome fangs of the one-eyed technocratic
serpent on the Rod and on the Staff. That

was later adapted into Marxist, ****,
and Democratic medical practices on the national and corporate levels, and on international levels within foreign diplomatic agendas: Get the enemy to **** and/or sicken
itself within the belief that its actions are
saving itself, loved ones, and free society.
When Sun Tzu's momentum is used, an
intended target enemy can send Sun Tzu
orbiting back around in various forms and
forces that are usually far worse and forceful
than its previous forms and applications.

The enemy cries out for, begs on its knees for, the medicine.

"Ask and thou shalt receive."

The enemy dispenses the medicine to its offspring, enforces the absorption of the medicine, crawls back to its hive of maggots
to dispense the medicine

on its last dying breath.

Many people misunderstood the implications of "Flatten the curve". For how many more centuries will the cycle of not quite "normal" and not quite "novel" continue? Will the adults ever understand the fairy tales.
Vatican Witches and Federal Government
poison that need to be burned and purified
in their own fire. Good Cop/Bad Cop politics and The Welfare State breaks the family,
steals the bread crumbs, and the children
are lost in the woods again, hooked on candy and Federal Government endorsed dope.

It's amazing, aside from the miracle of Earth and life, I finally believe in miracles: A person can read a story 10,000 times and fail to apply it when needed most of all.
11 13/14 2021
Chris D Aechtner Nov 2021
Captain Obvious non-profundititties:

The same individuals, families, groups, institutions, organizations, governments,
and foundations that fund and profit from the research, development, and manufacture of weapons/arms/firepower, and that spark wars with propaganda, sloganeering, and social moral tribalism in general, profit greatly from the use of bombs that damage cities.

That same Apex power structure gains massive profits from the rebuilding of the damaged cities and from the modification of socioeconomic platforms and systems, and profited gravely from the genesis of those cities in the first place.

Apex power uses a middleman saviour syndrome power structure within Crisis Management Economics to perpetually keep the peasants divided against each other in groups that achieve groupthink psychic phenomena within an overall state of inner hyper-conflict, guilt, shame, uncertainty, and neurotic fear. The Apex power structure has three main nexus points that are the Unholy Trinity:

The Vatican: Spiritual (variants of ******, an ancient concept, require spirituality/Occult and quasi-science to merge with the pre-existing centralization and monopolization of authority and corporation spawned via fascism)

City of London/The Crown Corporation: World Bank driven global economy

Washington D.C.: Military and hyper-surveillance/Big Tech

The Sun Tzu saviors play good cop/bad cop in slow-boil, two faces on the same Judas coin lying and flipping at the bottom of the ***. Both sides have the concentration camps. Both sides push dope but gaslight kids for using drugs. Both sides engage in non-consensual **** on many different levels. Both sides are directly connected to 72+% of all negative pollution, and gaslight the poorest to supposedly help fix the problem with giving money to the entities that **** Earth. Both sides sell arms/weapons to all sides, and both sides obviously don't want the peasants to know how the world functions and operates.
11 12 2021
Chris D Aechtner Apr 2022
(snottah poem)

In full disclosure that the following expressions are based on conjecture, I want to add my own COVID-19 mythology into the mix.

I will use method acting to become immersed in a mythological character who has the desire to thwart the Moderna & Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA SGT intramuscular injections with a multi-drug-resistant & COVID-19 mRNA genetic therapeutic-resistant SCoV2 variation that people label erroneously, as: Omicron.

Not only do I—the mythological character—desire to thwart the Moderna & Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA SGT intramuscular injections, I want to protect the "unvaccinated".
Within that hypothetical, mythological scenario, I know that the COVID-19 mRNA SGT intramuscular injections can cause specific types of immune white blood cells to become transfected & die, & that COVID-19 mRNA injected hosts shed extremely harmful, artificially-elicited SCoV2 Alpha B.1.1.7 variation S glycoproteins that can harm the "unvaccinated". The "unvaccinated" already have enough to deal with, as is, especially as many of the "vaccinated" seem to become more socially tyrannical towards the "unvaccinated"—& in general—with each new "booster" received.

Aside from causing "Omicron" to become multi-drug-resistant, & COVID-19 mRNA genetic therapeutic-resistant, in my interest to protect the "unvaccinated" from the more potentially dire effects of "Omicron" infection, one of my main points of interest with "Omicron" is to edit a non-linear sublineage "Omicron" variation progenitor in a way that disables its ability to infect immune white blood cells via their LFA-1 receptors in order that "Omicron" infection doesn't cause a form of AIDS in the "unvaccinated". The mythological character, that is I, desires for some **** sapiens to survive the Transhumanist COVID-19 Great Reset agenda with as much of their original DNA intact as possible.
Another main point of interest of mine is to design "Omicron" to be extremely transmissable.

After having successfully designed my Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley-inspired Frankenstein's Chimera, "Omicron" doesn't leak from my laboratory settings. No! I spread the sizzling-hot, gorgeous Promethean Flame. Lab leaks are for the reckless without a good cause.

Upon hearing that my arch nemesis, Herr Doktor Fauci, whom I've loathed since 1994, will be participating in a fake-science awards ceremony in South Africa in the near future, I get an accomplice to fly me to South Africa in his private jet.
During the flight, I lovingly caress the portable cooling box situated beside me, in which is stored my greatest design—the checkmate that will help topple the abomination: The One-Eyed Technocratic Tower of Moderna & Pfizer COVID-19 Synthetic mRNA Genetic Therapeutic.

After landing in South Africa, I arrive at the outdoor fake-science awards ceremony with 1 minute to spare before it commences. I stand at the back of the crowd that surrounds the open-air dias upon which stands my arch nemesis with a gloating, malignant smile on his face.
While focused on Herr Doktor Fauci's rat-like face, I release my beloved creation, with a blown kiss, onto the swirling warm air of South Africa.

The atmosphere works divinely for the release of "Omicron" in South Africa. When news of my creation's arrival breaks, a main group of the world's population leans towards theories, hypotheses, & narratives of "host variant spin-off", & another main group leans towards theories, hypotheses, & narratives of lab leak, as the particular area of South Africa in question is sprinkled with biolabs that are involved in coronavirus research. Perfect.

Another variable leads many people away from the Least Trodden Path that meanders between the extremes of science & religion:
There are known "Omicron" variations in North America that pre-date my greatest design.

Via the use of my accomplice's private jet, I spread "Omicron BA.1" (that I dubbed, as: Omegatron 7.2) throughout the continents. I begin to spread some misinformation & disinformation on social media, such as,
"The Omicron variant is a hoax, a mythological cover (which it often is) for the adverse effects & events that are caused from the COVID-19 mRNA SGT intramuscular injections."

I don't own a white hat. I'm a red magician.
March 29, 2022

— The End —